Present UISplitViewController in UITabBarController app by UIButton - ios

I have a UISplitViewController which is called by the tap on UITabBarItem. Everything works fine unless I need to call the UISplitController from the other places in my app by clicking on cell for example. I can't push it or present it modal.
Is there a way to do this ? I know that the design of the app is not perfect but I can't change it unfortunately. So I need to present the UITabBarViewController by pressing some element on other tabs of the app.

you can not push or present uisplitviewcontroller because it must be as root of can create custom splitview using your custom view controllers
up to my knowledge that i know....


Swift iOS app - issue with change storyboard segue kind - cant change from modally to show

As you can see - i selected show but on main storyboard and in app it works like modaly.
What's wrong with it?
Even if i change to any other option, it works modally!
Edit: If i add button and segue to other view - it works always modally to even if i change this value.
For appearing with "Back" button in the navigation bar, you need to use Navigation Controller at first. In order to can push inside.
Check the image, Now it will be handled to push inside the stack of the view controllers of the navigation controller.

SplitviewController in navigationviewcontroller

Hey I am building my first ios application using xcode. I'm a total noob in xcode and swift and I am trying to use the storyboards to set-up my app. Here's a link to the prototype
Basically my issue is where I want to do the split view on the resellers page. I want to use the splitviewcontroller only on the page, so after an intro viewcontroller in a navigation controller. like this
I read somewhere that a splitviewcontroller must be the initial view controller, however this works if I use segues that pop up modally. But when I do that I don't really have a navigation bar anymore on the page. I only have the splitview, but there must be the option to go back.
Am I doing this completely wrong or is there a simple fix to get what I want?
If you want to present your UISplitViewController modally, then you need to wrap into UINavigationController. After it you can add UIBarButtonItem in your UISplitViewController and set an action to dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

Switching UINavigationViewController to UITabBarController with Segues

I am changing my app to use UITabBarController instead of UINavigationViewController. I replaced controllers accordingly and app launches with tabs successfully. Later in the code I came across some difficulties using segues where lines like
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"ImageViewController" sender:self];
won't work producing error
"Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController"
When I embedded UINavigationController into the initial FirstViewController, line above worked fine. I need that line to switch between views and pass some data to another view controller.
The problem is that using segue identifier to go to SecondViewController hides TabBar navigation (unless I wrap SecondViewController in UINavigationController again and so on). That is not the solution.
Question: How to use UITabBarController and still take advantage of segues while keeping tab navigation visible?
"Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController"
Sounds to me like you are using a push segue somewhere outside a navigation controller. Try to select all "segue bubbles" in interface builder that are not inside a navigation controller:
and check the segue's style in the right pane:
If the style is set to the value push as shown above change it to modal or custom:
There is something wrong with your connections. If you are using interface builder (storyboard) then your connections should look like this. See pic
Notice you are missing UINavigation Title headers. Also the gray area below on each view controller means that space is reserved for images for UITabBarController
Another problem is your UIToolBar. Looks like its sitting on top of where UITabBar will be displayed. That may/may not get your app rejected by apple since you already have a UINavigationController and UITabBarController. If you need more buttons/options on that page make them UIButtons instead.

Page-based App, UINavigation Controller, Similar to iOS Calendar

I want to do use the Apple template for a Page-based App (Xcode 4.4.1, iOS 5) and then be able to "push" pages from the page view...
Create a Page-based App
Add a button to Data View -> view -> view (The nested view)
Add a "Push" segue to a new Controller/View
Expect when the button is pressed that it will "Push" to the new view.
But it doesn't, and I don't know how to make it happen. I assume I need a UINavigationController somewhere, but I'm not sure where and how to insert it.
Note: I can use a modal segue which does what is expected, but not a push segue.
I found the answer, and it was one of the two obvious choices. I added a navigation controller in front of the RootViewController.
I think I missed it originally because Xcode keep crashing so I assumed it wasn't going to work.

ios - UITabViewController working, but now my other segueys stopped working

I enabled o UITabView on the bottom of the screen, and that works, but the rest of my buttons on the app screen suddenly stopped working. Would anyone know why that might happen? I was using push segueys for them.
I think the issue may be that originally I have a NavigationController that I use on the app, and then the UITabBar controller interferes with it.
As per Apple recommendation, UITabBarController should only be the root controller of an app. I think what you are doing is you are having the UITabBarController nested in your UINavigationController, and that won't work.
You can instead select your navigation controller and embed it in a UITabBarController. (I don't have XCode with me now, but I think there's an option in the menu called Embed in -> Tab Bar Controller. You can search for it in Help.)
(If you need the tab bar controller to be nested under nav controller, I believe you need to use some buttons to fake its effect.)
If you only need a tab bar but not tabbar controller, then don't use tabbar controller.
