How many splash screens can be used in one application in ios? - ios

How many splash screens can be there in one iphone application.
If the answer is only one then what is the reason behind, like if there are other Views and they are talking long to load when app is in running state. Is it static or what..

You manually create splash screens, so go ahead and make as many as you'd like.


iOS app missing splash screen, new black borders and ui glitching after visualstudio 8.10.10 and xcode 13 update

Just updated to Xcode 13 and Visualstudio Mac to 8.10.10. Since then my app:
Wont display the splash screen.
The app is cropped at top and bottom.
Ui is acting generally weird.
Now I have read old threads on similar problems and adding the Launch screen interface file base name. in the info.plist file does make the app cover the whole screen.
I have tried switching splash screens and change location. But it's just black. I don't use a storyboard for the splash and instead provide several different resolutions, which have worked fine for several years.
The UI is glitching like the loader picture, and several different ui elements where colors are provided are "cut" in the middle showing two colors when it should switch.
I have read the release notes for xcode13 but haven't found anything related that would break the whole UI.
The interface glitching and no splash screen I can't seem to find a solution for. Everything worked fine before the update.
What could be the problem? Some setting in the info.plist, a checkbox in the storyboard?
I'm still new to Xamarin and iOS development and greatly accept suggestions.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
iOS load glitch picture
According to your statement, you are not using a storyboard, so you need to replace the Launch Screen with a LaunchImage, then check the LaunchImage file (if it does not exist, you need to create it yourself) and add all strictly standardized pictures inside.

React Native Launch/Splash Screen best practices?

I hope everyone is safe during these times. I have been working on React-Native for quite some time now and I still seem to be facing issues with the launch and splash screen.
As per my requirements I need to have a launch screen and then a splash screen, the behavior is that if you haven't opened the app yet on your phone it will show you the launch screen and then the splash screen (two separate assets).
I have built two assets with the same dimensions and have used a package called react-native-splash-screen to achieve this behavior but even with the same dimensions for the assets my launch screen and splash screen end up rendering differently.
The package uses .xib files for iOS and I feel like Storyboard would be a better fit for this use case, but even when using storyboard I am having trouble making my asset scale across devices (it could be good for iPhone 11 but not good with iPhone 8 for example), I did use constraints but to be honest even after trying many times I can't seem to get it perfect.
I know launch screens and splash screens are in most apps out there today, but can someone help me or point me in the right direction to implement this with the best practices especially with React-Native?
Thank you very much.
I have been researching the same topic myself. There is a newer package available that uses storyboards instead. It is called react-native-bootsplash. If you are going to stick with using a package, I would reccommend this one instead because it is more recently maintained.
You can follow this article to add splash screen this is correct way to implement splash screen splash-screen-in-react-native i used this way in all of my apps

Difference between launch image and splash screen

I was going through iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
It was mentioned as
Display a launch image that closely resembles the first screen of the application. This practice decrease the perceived launch time of your application.
Avoid displaying an About Window or a splash screen. In general, try to avoid providing any type of startup experience that prevents people from using your application immediately.
What is the difference between a launch image and a splash screen?
Launch image is the image that appears when you launch your app, the images you put in the xcode (iphone, iphone retina, ipad landscape, ipad landscape retina, ipad portrait and ipad portrait retina)
Apple recomends using a screenshot of your app main window, so it appears that your app launch faster (I use a screenshot without buttons)
Splass screen is, for example, the screens the games use, where you can see the company logo and some other info, some of them even use 2 or 3 splass screens. You have to include them programmatically
Wow, old question with no accepted or highly-upvoted answer, bubbling to the front page thanks to an edit. Guess I may as well try my hand at clearing things up?
Launch Image (or Launch Screen)
This is displayed by the OS itself, and appears only while the OS is loading your app (that is, before your process is running and any of your own code gets a chance to execute.
Because your app has no running code to handle display of the launch image, the way you provide one is part of your Xcode project's build-time configuration: Either you provide a LaunchScreen.storyboard, or a set of static launch images — one for each device screen size you support.
Apple's Human Interface Guidelines recommend that your launch image be a rough facsimile of the initial UI of your app. There are a couple of reasons for that:
The launch screen is displayed only briefly before your app takes over and can display its own UI, so having the launch image look like the actual UI makes the user feel more like they're jumping right into your app instead of having to wait for something else.
The launch screen is displayed only briefly, so if you display something that doesn't look like your initial UI, the user may see it flash and go away before they can get a decent look at it.
(Because your launch screen should look like actual UI, and because there are many screen sizes to support, the storyboard approach is preferred — you can use Auto Layout to ensure that your fake UI adapts to different screen sizes just like your real UI would. Xcode then generates the necessary images at build time.)
Splash Screen or About Window
This is what you see in many apps that don't follow Apple's guidance, and it comes in two forms (used separately or together):
Using the Launch Screen system to display content that doesn't look like the app's initial UI — instead, for example, it might be a logo or some other branding element, or might include static text like copyright notices, credits, or version information.
After the app has launched (and thus has control of the screen to display whatever it wants), continuing to display logos or branding or other passive content instead of a usable UI.
The second case is recommended against, but sometimes unavoidable — game engines, in particular, tend to take awhile to start up, so it might be okay to have a "loading" screen. (If so, your launch image should look like your loading screen, so that the user doesn't feel like they're separately waiting for your app to launch and then load.)
The worst offenders are apps that don't really have any extra "loading" work to do, but use a splash screen as their launch image, and then programmatically continue to display that image for an arbitrary amount of time so that the user gets more chance to see it. (And has to wait for it to get out of the way, or manually dismiss it, before actually using the app.)
Launch Image is displayed when the app loads.
Splash screen means, that you display a view with about information as your startscreen. Your User should use your app immediately.
The launch image is designed to make the perceived launch time of you app feel faster by showing something resembling the interface that will be loaded as quickly as possible. Displaying a logo does nothing but draw attention to how quickly your app loads and adds nothing to the user’s experience.
If your bundle have default.png then apps takes as a launch image and it remains on screen for 3 seconds
In iOS splash screen means when you provide any image named Default.png in the bundle and before executing the mainWindow it is just loading that image in the iPhone screen. So, Default.png image is considered as the Splash Screen in iPhone.
While you load the mainWindow in the iPhone application, you can assign any image that can be viewed in the screen in the specific size as given that is called the launch image.
So, launch image that is one which we provide run time when application launches and starting the main-window. And here launch image can be dynamically changed based on program written while Default.png / splash screen will be fixed for the application.
Please let me know if you still have any question?
Launch Image may take a little short time. It shows when app loading starts into iphone volatile memory. it shows for very short.
Splash screen means, that you display an Image until your necessary information loading not complete. Like, U can see any loading image before start any heavy game. When all data loading complete then this screen removed and game statrs.
It may shows for little long. !
Launch Image is displayed when the app loads. It is designed to make your app feel faster by showing something resembling the interface that will be loaded as quickly as possible.
Splash screen means, that you display a view with about information as your start screen. Your User should use your app immediately.

ios - how do I make an app which I developed on the iPhone storyboard also work on the iPad?

I have an app that is nearing completion. So far I have just been using the iPhone storyboard to map out the navigation, but I would also like the app to work on the iPad. Is there a way to just "make it work" or do I have to re-do by hand the entire app flow on the iPad's storyboard?
Considering they have different resolutions, and aspect ratios, you really just have to grin and bear it, and convert it all manually. You can at least copy the storyboard file to a new one, and adjust the views one by one to be ipad-sized
If you made it a universal app, I'd suggest creating another storyboard targeted for iPad and work from scratch. You can still use all the controllers and methods therein for your new views (considering there's nothing very specific) with some slight modifications to adjust for the iPad.

Displaying different Launch Images based on IOS Version

I have a situation causing me to have a need to support two different launch images for Portrait orientation on iPads as the views will be different depending on the IOS version.
I'm developing iPad/iPhone app that supports a UISplitViewController as the root window when the device is an iPad. In IOS 5.0, supports the master view controller being displayed in split view while in portrait mode by responding "NO" in the shouldHideViewController UISplitViewControllerDelegate method. In IOS 4.2, this method is not called and thus the Master View Controller is not displayed in Portrait orientation. Instead, it is a popover presented when a Nav button is pressed.
Is there a way to create a single version of the application (from an iTunes customer perspective) that includes the appropriate launch image based on IOS version?
The iPhone App Programming Guide within the Advanced Tips and Tricks section describes how different launch images can be specified based on platform and device, but no IOS version as so: key_root-platform~device
Another post's answer indicated that I may be able to solve a similar problem by creating multiple targets to support multiple versions. Is it possible to create multiple targets and upload them to Apple as a single application and have them distribute the appropriate binaries based on version? Any tips on how would be greatly appreciated.
No, there is no way to do what you are asking for. Your best bet is to come up with some launch image that's not trying to be a faithful reproduction of what your home screen is.
Could you not just show the split view with the popover/sidebar closed in landscape view? That way it will look much the same for iOS4 and iO5.
I think you can accomplish this by creating a custom splash screen. Then you can perform a runtime check and load the appropriate image based on the iOS version. I have seen custom splash screens before (eg animated splash screens).
I think you would overide startupImageWithOrientation:, see this post more for info.
As for your question about having multiple targets be one app, the answer is no.
