Why does my program give wrong answer for a test case? - greedy

Codeforces problem 1A
My solution is giving the wrong output for test case 16(1000000000 1000000000 192). I think this is because I have selected a less suitable data type. Judge's log is given below:
Test: #16, time: 0 ms., memory: 0 KB, exit code: 0, checker exit code: 1, verdict: WRONG_ANSWER
1000000000 1000000000 192
Checker Log
wrong answer 1st numbers differ - expected: '27126743055556', found: '-270385980'
My solution:
using namespace std;
long long int n,m,a,b;
int main()
return 0;
Kindly guide me.

Your program works fine.
Have a look at this http://codeforces.com/contest/1/submission/6514118


Dart double "bitwise not" is giving different result (~~-1 != -1)

So I am running dart on DartPad And I tried running the following code:
import 'dart:math';
void main() {
Which resulted in the following outputs
As you can see inverting the bits from 0 results in the max number (I was expecting -1 as dart uses two's complement) and inverting from -1 results in 0, which creates the situation where inverting 2 times -1 does not give me -1.
Looks like it's ignoring the first bit when inverting 0, why is that?
Dart compiled for the web (which includes DartPad) uses JavaScript numbers and number operations.
One of the consequences of that is that bitwise operations (~, &, |, ^, <<, >> and >>> on int) only gives 32-bit results, because that's what the corresponding JavaScript operations do.
For historical reasons, Dart chooses to give unsigned 32-bit results, not two's complement numbers. So ~-1 is 0 and ~0 is the unsigned 0xFFFFFFFF, not -1.
In short, that's just how it is.

New to c, what main() should return each time?

In some examples of int main() i have seen, there is always a return 0 in the end.
When do you have to return a number different then zero and what number should this be? only 1? or any numer like 4,6,1000,139438493??
I am used to simpler languages like python and Im a bit comfused.
Depends on the operating system.
Traditionally 0 means "ok".
Use -1 or 1, 2, 3 as error indicator.
And check with your OS how to work with that result

Buffer Overflow Not Overflowing Return Address

Below is the C code
#include <stdio.h>
void read_input()
char input[512];
int c = 0;
while (read(0, input + c++,1) == 1);
int main ()
printf("Done !\n");
return 0;
In the above code, there should be a buffer overflow of the array 'input'. The file we give it will have over 600 characters in it, all 2's ( ex. 2222222...) (btw, ascii of 2 is 32). However, when executing the code with the file, no segmentation fault is thrown, meaning program counter register was unchanged. Below is the screenshot of the memory of input array in gdb, highlighted is the address of the ebp (program counter) register, and its clear that it was skipped when writing:
The writing of the characters continues after the program counter, which is maybe why segmentation fault is not shown. Please explain why this is happening, and how to cause the program counter to overflow.
This is tricky! Both input[] and c are in stack, with c following the 512 bytes of input[]. Before you read the 513th byte, c=0x00000201 (513). But since input[] is over you are reading 0x32 (50) onto c that after reading is c=0x00000232 (562): in fact this is little endian and the least significative byte comes first in memory (if this was a big endian architecture it was c=0x32000201 - and it was going to segfault mostly for sure).
So you are actually jumping 562 - 513 = 49 bytes ahead. Than there is the ++ and they are 50. In fact you have exactly 50 bytes not overwritten with 0x32 (again... 0x3232ab64 is little endian. If you display memory as bytes instead of dwords you will see 0x64 0xab 0x32 0x32).
So you are writing in not assigned stack area. It doesn't segfault because it's in the process legal space (up to the imposed limit), and is not overwriting any vital information.
Nice example of how things can go horribly wrong without exploding! Is this a real life example or an assignment?
Ah yes... for the second question, try declaring c before input[], or c as static... in order not to overwrite it.

memset() behaving undesirably

I am using memset function in C and having a problem. Here is my problem:
char* tail;
tail = //some memory address
int pbytes = 5;
When I call memset like:
**memset(tail+pbytes, 0 , 8); // It gives no error**
When I call memset like:
**memset(tail+pbytes, 0 , 9); // It goes into infinite loop**
When I call memset like:
**memset(tail+pbytes, 0 , 10); // last parameter (10 or above). It gives Segmentation fault**
What can be the reason of this? The program runs and gives output as desired but it gives segmentation fault in the end. I am using Linux 64 virtual machine.
Any help would be appreciated.
OK. Let me clarify more with what i am doing. I am making 128 bytes (0-127 in array) data. I write 0(NULL) from byte 112 to 119 (it goes well) but when I try to write 0 on 120th byte and run the program, it goes into infinite loop. If I write 1,2,4,6 at 120th byte, program runs well. If I write other numbers at 120th byte, program gives segmentation fault. Basically there is something wrong with bytes from 120 to 127.
This is nothing wrong with memset. It's something wrong with how you defined your pointer variable tail.
If you simply wrote
char tail[128];
memset(tail+5, 0, 9);
of course it would work fine. Your problem is that you're not doing anything that simple and correct; you're doing something obscure and incorrect, such as
char tail[1];
memset(tail+5, 0, 9);
void foo(int x) {
char *tail = &x;
memset(tail+5, 0, 9);
To paraphrase Charles Babbage: When you put wrong code into the machine, wrong answers come out.
The segfault is probably because you're trying to write to a virtual address that has not yet been allocated. The infinite loop might be because you're overwriting some part of the memset's return address, so that it returns to the wrong place (such as into the middle of an infinite loop) instead of returning to the place it was called from.

Using read() system call of UNIX to find the user given pattern

I am trying to emulate grep pattern of UNIX using a C program( just for learning ). The code that i have written is giving me a run time error..
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXLENGTH 1000
char userBuf[MAXLENGTH];
int main ( int argc, char *argv[])
int numOfBytes,fd,i;
if (argc != 2)
printf("Supply correct number of arguments.\n");
fd =open("pattern.txt",O_RDWR);
if ( fd == -1 )
printf("File does not exist.\n");
while ( (numOfBytes = read(fd,userBuf,MAXLENGTH)) > 0 )
printf("NumOfBytes = %d\n",numOfBytes);
for(i=0;userBuf[i] != '\0'; ++i)
if ( strstr(userBuf,argv[1]) )
The program is printing infinitely, the lines containing the pattern . I tried debugging , but couldn't figure out the error. Please let me know where am i wrong.,
Say the string is "fooPATTERN". Your first time through the loop, you check for the pattern in "fooPATTERN" and find it. Then your second time through the loop, you check for the pattern in "ooPATTERN" and find it again. Then your third time, you check for the pattern in "oPATTERN" and find it again.
Since you're doing this to learn, I won't tell you much more. You can decide how best to solve it. There are at least two fundamentally different ways you could solve it. One is to do less on each pass of the loop to ensure you only find it once. The other is to make sure your next pass of the loop is past any pattern that was found.
One thing to think about: If the pattern is 'oo' and the string is 'ooo', how many patterns should be found? 1 or 2?
The 'read' does not delimit the data with a null character.
The while loop should encompase the for loop - it doesn't
First, you shouldn't be using raw Unix i/o with open and read if you're just learning C. Start with standard C i/o with fopen and fread/fscanf/fgets and so forth.
Second, you're reading in successive pieces of the file into the same buffer, overwriting the buffer each time, and only ever processing the last contents of the buffer.
Third, nothing guarantees that your buffer will be zero-terminated when you read into it with read(). In fact, it usually won't be.
Fourth, you're not using the i variable in the body of your loop. I can't tell exactly what you were shooting for here, but doing the same thing on the same data umpteen thousand times surely wasn't it.
Fifth, always compile with the fullest warning settings you can abide -- at lest -Wall with GCC. It should have complained that you call read() without including <unistd.h>.
