Creating a sequence in a list - erlang

I am very new to Erlang and I have a question about this function that returns a list counting down in ones. e.g. [3,2,1]
Why doesn't it work if you change the N-1 to N-2?
I'm looking to get the output to show [7,5,3,1]
create_list(0) ->
create_list(N) ->
[ N | create_list(N - 1) ].

Because no matter how many times you subtract 2 from an odd number, you'll never get zero?
I've never even seen Erlang code before, but I suspect the fix is to add
create_list(1) ->
[ 1 ];

Safer to use positive check:
create_list(N) when N > 0 ->
[N | create_list(N - 2)];
create_list(_) ->

There is already a function to do this:
lists:seq(From, To, Incr) -> Seq
1> lists:seq(7,1,-2).


this clause cannot match because of different types/sizes

i tried to implement binary_search in erlang :
binary_search(X , List) ->
case {is_number(x) , is_list(List)} of
{false , false} -> {error};
{false , true} -> {error} ;
{true , false} -> {error} ;
{true , true} ->
Length = length(List) ,
case Length of
0 -> {false};
1 -> case lists:member(X , List) of
true -> {true};
false -> {false}
end ;
_ ->
Middle = (Length + 1) div 2 ,
case X >= Middle of
true -> binary_search(X , lists:sublist(List , Middle , Length));
false -> binary_search(X , lists:sublist(List , 1 , Middle))
end .
However when i try to compile it , i get the following error : "this clause cannot match because of different types/sizes" in the two lines :
{true , false} -> {error} ;
{true , true} ->
is_number(x) will always return false since you made a typo: x instead of X, an atom instead of a variable.
BTW, I don't know what you are experiencing, but the whole code can be written as:
binary_search(X , [_|_] = List) when is_number(X) ->
binary_search(_,_) -> {error}.
Context: The OP's post appears to be a learning example -- an attempt to understand binary search in Erlang -- and is treated as one below (hence the calls to io:format/2 each iteration of the inner function). In production lists:member/2 should be used as noted by Steve Vinoski in a comment below, or lists:member/2 guarded by a function head as in Pascal's answer. What follows is a manual implementation of binary search.
Pascal is correct about the typo, but this code has more fundamental problems. Instead of just finding the typo let's see if we can obviate the need for this nested case checking entirely.
(The code as written above won't work anyway because X should not represent the value of an index, but rather the value that is held at that index, so Middle will likely never match X. Also, there is another issue: you don't cover all the base cases (cases in which you should stop recursing). So the inner function below covers them all up front as matches within the function head, so it is more obvious how the search works. Note the Middle + 1 when X > Value, by the way; contemplate why this is necessary.)
Two main notes on Erlang style
First: If you receive the wrong sort of data, just crash, don't return an error. With that in mind, consider using a guard.
Second: If you find yourself doing lots of cases, you can usually simplify your life by making them named functions. This gives you two advantages:
A much better crash report than you will get within nested case expressions.
A named, pure function can be tested and even formally verified rather easily if it is small enough -- which is also pretty cool. (As a side note, the religion of testing tests my patience and sanity at times, but when you have pure functions you actually can test at least those parts of your program -- so distilling out as much of this sort of thing as possible is a big win.)
Below I do both, and this should obviate the issue you ran into as well as make things a bit easier to read/sort through mentally:
%% Don't return errors, just crash.
%% Only check the data on entry.
%% Guarantee the data is sorted, as this is fundamental to binary search.
binary_search(X, List)
when is_number(X),
is_list(List) ->
bs(X, lists:sort(List)).
%% Get all of our obvious base cases out of the way as matches.
%% Note the lack of type checking; its already been done.
bs(_, []) -> false;
bs(X, [X]) -> true;
bs(X, [_]) -> false;
bs(X, List) ->
ok = io:format("bs(~p, ~p)~n", [X, List]),
Length = length(List),
Middle = (Length + 1) div 2,
Value = lists:nth(Middle, List),
% This is one of those rare times I find an 'if' to be more
% clear in meaning than a 'case'.
X == Value -> true;
X > Value -> bs(X, lists:sublist(List, Middle + 1, Length));
X < Value -> bs(X, lists:sublist(List, 1, Middle))

Erlang list comprehension, once again

I'm trying to get a list comprehension working, which intention is to verify that each element X in List is followed by X+Incr (or an empty list). Later, I shall use that list and compare it with a list generated with lists:seq(From,To,Incr).
The purpose is to practice writing test cases and finding test properties.
I've done the following steps:
1> List.
2> Incr.
3> List2=[X || X <- List, (tl(List) == []) orelse (hd(tl(List)) == X + Incr)].
To me, it seem that my list comprehension only takes the first element in List, running that through the filter/guards, and stops, but it should do the same for EACH element in List, right?
I would like line 3 returning a list, looking like: [1,2,9,11,13].
Any ideas of how to modify current comprehension, or change my approach totally?
PS. I'm using eqc-quickcheck, distributed via Quviq's webpage, if that might change how to solve this.
The problem with your list comprehension is that List always refers to the entire list. Thus this condition allows only those X that are equal to the second element of List minus Incr:
(hd(tl(List)) == X + Incr)
The second element is always 3, so this condition only holds for X = 1.
A list comprehension cannot "look ahead" to other list elements, so this should probably be written as a recursive function:
check_incr([], _Incr) ->
check_incr([_], _Incr) ->
check_incr([A, B | Rest], Incr) ->
A + Incr == B andalso check_incr([B | Rest], Incr).
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but a list comprehension is supposed to be "creating a list based on existing lists". Here's one way to generate your list using a list comprehension without using lists:seq:
> Start = 1, Inc = 2, N = 6.
> [Start + X*Inc || X <- lists:seq(0,N)].
You could do something like this:
> lists:zipwith(fun (X, Y) -> Y - X end, [0 | List], List ++ [0]).
Then check that all elements are equal to Incr, except the first that should be equal to From and the last that should be greater or equal than -To.
One quick comment is that the value List does NOT change when in the comprehension is evaluated, it always refers to the initial list. It is X which steps over all the elements in the list. This means that your tests will always refer to the first elements of the list. As a list comprehension gives you element of a list at a time it is generally not a good tool to use when you want to compare elements in the list.
There is no way with a list comprehension to look at successive sublists which is what you would need (like MAPLIST in Common Lisp).

How to create a list of 1000 random numbers in Erlang?

I'm sure that there is a function for that. I just want to make a list of 1000 numbers, each one of them which should be random.
To generate a 1000-element list with random numbers between 1 and 10:
[rand:uniform(10) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)].
Change 10 and 1000 to appropriate numbers. If you omit the 10 from from the rand:uniform call, you'll get a random floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0.
On Erlang versions below 18.0: Use the random module instead. Caution! You need to run random:seed/3 before using it per process, to avoid getting the same pseudo random numbers.
Make sure to seed appropriately.
> F = fun() -> io:format("~p~n", [[random:uniform(10) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10)]]) end.
> spawn(F).
> spawn(F).
Your intuition is that the results would be different. A random seed in Erlang is process specific. The default seed is fixed though. That's why you get the same result even though there are two processes in the example.
> G = fun() -> {A1,A2,A3} = now(),
random:seed(A1, A2, A3),
io:format("~p~n", [[random:uniform(10) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10)]])
> spawn(G).
> spawn(G).
Note that if the return value of now() is the same in two different processes you end up with the same problem as above. Which is why some people like to use a gen_server for wrapping random number generation. Alternatively you can use better seeds.
i will be more then happy to get also a site that i will be able to
read it there. thanks.
You should check out Learn You Some Erlang which will guide you through the language.
Pseudorandom number generator from crypto module works better crypto:rand_uniform(From, To).
To generate a 1000-element list with random numbers between 1 and 10:
[crypto:rand_uniform(1, 10) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)].
From Erlang Central wiki:
Where N = no of items, StartVal = minimum value and Lim = maximum value
generate_random_int_list(N,StartVal,Lim) ->
lists:map(fun (_) -> random:uniform(Lim-StartVal) + StartVal end, lists:seq(1,N)).
You need to correctly seed first of all.
_ = rand:seed(exs1024s),
[rand:uniform(100) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)].

Querying mnesia Fragmentated Tables using QLC returns wrong results

am josh in Uganda. i created a mnesia fragmented table (64 fragments), and managed to populate it upto 9948723 records. Each fragment was a disc_copies type, with two replicas.
Now, using qlc (query list comprehension), was too slow in searching for a record, and was returning inaccurate results.
I found out that this overhead is that qlc uses the select function of mnesia which traverses the entire table in order to match records. i tried something else below.
-record(person,{name,sex,age,address = #address{}}).
match()-> Z = fun(Spec) -> mnesia:match_object(Spec) end,Z.
Match = match(),
Trying this functionality gave me good results. But i found that i have to dynamically build patterns for every search that may be made in my stored procedures.
i decided to go through the havoc of doing this, so i wrote functions which will dynamically build wild patterns for my records depending on which parameter is to be searched.
%% This below gives me the default pattern for all searches ::= {person,'_','_','_'}
N = length(my_record_info(Record_name)) + 1,
%% this finds the position of the provided value and places it in that
%% position while keeping '_' in the other positions.
%% The caller function can use this function recursively until
%% it has built the full search pattern of interest
N = position(Field,my_record_info(element(1,Pattern_sofar))),
case N of
-1 -> Pattern_sofar;
Int when Int >= 1 -> erlang:setelement(N + 1,Pattern_sofar,Value);
_ -> Pattern_sofar
case Record_name of
staff_dynamic -> record_info(fields,staff_dynamic);
person -> record_info(fields,person);
_ -> []
%% These below,help locate the position of an element in a list
%% returned by "-record_info(fields,person)"
position(_,[]) -> -1;
find(false,_,_,_) -> -1;
find(true,V,[V|_],N)-> N;
find(V,X,N + 1).
find(V,[V|_],N)-> N;
find(V,[_|X],N) -> find(V,X,N + 1).
This was working very well though it was computationally intensive.
It could still work even after changing the record definition since at compile time, it gets the new record info
The problem is that when i initiate even 25 processes on a 3.0 GHz pentium 4 processor running WinXP, It hangs and takes a long time to return results.
If am to use qlc in these fragments, to get accurate results, i have to specify which fragment to search in like this.
select(qlc:q([ X || X <- mnesia:table(Frag), (X#person.address) == Tel])).
case ?transact(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end) of
{atomic,Val} -> Val;
{aborted,_} = Error -> report_mnesia_event(Error)
Qlc was returning [], when i search for something yet when i use match_object/1 i get accurate results. I found that using match_expressions can help.
where Props is a data structure that defines the match expression, the chunk size of return values e.t.c
I got a problem when i tried building match expressions dynamically.
Function mnesia:read/1 or mnesia:read/2 requires that you have the primary key
Now am asking myself, how can i efficiently use QLC to search for records in a large fragmented table? Please help.
I know that using tuple representation of records makes code hard to upgrade. This is why
i hate using mnesia:select/1, mnesia:match_object/1 and i want to stick to QLC. QLC is giving me wrong results in my queries from a mnesia table of 64 fragments even on the same node.
Has anyone ever used QLC to query a fragmented table?, please help
Do you invoke the qlc in the activity context?
tfn_match(Id) ->
Search = #person{address=#address{tel=Id, _ = '_'}, _ = '_'},
trans(fun() -> mnesia:match_object(Search) end).
tfn_qlc(Id) ->
Q = qlc:q([ X || X <- mnesia:table(person), (X#person.address) == Id]),
trans(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end).
trans(Fun) ->
try Res = mnesia:activity(transaction, Fun, mnesia_frag),
{atomic, Res}
catch exit:Error ->
{aborted, Error}

Exception error in Erlang

So I've been using Erlang for the last eight hours, and I've spent two of those banging my head against the keyboard trying to figure out the exception error my console keeps returning.
I'm writing a dice program to learn erlang. I want it to be able to call from the console through the erlang interpreter. The program accepts a number of dice, and is supposed to generate a list of values. Each value is supposed to be between one and six.
I won't bore you with the dozens of individual micro-changes I made to try and fix the problem (random engineering) but I'll post my code and the error.
The Source:
d6(1) ->
d6(Numdice) ->
Result = [],
d6(Numdice, [Result]).
d6(0, [Finalresult]) ->
{ok, [Finalresult]};
d6(Numdice, [Result]) ->
d6(Numdice - 1, [random:uniform(6) | Result]).
When I run the program from my console like so...
...I get a random number between one and six like expected.
However when I run the same function with any number higher than one as an argument I get the following exception...
**exception error: no function clause matching dice2:d6(1, [4|3])
... I know I I don't have a function with matching arguments but I don't know how to write a function with variable arguments, and a variable number of arguments.
I tried modifying the function in question like so....
d6(Numdice, [Result]) ->
Newresult = [random:uniform(6) | Result],
d6(Numdice - 1, Newresult).
... but I got essentially the same error. Anyone know what is going on here?
This is basically a type error. When Result is a list, [Result] is a list with one element. E.g., if your function worked, it would always return a list with one element: Finalresult.
This is what happens (using ==> for "reduces to"):
d6(2) ==> %% Result == []
d6(2, [[]]) ==> %% Result == [], let's say random:uniform(6) gives us 3
d6(1, [3]) ==> %% Result == 3, let's say random:uniform(6) gives us 4
d6(0, [4|3]) ==> %% fails, since [Result] can only match one-element lists
Presumably, you don't want [[]] in the first call, and you don't want Result to be 3 in the third call. So this should fix it:
d6(Numdice) -> Result = [], d6(Numdice, Result). %% or just d6(Numdice, []).
d6(0, Finalresult) -> {ok, Finalresult};
d6(Numdice, Result) -> d6(Numdice - 1, [random:uniform(6) | Result]).
Lesson: if a language is dynamically typed, this doesn't mean you can avoid getting the types correct. On the contrary, it means that the compiler won't help you in doing this as much as it could.
