Get directions in my app when someone uses Google Maps directions - ios

When someone uses the Google Maps app on iOS to get directions, I would like to know in real time the destination of the user and the direction. The goal is not for him to use my app to navigate but for my app to suggest him places in real time along his route (and in advance).
Do you think this is feasible with the Google Maps API for iOS? If yes, how would you do it? And if no, do you have other ideas?
Thank you !

Nope. There is no way to monitor what other apps are doing in iOS.

This isn't possible in the way that you're framing the question, but it is possible to include Google Maps in your own application if you combine the Google Maps SDK for iOS, the Google Directions API (on the web), and either the Google Places API or the Yelp API.
Use the Google Directions API to get directions (a list of lat/lng points in JSON form), plot these points as Polyline using the Google Maps SDK for iOS, and use those points to search for nearby points of interest with the Google Places API or the Yelp API.


I can't find where can I get the POI results in using Google Maps SDK for iOS and Google Places for iOS

My app using Google maps the SDK, but not from Google found on the official document about the POI retrieval method, I demand is this: to a certain point as the center, in a certain value of circle diameter to retrieve certain places, such as retrieval from places such as hospitals, schools, bus, subway, I want to find a way to can return to these results, but don't know where the document。Who knows? Please help me.Thank you very much.
Places search is currently available only via web services:
There is also a feature request in the issue tracker to add places text search in iOS SDK:
Feel free to star this feature request and subscribe to further notifications from Google.
Hope this helps!

Google Maps SDK doesnt return directions

I've installed Google Maps SDK for iOS thinking that I would get the directions between two places, like , the web API but following the tutorial what it seems is that it just opens the Google Maps app, which can also be done without the SDK.
Am I understanding it wrong or the Google Maps SDK only offers open the app?
Well, it depends exactly what you mean and want by "directions".
The Google Maps SDK for iOS does not itself do any sort of directions.
What you can do is use the Google Maps Directions web service to obtain information, then use that information to create a GMSPolyline which then can be rendered atop your in-app map. So basically it can show the line between point A and B, which is some level of directions, but may or may not be what you're wanting. Here's a YouTube video from Google that shows how to do this, and some sample code from Google's Mano Marks.
But if what you want are turn-by-turn directions, spoken directions, etc., no, the SDK cannot do that; you have to launch the external Google Maps app.

retrieving data from google maps to use in iOS app

I want to create an iOS app, which shows data available in terrain view of Google Maps (peaks, forests etc) within some specific area. Is it possible to retrieve eg all peaks with their latitudes and longitudes? I went through Google Maps iOS SDK but I didn't find the answer.
My other idea was just to download some database containing european peaks but neither could I found it.
Thanks for your help
That's not possible within the Google Maps API. But I believe the downloadable database at will help you.

Blackberry Maps for India

I am planning to develop a blackberry application which primarily uses map. Its an India centric application. After some googling I came to know there where no maps support for blackberry for India as of now.
I planned to use Google map API Static and Mobile Maps. As of now I'm loading the maps in browser field. Sometimes the google maps can't plot the direction for the given two co ordinates. I am not able to handle the response.
I like to know whether there are any other option to display maps in India. To show direction from one place to another place. I am getting necessary details from google Maps and Places API.
There are some countries which blackberry can't show in its maps. You can use google maps instead. If you want it then go to web browser of device and type: and download and install it.
Then search code for accessing them. I have done it myself

BlackBerry:Accessing Google Maps API's on Blackberry platform?

I am developing an application, which should be able to access Google Maps and it's API set on Blackberry platform?
I want to programmatically,
1. search for current location information
2. Places information like famous places, malls, restaurants and other details etc.
using Google Map API's.
How do i access Google Map API's to achieve this in Blackberry platform? If not possible,
How do i achieve this in Blackberry platform in any other way?
From which version of Blackberry(SDK and Device version), these things will be possible to implement?
I googled it, and found some links related this like below, those doesn't helped me.;jsessionid=760CF8E4A2DAA4B5A31BC2ACD1F09998
BlackBerry and map based apps like Yelp and Google Map
Thanks in Advance.
i have implemented the google static map with navigation control, please find the code here add comments and update back.. thanks
