Blackberry Maps for India - blackberry

I am planning to develop a blackberry application which primarily uses map. Its an India centric application. After some googling I came to know there where no maps support for blackberry for India as of now.
I planned to use Google map API Static and Mobile Maps. As of now I'm loading the maps in browser field. Sometimes the google maps can't plot the direction for the given two co ordinates. I am not able to handle the response.
I like to know whether there are any other option to display maps in India. To show direction from one place to another place. I am getting necessary details from google Maps and Places API.

There are some countries which blackberry can't show in its maps. You can use google maps instead. If you want it then go to web browser of device and type: and download and install it.
Then search code for accessing them. I have done it myself


Google Maps SDK doesnt return directions

I've installed Google Maps SDK for iOS thinking that I would get the directions between two places, like , the web API but following the tutorial what it seems is that it just opens the Google Maps app, which can also be done without the SDK.
Am I understanding it wrong or the Google Maps SDK only offers open the app?
Well, it depends exactly what you mean and want by "directions".
The Google Maps SDK for iOS does not itself do any sort of directions.
What you can do is use the Google Maps Directions web service to obtain information, then use that information to create a GMSPolyline which then can be rendered atop your in-app map. So basically it can show the line between point A and B, which is some level of directions, but may or may not be what you're wanting. Here's a YouTube video from Google that shows how to do this, and some sample code from Google's Mano Marks.
But if what you want are turn-by-turn directions, spoken directions, etc., no, the SDK cannot do that; you have to launch the external Google Maps app.

Get directions in my app when someone uses Google Maps directions

When someone uses the Google Maps app on iOS to get directions, I would like to know in real time the destination of the user and the direction. The goal is not for him to use my app to navigate but for my app to suggest him places in real time along his route (and in advance).
Do you think this is feasible with the Google Maps API for iOS? If yes, how would you do it? And if no, do you have other ideas?
Thank you !
Nope. There is no way to monitor what other apps are doing in iOS.
This isn't possible in the way that you're framing the question, but it is possible to include Google Maps in your own application if you combine the Google Maps SDK for iOS, the Google Directions API (on the web), and either the Google Places API or the Yelp API.
Use the Google Directions API to get directions (a list of lat/lng points in JSON form), plot these points as Polyline using the Google Maps SDK for iOS, and use those points to search for nearby points of interest with the Google Places API or the Yelp API.

What do the Google Maps Terms of Service mean in practice for an iOS app developer?

I want to use the MapViewController in an iOS app (to allow the user to find the adress of where he is currently at) and came across the "Google Maps Terms of Service for iPhone SDK", but I am a bit lost what some of this means in practice, i.e. what do I need to be aware of and what do I need to do when using a MapViewController. Specifically:
9.2 Reporting. You must implement those reporting mechanisms that Google
has set forth and may update from time
to time in these Terms and in the Maps
API Documentation. For example, as
specified in the Maps API
Documentation, you agree to provide
reports to Google if your Maps API
Implementation enables a device to
detect its own location through use of
a sensor (including but not limited to
GPS, cell triangulation, WiFi or
similar functionality) to display the
location of the device on a map or to
calculate a route.
Obviously I am enabling the device to detect its own location by showing the map with the current location marker. I got lost trying to find some details on what that "reporting" means and if and what kind of it I am supposed implement.
Taken from Google Maps API Terms of Service:
How does the Google Maps APIs key system work?
Google Maps API keys are only required when using the JavaScript Maps API v2 and the Maps API for Flash [emphasis added].
In order to obtain a Google Maps API key, you must sign in to your Google Account and agree to our Terms of Service. There is no limit to the number of keys you may obtain under a single account.
When you use MKMapView as part of the iPhone SDK, you are using it under Apple's license with Google for the map service. Therefore you do not need to separately agree to the Google Maps API Terms of Service or implement any functionality to meet this requirement.

Using Google Earth API inside iPad app's

I need to create an iPad application that uses Google Earth at its core. So Basically when the app opens it will need to run Google Earth.
Then I would need to add additional features tailored to our business such as photos of our different hotels and offers and different icons and various features.
Is this at all possible and how difficult would it be for a C# developer do you think?
Do you know of any other similar app's besides Google Earth?
This is not possible as Google Earth and the Google Earth Plug-in are, to date, not supported on the iPad. There is a Google Earth iPhone application that works on the iPad but this has no public api. You can however load custom Kml into the application and that may be enough for your needs.
I don't know of any other solutions.

BlackBerry:Accessing Google Maps API's on Blackberry platform?

I am developing an application, which should be able to access Google Maps and it's API set on Blackberry platform?
I want to programmatically,
1. search for current location information
2. Places information like famous places, malls, restaurants and other details etc.
using Google Map API's.
How do i access Google Map API's to achieve this in Blackberry platform? If not possible,
How do i achieve this in Blackberry platform in any other way?
From which version of Blackberry(SDK and Device version), these things will be possible to implement?
I googled it, and found some links related this like below, those doesn't helped me.;jsessionid=760CF8E4A2DAA4B5A31BC2ACD1F09998
BlackBerry and map based apps like Yelp and Google Map
Thanks in Advance.
i have implemented the google static map with navigation control, please find the code here add comments and update back.. thanks
