Google Spreadsheets: Use row of nth occurrence of value for other calculations? - google-sheets

I am using a combination of Google Forms and Google Spreadsheets for data entry and interpretation for scouting in a robotics competition (FRC). The user fills out a form for each match with the data from 6 different teams. That data is put into a spreadsheet by the form, and the sheet of data is used by other sheets for interpretation, and it outputs different stats.
One of the sheets is designed to show the progression of the team's stats over the course of their 9-10 matches. I want it to show the values for a certain stat in the same order as the matches that they played (Match 1: 10 points; Match 2: 15 points; etc.). The problem is that there are upwards of 40 teams, so teams don't play back-to-back. I am trying to create a function that searches for the nth occurrence, by row, in the 6 columns that contain team numbers. That function would then use that row to return a value for a stat by that team from that match.
My spreadsheet is here. The sheet of raw data is called "Games", and the sheet containing the progression data is called "Over Time". Within the "Games" sheet, each line is a match, and there is data for each of the 6 teams in each line. Each team gets a line on the "Over Time" sheet, and each stat would take up about 10 columns.
The function would search for the nth time (as specified by the number in row 2) that the team number (as specified in column A) occurs. It would then search that row number for the team number and return the value in the column specified by the function (eg. If the team number occurs in column C, return the value in column E of the same row.). In the sheet "Averages", I used mainly SUMIF and COUNTIF functions to return averages for each stat, but I can't figure out how to use the array functions that would be necessary for the first step of this function. I would prefer to avoid using hidden columns and rows, as that just gets messy, so it would be great if the entire function is in one cell. I would also prefer it to be a function, as opposed to a script.

This solution uses one function per row (not one function for the entire table). In 'Over Time'!B3:
which can be filled down to B8.
If it is absolutely necessary to have one formula for the entire table, then I'm sure it could be done, but it will be horribly complex. Further, as it is, these "concatenate then split" type formulae (which you need to resort to when the data isn't nicely vertical) are quite inefficient, depending on how big your source data gets. That may not be an issue in your case, but for big source data sets, I would prefer a custom function for performanc ein this case.


Countifs function returns 0 in certain rows

I've recently started using Google Sheets for my new job and I need help with a little problem.
I created a function to compare a whole column of dates from a sheet with dates from another column on another sheet to filter the given count.
The code is as follows:
COUNTIFS('raw data'!$D$2:$D$952;">="&('2nd table'!$C$3:$C$52);'raw data'!$D$2:$D$952;">=01.08.2021";'raw data'!$D$2:$D$952;"<=31.08.2021")
raw data contains dates in column D. I've used 952 because that is the maximum range I can get. I've yet to solve how to implement this via named ranges.
2nd table contains the dates our employees started working at the company. I wanted to filter out the data that exists before their time at our company within raw data column D.
The function does return the correct value sometimes and sometimes it just returns 0.
If I boil down the function to just contain this:
=COUNTIFS('raw data'!$D$2:$D$952;">="&('2nd table'!$C$3:$C$52))
I get different values each time. I suspect that I cannot use the function in this way because the 2nd table got a different amount of rows to compare from.
How can I work around this issue if that's the problem and why does the function even work sometimes?

Google Sheets Count Unique Dates based upon a criteria in different columns

I am trying to find a formula that will give me the count of unique dates a persons' name appears in one of two different columns and/or both columns.
I have a set of data where a person's name may show up in a "driver" column or a "helper" column, multiple times over the course of one day. Throughout the day some drivers might also be helpers and some days a driver may come in for duty but only as a helper. Basically all drivers can be helpers, but not all helpers can be drivers.
I've attached a link to a sample sheet for more clarity.
I've created a REPORTS tab with a SORT(UNIQUE(FLATTEN)) Formula to give me a list of the names that appear in the DATA Tab.
I'm looking for a way to count the unique dates a name from the name (Column A of the REPORTS Tab) appears in either of the two columns (Column B and/or C of the DATA Tab) to determine the total number of days worked so I can calculate the total number of days off over the range queried.
I've tried several iterations of countif, countunique, and countuniqueifs but cannot seem to find a way to return the correct values.
Any advice on how to make this work would be appreciated.
I think if you put this formula in cell b7 you'll be set. You can drag it down.
Here's a working version of your file.
For anyone interested, Google Sheets' Filter function differs slightly from Excel's Filter function because Sheets attempts to make it easier for users to apply multiple conditions by simply separating each parameter with a comma. Example: =filter(A:A,A:A<>"",B:B<>"bad result") will provide different results between the Sheets and Excel.
Excel Filter requires users to specify multiple conditions within parenthesis and denote each criterion be flagged with an OR condition with a + else an AND condition with a multiplication sign *. While this can appear daunting and bizarre to multiply arrays that have text in it, it allows for more flexibility.
To Google's credit, if one follows the required Excel Syntax (as I did in this answer) then the functions will behave the same.
delete what you got and use:
"select Col2,count(Col1),"&D2&"-count(Col2)
where Col2 is not null
group by Col2"),
"offset 1", 0)

Number increment in Google Sheets formula

In a Google Sheets database, I have a formula which I have built in order to allocate a reference number to a series of companies.
Each company should have its unique number in the form of RET00XX where XX will represent the unique company number. I would like these numbers to be sequential, starting on 1 and going on +1 after that.
Whenever a new company is inserted in the database, the formula should be able to attribute it a reference number. It should also be able to verify if the company already exists in the database and, if so, automatically attribute it the company's unique reference number, instead of creating a new one.
The company names are in cells of column B.
This is the formula I have built (an example of the one in row 2):
The steps it takes are:
It verifies that column B in the correspondent row is not empty;
With the COUNTIF function, verifies that the company does not exist in any of the previous rows;
If the company does exist, it attributes the correspondent reference number through the INDEX function;
If the company doesn't exist, it attributes the company a new reference number with the CONCATENATE and ROW functions.
The formula is largely working, although there are some problems.
Users adding to this database have the habit of adding entries by inserting rows in the middle of the database. This makes it so, due to the way the formula is built, that company unique reference codes change each time that happens. I believe this is partially due to the fact that I use a ROW function. Also, given that new rows are inserted in the middle of the database, the formula should be able to verify is the company already exists not only by looping through all previous rows but rather through all rows (if a new row is inserted, the formula will only verify previous rows, when the company could be in the rows after the new one).
How can I attribute sequential numbers in a formula without reference to ROW? Also, how can I make sure that the spreadsheet verifies for all rows of column B instead of just the ones before the inserted row?
apply this formula in your sheets,
More information regarding this please visit this link :
Solution that is independent of starting row number
These examples will allow you to generate incrementing values in your formulas.
Incrementing integers, zero based:
The values will be: 0,1,2,3, etc.
Note: The address "$A$2" represents the cell of your top row. It should be changed to whatever cell your actual top row is. The nice thing about this method is it it will not break if you insert new rows above the start position of your formula.
Integers, one based:
The values will be: 1,2,3,4, etc.
=(ROW()-ROW($A$2) + 1)
The values will be: 2000-01-01,2000-01-02,2000-01-03, etc.
=Date(2000,1,1) + (ROW()-ROW($A$2))
All Even Numbers:
The values will be: 0,2,4, etc.
=(ROW()-ROW($A$2) * 2
Short answer
Use Google Apps Script
Using spreadsheet functions to set an ID on a live spreadsheet used as a database is very risky as the values will be recalculated when changes be made to the spreadsheet content.
Instead of using a formula use a script to add a "fixed value". Scripts could be called automatically on events like cell edits and row insertion, by using a custom menu or side panel, from the script editor or by time-driven triggers.
The following Q&A from Web Applications shows several ways to set a sequential number:
Can I add an autoincrement field to a Google Spreadsheet based on a Google Form?
This other from SO could be helpful too:
Auto incrementing Job Reference
Insert 1 in the first cell and paste the formula below in the following cells.
Add number on very first row and type the formula from next cell
i used =A1+1 to get incremental number to index tasks on each line.

How do I populate a cell based on multiple criteria in Google Sheets?

So here is the situation. I have one spreadsheet in Google sheets that has a column for the names of TV stations. I have a second column that lists airing times for ads. This is the format the date and times are in.
14-12-22 08:06:05
I have a second sheet that has the same column for TV station names. I also have a column that has a time range in the format
Then there is a third column for Rate.
What I am trying to do is add a Rate column to the first spreadsheet and populate that my matching up the TV Station name and the time range on the second sheet. My first thought was a VLOOKUP but I'm trying to match 2 conditions with the second one being a bit tricky since I am using an exact time vs a time range.
Any ideas?
As it is permitted to parse the time intervals I would recommend doing so (say with something like =SPLIT(A1,"-") since the results might then be arranged into a compact matrix such as shown in the image in ColumnsF:J. The differences in the rates for different stations at different times are readily apparent.
I have left the above in the same sheet as one with a representation of your other data since I (am lazy and) don't know the relevant sheet names anyway - but prefix the relevant sheet name (and !) to the column references in the formula that are later in the alphabet than C:
With extraction of the time element (into ColumnC) of your data (from ColumnA) the formula attempts to find the time from C in the first row, but accepts an inexact comparison by defaulting to the next lower value where there is no exact match. Once found, the MATCH() function returns the position of the match relative to the start of the range searched.
This is then used in a VLOOKUP() function to determine how far across to return the result of a search for the exact A column value in ColumnF.
Details of the syntax of the functions may be found via Help > Function list.

How to go from individual date/time log to "timeline" graph?

I have essentially a log file in a Google Sheets. Columns are "Date/time", "user", "asset accessed", and there will be multiple entries for the same date, though usually not time.
I'd like to use the timeline graph to show user activity, but the graph requires an aggregate view with one date (no time) per row, with a numeric count in second col. Is there a way using functions within Google Sheets to generate an aggregate "view" of this data and pass this to the timeline graph?
Well, I guess you'll have to create an auxiliary sheet, or just some columns with the summarized values for you chart.
From your description, I'll assume you're using 3 columns (ABC). Let's use columns D, E and F with the following formulas:
Since date values are actually a number (qtt of days since the epoch), and hours are decimals, the Trunc formula gets rid of the "time" part and leaves only the date. Just format the cells (apparently numbers) as dates and you'll see. Then Unique and CountIf do the summarizing.
There's surely different ways of doing this, perhaps more "elegantly", in a single formula. But I think that in this way it's more easy to understand and learn from. Also, you'll probably need to adapt the ranges to your actual columns positions (I hope that's not a problem).
