Submitting iOS app to app store application identifier invalid - ios

I'm using xcode 5 and I guess I'm missing where to change the bundle identifier.
When I try to validate my app for submission to the app store, I get two errors....
Invalid code signing entitlements. Your application bundle's signature
contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS.
Speicifically value '' for key
'application-identifier' in 'Payload/' is not
supported. This value should be a string starting with your TEAMID,
followed by a dot '.' followed by the bundle identifier
The executable at Payload/ in Payload/ has
been signed with identifier 'com.iclinical.child' which does not match
the bundle identifier 'com.iclinical.childresus
I'm not sure where I should be changing this. The bundle identifier in the target is com.iclinical.child but clearly I need to change it somewhere else too....
Hope you can help.

I just had both these error messages and here is how I fixed it:
Went into iTunes Connect > viewed my app (under manage apps) and copied the 'Bundle ID'
Went into xcode and pasted the 'Bundle ID' into the info.plist 'Bundle identifier' field
Restarted xcode
Xcode > Window > Organizer > Projects > 'Delete' derived data file for project
Xcode > Product > Alt + Clean (to Clean Build folder)
I then tried resubmitting and it all went through correctly. I am 95% sure my Bundle ID was correct to begin with so it might have been something in steps 2 to 5 that fixed this.
Anyways hope this helps someone else.

In XCode 9, Open the Project Navigator, Select your target, check the following two places:
General ---> Identity ---> Bundle Identifier
Build Settings -> Packaging -> Product bundle identifier
Sometimes this issue happens when you have changed the Bundle Identifier in place 1, but place 2 did not change accordingly.

I had the same errors trying to validate an app that was originally developed with a different bundle identifier than what I had entered into itunesconnect.
There were two issues that I came across:
If you change the bundle-identifier in XCode (General tab, Info tab or Info.plist), XCode won't archive the app with the new bundle identifier (in some cases) until you restart XCode.
If XCode is managing your provisioning profiles dynamically (normally using a wildcard bundle-identifier) and you are trying to use a fixed bundle identifier, you have to choose the static provisioning profile in your build settings.
I was surprised by the second issue because I never used XCode with a fixed provisioning profile and never had to download a profile in the past.
Since I wanted my app to use a wildcard bundle identifier, I changed it in itunesconnect and updated my settings, restarted XCode and my app validated.
Hope this helps.

I got the same error, although I already submitted the app with this BundleID multiple times.
What solved the problem: performed Product->Clean and restarted Xcode.

I'm using xcode 5 and I guess I'm missing where to change the bundle identifier.
In Xcode 5:
Open the Project Navigator
Select your project name at the top of the tree on the left
Single Click directly onto the project name (it should become
Change the project name (the bundle id will be updated)
Once you highlight the blue project icon at the top of your project
navigator you will have several tabs on the right hand side appear.
Your bundle identifier should have the default value as noted below:${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}
You might also want to create a sample empty project and note the project info defaults compared to your current settings.
Hope this helps.

The appID in the Apple developer portal (and the assigned to it distribution provisioning profile) is not the same as the bundle id in your project. You should change one of them. They should match in order to upload the app in the app store.

How I resolved this:
Cleaned the build folder. Menu -> Product -> Alt key: Clean build folder.
Closed the XCode.
Deleted derived data.
Restarted my system. (Had to try this because steps 1 to 3 did not work for me as suggested in other posts).
After this created an app archive and it worked.

Ok this is incredibly dumb, but I had the exact same issue when working on two open projects at once in Xcode 11. The apparent solution was to quit and restart Xcode. I suspect there is some sort of Xcode bug or failure to context switch.


How to Ensure the apps info.plist contains a value for CFBundleIdentifier?

The app will not run on the simulator or the device but the trouble started when i went to get it on device. Running the latest and greatest Xcode and macOS. Any suggestions are most welcome.
I suspect this issue is related to the unit testing targets but there is also odd behaviour in the "Signing and Capabilities", when i type in the bundle identifier "com.sw.fw" and hit enter the text in the the textfield vanishes and the "Signing (Release)" duplication appears below with that bundle id. I also created a fresh mobile provisioning profile with the appropriate bundle id com.sw.fw
I also know that Xcode is doing something with the bundle id that i'm giving it because it appears on the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page of as can be seen here.
Here's the target signing after hitting enter.
Here's the "Build Settings" for the target
Here's my info.plist it is the same as an app i have running on device.
Here's a unit test signing
Here's the "Build Settings" for a unit test target
App Targets "General" pane doesn't let me type anything in the Bundle Identifier Field. You can see it reads <Multiple Values>.
check your Product Bundle Identifier from Build Settings, they might have different values for different builds. Changing the bundle identifier to be the same should solve this issue. In your case removing the 'Any SDK' under debug.
Target > Build Settings > Info plist file
Check Info.plist file path
I have faced the same error and I figured out that I have missed to add or somehow removed GoogleService-Info.plist file from my project while I am using firebase in my application. You might be doing the same thing.
It looks as if your .xcodeproj container was messed up.
Some options:
Make sure all targets (including tests and extensions) have the product bundle identifier set in their Info.plist files.
Try to set the product bundle identifier only in the target's Signing and Capabilities field instead of manually editing it in different places. Otherwise you risk introducing inconsistencies.
If you want to dig into project.pbxpro you could search for the PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER key and manually check the entries. Compare with a fresh Xcode project on where/how you expect to find the key.
You can go by elimination and remove targets / custom configurations from the original project until it installs successfully.
Create a fresh Xcode project and move your code over.
Target > Build Settings > Packaging
In "Info.plist File" add "Target_Name/Info.plist"
In my case, the message was not corresponding precisely to the problem.
First, my Launch Screen in the General settings of the target was not good.
In second, I checked my Splashscreen.png that was missing, and I removed it. Then it worked perfectly.
I advice to check if there is an element missing in the ressource etc...

The executable was signed with invalid entitlement [duplicate]

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.(0xE8008016).
I am getting this error. please help me.
I have create the provisioning profile and change the bundle id. I have enable the keychain sharing from Target->Capabilities and generate the new .entitlement file. and i have also change the bundle id in that.
In my case (using XCode 10.0) nothing worked but this:
File > Project Settings... > Shared Project Settings: > Build System
--> Selected "Legacy Build System" instead of the default "New Build System (Default)".
For me in Xcode 5.1, I was getting The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. when trying to test the app on my device. Device Development Certificate has to expire Feb 2015.
Issue was resolved:
Selected Target->Capabilities, under GameCenter, here I was getting error on GameCenter entitlement as it was not added to project, although first version of application was released via same XCode 5.1 but there were no errors like this before.
Below, a button was given with title Fix Issue. When clicked it added the GameCenter entitlement and issue was resolved.
After wards the screen looks like:
For me, there was nothing to do with certificate or bundle identifier. App now runs successfully on the device.
In XCode 7.3 I encountered the same question, I 've made the mistake because:
Name in (info.plist -->Bundle identifier) is not the same as (target-->build settings -->packaging-->Product bundle identifier). Just make the same, that solved the problem.
As others have pointed out, if you get this error, you need to check that the Bundle ID value in both your .plist file and also here:
First of all, you should check bundle id, provision profile and certificate with private key (.p12).
If it doesn't help. Be sure that the Code Signing Entitlements has correct value or remove it at all.
File > Workspace Settings > Build System > Legacy Build System
This worked for me.
Xcode 10.0
Reassign the value of Automatically manage signing, this works for me
In my case, the app main Target's Team was different from Tests' Target Team. Changing the Tests' Team to the same Team as main Target's solves the issue.
None of the previous answers either applied or worked for me. In my case, updating the settings of the test project, as follows, fixed it:
One possible reason for this error is: your annual subscription has been renewed. Once the subscription is renewed, all devices related to the active provision profiles will be detached.
The admin must reactivate the list of devices for the new subscribed year.
The admin must delete last year provision profiles. (all are useless).
The admin must regenerate new provision profiles for the new year with the list of devices of his choice.
After this, rebuild project with Xcode and the error will disappear.
Had this issue. My main app and extension belonged to the same app group id correctly, but there was also one more app ID not in my project that shared said app group id. I had to remove this last app ID's association with the app group.
I was having same issue on Xcode 7.3 with iPad Air 2 with iOS 9.3.4!
Then I tried many options.
Finally I deleted profile from device, changed bundle identifier in project settings, and whola!
It worked for me.
P.S. I was using free provision profile using free Apple ID.
for me, just press cmd+, then go to account ,chose your developer account refresh(XCODE6) OR download all (XCODE7) will fix.
This happened to me when I was trying to build an App-store ipa exported file on my device, I had to export ad-hoc instead.
You should check provision profile is Product or Develop, if your project use multi configuration
You should check configuration which called by schema, because it must make sure, your configuration was set provision Develop
Check your bundle identifier and your profiles. If you have a profile for a specific bundle identifier and no team ones and your bundle identifier does not match it will give you that error.
Bundle identifier is in General section of your project properties and the profiles you can check in build settings.
In my case, I had a duplicate Provisioning Profile with the same name. This was accidentally created when I added an share extension to my project, stash all of those changes with git, and created a new share extension with the same name (com.companyname.project.share-extension-name). Deleting the Provisioning Profile in the developer member center ( fixed this for me.
Had this issue with a cordova / ionic3 app, was caused by forking a main app and not selected again the legacy system in project settings. I selected legacy and the entitlements bs went away.
Had the same problem, nothing was helping, but I looked in Info.plist and found out that bundle ID was changed to other name (I don't know how it happened), so when I changed it to correct one everything was fine again.
I have also this problem when I do with XCode project what is exported from cordova framework.
Resolution : You have to create Apple-ID and Provisioining-profile by yourself. Because Xcode seems to be unable to create it for you.
For me, it was an inconsistency between Debug profile (it was automatic) and Release profile (it was manual). Setting them both automatic/manual resolved the issue.
I had to delete all the provisioning profiles by following this article.

Can't submit app to AppStore. "Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS"

I'm trying to submit my app to the AppStore but all in vain. No matter what I do I'm getting the following error:
I tried cleaning, deleting derived data, restarting Xcode, restarting my Mac. Nothing helps. this answer suggests copying bundle from iTunesConnect and pasting it into the project, but it's not possible since iTunesConnect has changed and you are no longer able to copy bundle id from there. Any ideas, guys?
The problem existed because Associated domains and iCloud options (which wasn't actually required) were enabled for the app in the developer account. As soon as I disabled these options (and created new provisioning profile) the problem was gone
I think you are using an wildcard prvisioning profile for upload the app just check the Provision profile
Same problem, but i fixed it.
Solution 1
Step 1: Show pack content, copy all files from the GooglePlus.bundle and paste theme into a new temp folder.
Step 2: Add this new folder to the project.
Solution 2. (Optional, but put all old bundle file to the new bundler, and resign it)
Step 1: Same as step 1 of solution 1
Step 2: Create new target, with OS X/ Framework & Library / Bundle.
Step 3: Right click on new target and add all file on the temp folder into this target.
See more: Create new bundler
I resolved this issue because I had selected the "Associated Domains" entitlement (on the Apple Developer site) however in Xcode 6.1.1 seemed to not allow an app to be submitted if you have the Associated Domains switch as off in the capabilities Xcode view.
You can therefore solve the Associated Domain issue by going to your app target in Xcode, Capabilities, Associated Domains and hitting the switch to ON if it's off. You don't have to add any info/domains but it seems to make Xcode happy!
See image below:
Alternatively if you can (and don't mind) then you could remove the Associated Domain entitlement when configuring your app on the Apple Developer site and re-download the certs/profiles.
If you don't use G+, you can remove Google's bundle from app's Frameworks.

Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.(0xE8008016)

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.(0xE8008016).
I am getting this error. please help me.
I have create the provisioning profile and change the bundle id. I have enable the keychain sharing from Target->Capabilities and generate the new .entitlement file. and i have also change the bundle id in that.
In my case (using XCode 10.0) nothing worked but this:
File > Project Settings... > Shared Project Settings: > Build System
--> Selected "Legacy Build System" instead of the default "New Build System (Default)".
For me in Xcode 5.1, I was getting The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. when trying to test the app on my device. Device Development Certificate has to expire Feb 2015.
Issue was resolved:
Selected Target->Capabilities, under GameCenter, here I was getting error on GameCenter entitlement as it was not added to project, although first version of application was released via same XCode 5.1 but there were no errors like this before.
Below, a button was given with title Fix Issue. When clicked it added the GameCenter entitlement and issue was resolved.
After wards the screen looks like:
For me, there was nothing to do with certificate or bundle identifier. App now runs successfully on the device.
In XCode 7.3 I encountered the same question, I 've made the mistake because:
Name in (info.plist -->Bundle identifier) is not the same as (target-->build settings -->packaging-->Product bundle identifier). Just make the same, that solved the problem.
As others have pointed out, if you get this error, you need to check that the Bundle ID value in both your .plist file and also here:
First of all, you should check bundle id, provision profile and certificate with private key (.p12).
If it doesn't help. Be sure that the Code Signing Entitlements has correct value or remove it at all.
File > Workspace Settings > Build System > Legacy Build System
This worked for me.
Xcode 10.0
Reassign the value of Automatically manage signing, this works for me
In my case, the app main Target's Team was different from Tests' Target Team. Changing the Tests' Team to the same Team as main Target's solves the issue.
None of the previous answers either applied or worked for me. In my case, updating the settings of the test project, as follows, fixed it:
One possible reason for this error is: your annual subscription has been renewed. Once the subscription is renewed, all devices related to the active provision profiles will be detached.
The admin must reactivate the list of devices for the new subscribed year.
The admin must delete last year provision profiles. (all are useless).
The admin must regenerate new provision profiles for the new year with the list of devices of his choice.
After this, rebuild project with Xcode and the error will disappear.
Had this issue. My main app and extension belonged to the same app group id correctly, but there was also one more app ID not in my project that shared said app group id. I had to remove this last app ID's association with the app group.
I was having same issue on Xcode 7.3 with iPad Air 2 with iOS 9.3.4!
Then I tried many options.
Finally I deleted profile from device, changed bundle identifier in project settings, and whola!
It worked for me.
P.S. I was using free provision profile using free Apple ID.
for me, just press cmd+, then go to account ,chose your developer account refresh(XCODE6) OR download all (XCODE7) will fix.
This happened to me when I was trying to build an App-store ipa exported file on my device, I had to export ad-hoc instead.
You should check provision profile is Product or Develop, if your project use multi configuration
You should check configuration which called by schema, because it must make sure, your configuration was set provision Develop
Check your bundle identifier and your profiles. If you have a profile for a specific bundle identifier and no team ones and your bundle identifier does not match it will give you that error.
Bundle identifier is in General section of your project properties and the profiles you can check in build settings.
In my case, I had a duplicate Provisioning Profile with the same name. This was accidentally created when I added an share extension to my project, stash all of those changes with git, and created a new share extension with the same name (com.companyname.project.share-extension-name). Deleting the Provisioning Profile in the developer member center ( fixed this for me.
Had this issue with a cordova / ionic3 app, was caused by forking a main app and not selected again the legacy system in project settings. I selected legacy and the entitlements bs went away.
Had the same problem, nothing was helping, but I looked in Info.plist and found out that bundle ID was changed to other name (I don't know how it happened), so when I changed it to correct one everything was fine again.
I have also this problem when I do with XCode project what is exported from cordova framework.
Resolution : You have to create Apple-ID and Provisioining-profile by yourself. Because Xcode seems to be unable to create it for you.
For me, it was an inconsistency between Debug profile (it was automatic) and Release profile (it was manual). Setting them both automatic/manual resolved the issue.
I had to delete all the provisioning profiles by following this article.

Xcode Bundle identifier issue

I am trying to install 2 apps that i made in Xcode onto a device and have only been able to successfully build one.
on the one that successfully built the bundle identifier was where "Project" is the project name in grey un-editable text.
for the one that failed the bundle identifier does not have any non-editable text in it and I don't understand why one has un-editable grey text and the other doesn't.
This is the error description The identity '...' does not match any valiad non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains
I tried the following bundle identifiers to no success.
123456789A.* (project is in editable text)
Note: I tried deleting and reinstall provisioning profiles and key-chains. I would be surprised if anything is wrong with my keychain or provisioning profiles since one app built successfully.
the gray text is uneditable because it uses a rfc1034identifier version of your bundle's project name
if you look at the target info you will see bundle identifier looks like this.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}
project name is the value next to the icon in the "Targets" section of your Project Property editor.
you can change the name of the target by clicking on the name once while it is already selected. or selecting it and pressing enter.
Changing the name of the target will change the grayed out value in your Bundle identifier.
Sometimes your provision file does not include all of the UDID's that it is supposed to.
You may try making sure they are selected in the itunes connect portal. then downloading a new copy.
You may also try connecting the ios device to xcode and setting it up for development in the "Organizer"
if that does not work. you may want to remove all the provision files from your xcode and from the hard disk where they are stored and re download them from xcode.
Occasionally it is temperamental
Try completing this way your Bundle identifier:
In your organizer/Provisioning profiles you can find the App identifier*
In your Bundle identifier use only after the numbers(dot) and instead (*) your app name, should be this way:
This way the The identity '...' does not match any valiad non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains error should be gone, at least it was for me. Good luck.
I found out what was wrong. My Code signing identity for the debug phase was for the wrong certificate. It was a pretty simple and embarrassing mistake.
Also thanks to those who answered!
