Uploaded test cases on TFS are not visible in Test Manager - tfs

I have uploaded some test cases form excel sheet in TFS under a specified project using 'Test case import utility' yet i am not able to see uploaded test cases in MTM for execution. Is there anything i might have missed.

In this scenario one must query the test cases in MTM and there it will list all the test cases, test cases can then be directly added to MTM corresponding to a particular suit.


Include tests from child suites when exporting test plans in TFS

When Exporting Test plan , i get plenty of Test Suites with 0 Test cases .
Though Every one of those Test Suites have multiple Child Test Suites with Multiple Test cases each .
How am i able to include the Test cases from the Child Test Suite in the Exported Report ?
It works well in my side, the test case is located under corresponding test suite.
When you do the export through right click the test plan, please make sure you have selected selected suite+children and check the test cases with step option.
Simply select the test plan you want to export, and right click the test plan, select Export.

Bulk change of Test Case status in Microsoft Test Manager for a particular Test suite

I'm new to Microsoft Test Manager. I have lot of Test suites in my MTM and want to change the status of each test case from Design to Ready state in a particular test suite.
Is there a way to do it in MTM or TFS without individually changing each and every test case status manually. (There are no tags for the Test Case and I tried to query by test suite name but it doesn't work).
I know the I could change the state of the test suite to In progress and All the test cases will be available for testing.
Thanks in advance.
If you have latest version of tfs on web test hub you may select several test (screens from vsts):
set new value for the State field
You can write a query in TFS to find all the test cases that meet your criteria.
Export into Excel (or Import using TEAM tab in Excel) and change all the values and publish the results back.
Or on the latest version of VSTS I can select all the WI's in the Query Result, right click and select "Edit", then change the State to Ready and save all.

How do I customize the Test Result Work Item Template Definition in TFS 2015?

My question is simple: I have used WITAdmin in the past to add custom fields to various work item types in TFS. Most recently - to add time estimates to the Test Case work item template in TFS. However, when I use WitAdmin listwitd command on my project, I don't see anything for Test Result.
Is there any way to customize the work item template for test results in TFS? I want to add an additional test result steps beyond the ones that are already out of the box, i.e. pass, fail, blocked, not applicable.
There is no work item type which called test result in TFS. You can customize the Test Plan & Test suite & Test Case and add custom fields or define custom workflows to it, just without test result.
The test result is associated with MTM. If you want to customize Test Result Failure Type & Resolution Type, please refer the link from MSDN: Customize and manage the test experience [tcm and Microsoft Test Manager]
For more info, please take a look at this uservoice: Provide customization for test plan, test results.

How to link a bug created on Microsoft Test Manager to TFS?

I want to be able to see the bugs created on MTM in TFS without having to manually create them again. If anybody has any insight on how to automate this process please help.
When you are working with MTM you are either executing Test Cases or doing Exploratory testing when you are creating bugs.
If you are executing test cases MTM will automatically associate any Bugs created with the Test Case in context. However, as your Test Case may test multiple PBI's the tool does not know which PBI is in context.
Note: I am not sure if, when using the 'Add Requirement' option to create a Test Suit that I linked to your PBI if the link to the PBI is created.
If you are doing exploratory testing, where you don't have a Test Case, then you can choose to "Explore a requirement". In this case both Bugs and Test Cases created are associated with the PBI in context.
If you run the reporting services Backlog Overview report you will see the number of tests passing and failing against PBI as this report follows the indirect links.

Parameterized Functional Tests using TFS / Testing Center?

I'm trying to leverage the functionality of the TFS Test Case, which allows a user to add parameters to a test case. However, when I set up a plain vanilla Unit Test (which will become my functional / integration test), and use the Insert Parameter feature, I just don't seem to be able to access the parameter data. From the little I can find, it seems as if this parameterization is only for coded UI tests.
While it's possible for me to write a data driven unit test with the [DataSource] attribute on the test, this would mean a separate place to manage the data for the testing, potentially a new UI, etc. Not terrible but not optimal. What would be ideal is to manage everything through Testing Center but I cannot for the life of me find a description of how to get at that data inside the unit test.
Am I missing something obvious?
Either I didn't understand your question or maybe you answered it yourself :-). Let me explain:
Both Unit Tests and Coded UI Tests (in fact, most MSTest-based tests) leverage the same [DataSource] infrastructure. That way, tests can be parameterized without the need of embedding the parameter data in the test itself.
VS 2005 and VS 2008 basically offered databases (text, XML or relational ones) as valid test data sources. VS 2010 (and Microsoft Test Manager) introduced a new kind of data source: a "Test Case Data Source", which is automatically inserted in a Coded UI test generated from a test case recording.
But nothing prevents you from doing the same to your own unit tests. I think the workflow below could work for you:
Create a test case in MTM;
Add your parameters and data rows;
Save your test case. Take note of the work item ID (you're gonna need it);
Create your unit test and add the following attribute to the method header:
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.TestCase", "http://my-tfs-server:8080/tfs/my-collection;My-Team-Project", "WI#", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]
In the attribute above, replace WI# with the work item id from #3;
(Optional) In Visual Studio, go to the Test menu and click Windows | Test View. Select the unit test you just created, right-click it and "Associate Test to Test Case". Point to the same test case work item created in #3 and now you turned your manual test case in a automated test case. NOTE: When you automate a test you can no longer run it manually from MTM. You need Lab Management (and an environment configured as being able to run automated tests) in order to schedule and run an automated test case.
