Include tests from child suites when exporting test plans in TFS - tfs

When Exporting Test plan , i get plenty of Test Suites with 0 Test cases .
Though Every one of those Test Suites have multiple Child Test Suites with Multiple Test cases each .
How am i able to include the Test cases from the Child Test Suite in the Exported Report ?

It works well in my side, the test case is located under corresponding test suite.
When you do the export through right click the test plan, please make sure you have selected selected suite+children and check the test cases with step option.
Simply select the test plan you want to export, and right click the test plan, select Export.


TFS 2017 test case history

We recently upgraded from TFS 2012 to TFS 2017. In 2012 you could see the history of the test case in the Summary tab. When it was passed etc. I can't find that in 2017. Is it there?
Any guidance would be very helpful
If you mean view the recent test results for an individual test case, then you can select the test case within a test suite and then choose to Show/hide details pane. Then check the Test Result for a specific test case.
Navigate to Test hub --> Select the specific Test Plan then Test suite --> Select a specific Test Case --> Click Show/hide details pane --> Select Test results from pane list --> view the results for a specific test case.
Besides, you can also use the REST API to get the test case and Test Run list
However, it's not so easy to get the test run history for a specific test case, unless you run only the specific test case each time. In fact, usually we will run multiple test cases in a test run.
REST API to get the test case :
GET http://SERVER:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/2017ScrumProjectFromVS/_apis/test/plans/105/suites/106/testcases/107?api-version=1.0
REST API to get the test run list :
GET http://server:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/2017ScrumProjectFromVS/_apis/test/Runs/
Actually the best way to retrieve test cases run status history is
using MTM (Microsoft Test Manager):
Connect TFS server -->> Select the Team Project -->> Select Test
tab >> Select the test plan -->> Select the specific test case -->>
View Results -->> At the end of the opened page you will see the result history (All test runs for the specific test case).

TFS 2013 | Test Step Detail tab invisible in Test Result

I created a test case, added few test steps, and now, am populating test step results in Test Step Details tab after a test is run.
I am able to see the test step details tab with each test case details like description, expected result, passes/failed etc. But only if, it is a manual test case.
This tab doesn't appear for automated test case.
I referred to below link for achieving this -
The test case steps are designed for manual test. In manual test, you need to run test according to steps and set the result manually.
But for automatic tests, it doesn't need to run test step by step, it runs automatically and the result is generated automatically. So there no step concept in automatic tests because your test method are the "steps" for this test case. That's why you can't see the test step results details in MTM.

Can Coded UI tests and MTM be used to create a test suite that will automatically play all test cases?

When creating a test suite in selenium ide it is possible to let all test cases in a test suite run in a continuous manner and see results when finished. I'm looking into creating test suites in Microsoft test manager and possibly automating with the code with cuit, my question is, is it possible to run the tests one after another with no manual interaction, as from what I've seen so far, it seems you have to manually verify the test results in each step for MTM tests and manually verify the pass or fail status at the end of the test?
You can create a test case and tie an automated test case (Selenium/CUIT) to it in Visual Studio. This flips a flag in the test case work item to "automated", and allows you to automatically execute those test cases on test agents.

How can I add an existing test suite to test plan in Test Manager

In TFS 2013 I have a test plan named "Release 6.2". I also have a test suite named "Sprint 2015-02". I try to add the test suite to the test plan via Test Manager by selecting the test plan and clicking on the "Add Requirements" button. I select the test suite from the query results and click on the "Add requirements to plan" button. When I do, I am returned to the former dialog showing the test plan but the suite does not appear under the plan. No message of any sort is given.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have noticed that I can create a test suite under the test plan by adding a new one. If I subsequently remove it from the plan, I cannot add it again using the above method.
Any ideas???
When you click Add Requirement you are creating a new Requirement-Based Suite (a suite that dynamically shows all Tests linked to that Requirement). You can't "add" a Test Suite from another Plan, but you can clone it which should accomplish the same thing (Test Suites can't belong to multiple Test Plans).
Just right click your Test Plan and choose Create Test Suites by Referencing Existing Test Cases.

Uploaded test cases on TFS are not visible in Test Manager

I have uploaded some test cases form excel sheet in TFS under a specified project using 'Test case import utility' yet i am not able to see uploaded test cases in MTM for execution. Is there anything i might have missed.
In this scenario one must query the test cases in MTM and there it will list all the test cases, test cases can then be directly added to MTM corresponding to a particular suit.
