I am testing some enhanced string related functions with which I am trying to use move as a way to copy strings around for faster, more efficient use without delving into pointers.
While testing a function for making a delimited string from a TStringList, I encountered a strange issue. The compiler referenced the bytes contained through the index when it was empty and when a string was added to it through move, index referenced the characters contained.
Here is a small downsized barebone code sample:-
unit UI;
System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Rtti, System.Classes,
System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Layouts,
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Results: TMemo;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.fmx}
function StringListToDelimitedString
( const AStringList: TStringList; const ADelimiter: String ): String;
Str : String;
Temp1 : NativeInt;
Temp2 : NativeInt;
DelimiterSize : Byte;
Result := ' ';
Temp1 := 0;
DelimiterSize := Length ( ADelimiter ) * 2;
for Str in AStringList do
Temp1 := Temp1 + Length ( Str );
SetLength ( Result, Temp1 );
Temp1 := 1;
for Str in AStringList do
Temp2 := Length ( Str ) * 2;
// Here Index references bytes in Result
Move ( Str [1], Result [Temp1], Temp2 );
// From here the index seems to address characters instead of bytes in Result
Temp1 := Temp1 + Temp2;
Move ( ADelimiter [1], Result [Temp1], DelimiterSize );
Temp1 := Temp1 + DelimiterSize;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
StrList : TStringList;
Str : String;
// Test 1 : StringListToDelimitedString
StrList := TStringList.Create;
Str := '';
StrList.Add ( 'Hello1' );
StrList.Add ( 'Hello2' );
StrList.Add ( 'Hello3' );
StrList.Add ( 'Hello4' );
Str := StringListToDelimitedString ( StrList, ';' );
Results.Lines.Add ( Str );
Please devise a solution and if possible, some explanation. Alternatives are welcome too.
Let's look at the crucial bit of code:
// Here Index references bytes in Result
Move ( Str [1], Result [Temp1], Temp2 );
// From here the index seems to address characters instead of bytes in Result
Temp1 := Temp1 + Temp2;
Move ( ADelimiter [1], Result [Temp1], DelimiterSize );
Now, some explanations. When you index a string, you are always indexing characters. You are never indexing bytes. It looks to me as though you wish to index bytes. In which case using the string index operator makes life hard. So I suggest that you index bytes as follows.
First of all initialise Temp1 to 0 rather than 1 since we will be using zero-based indexing.
When you need to index Result using a zero-based byte index, do so like this:
So your code becomes:
Temp1 := 0;
for Str in AStringList do
Temp2 := Length(Str)*2;
Move(Str[1], PByte(Result)[Temp1], Temp2);
Temp1 := Temp1 + Temp2;
Move(ADelimiter[1], PByte(Result)[Temp1], DelimiterSize);
Temp1 := Temp1 + DelimiterSize;
In fact I think I'd write it like this, avoiding all string indexing:
Temp1 := 0;
for Str in AStringList do
Temp2 := Length(Str)*2;
Move(Pointer(Str)^, PByte(Result)[Temp1], Temp2);
Temp1 := Temp1 + Temp2;
Move(Pointer(ADelimiter)^, PByte(Result)[Temp1], DelimiterSize);
Temp1 := Temp1 + DelimiterSize;
I'd suggest better names than Temp1 and Temp2. I also question the use of NativeInt here. I'd normally expect to see Integer. Not least because a Delphi string is indexed by signed 32 bit values. You cannot have a string with length greater than 2GB.
Note also that you are not allocating enough memory. You forgot to account for the length of the delimiter. Fix that and your function looks like this:
function StringListToDelimitedString(const AStringList: TStringList;
const ADelimiter: String): String;
Str: String;
Temp1: Integer;
Temp2: Integer;
DelimiterSize: Integer;
Temp1 := 0;
DelimiterSize := Length(ADelimiter) * SizeOf(Char);
for Str in AStringList do
inc(Temp1, Length(Str) + DelimiterSize);
SetLength(Result, Temp1);
Temp1 := 0;
for Str in AStringList do
Temp2 := Length(Str) * SizeOf(Char);
Move(Pointer(Str)^, PByte(Result)[Temp1], Temp2);
inc(Temp1, Temp2);
Move(Pointer(ADelimiter)^, PByte(Result)[Temp1], DelimiterSize);
inc(Temp1, DelimiterSize);
If you want to avoid pointers, then write it like this:
function StringListToDelimitedString(const AStringList: TStringList;
const ADelimiter: String): String;
Str: String;
StrLen: Integer;
ResultLen: Integer;
DelimiterLen: Integer;
ResultIndex: Integer;
DelimiterLen := Length(ADelimiter);
ResultLen := 0;
for Str in AStringList do
inc(ResultLen, Length(Str) + DelimiterLen);
SetLength(Result, ResultLen);
ResultIndex := 1;
for Str in AStringList do
StrLen := Length(Str);
Move(Pointer(Str)^, Result[ResultIndex], StrLen*SizeOf(Char));
inc(ResultIndex, StrLen);
Move(Pointer(ADelimiter)^, Result[ResultIndex], DelimiterLen*SizeOf(Char));
inc(ResultIndex, DelimiterLen);
System.Move works with untyped pointers and counter of bytes. System.Copy and SysUtils.StrLCopy work with strings (Pascal strings and C strings respectively) and counter of chars. But char and byte are different types, so when you move from string/char context to pointers/bytes context - you should re-calculate length in chars to length in bytes. By the way, same is about indices, Result [Temp1] calculates in characters, not in bytes. And always did.
Correct solution is not mixing citizens of different planets. If you want pointers - use pointers. If you want characters and strings - use characters and strings. But do not mix them! divide and conquer and always separate and make clear when you're using raw piinters and where you use typed strings! Otherwise you're misleading yourself;
function StringListToDelimitedString
( const AStringList: TStrings; const ADelimiter: String ): String;
Str : array of String;
Lengths : array of Integer;
Temp1 : NativeInt;
Count, TotalChars : Integer;
PtrDestination: PByte;
PCurStr: ^String;
CurLen: Integer;
Procedure Add1(const Source: string);
var count: integer; // all context is in bytes, not chars here!
Ptr1, Ptr2: PByte;
if Source = '' then exit;
Ptr1 := #Source[ 1 ];
Ptr2 := #Source[ Length(Source)+1 ];
count := ptr2 - ptr1;
Move( Source[1], PtrDestination^, count);
Inc(PtrDestination, count);
begin // here all context is in chars and typed strings, not bytes
Count := AStringList.Count;
if Count <= 0 then exit('');
SetLength(Str, Count); SetLength(Lengths, Count);
TotalChars := 0;
for Temp1 := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
PCurStr := #Str[ Temp1 ];
PCurStr^ := AStringList[ Temp1 ]; // caching content, avoiding extra .Get(I) calls
CurLen := Length ( PCurStr^ ); // caching length, avoind extra function calls
Lengths[ Temp1 ] := CurLen;
Inc(TotalChars, CurLen);
SetLength ( Result, TotalChars + ( Count-1 )*Length( ADelimiter ) );
PtrDestination := Pointer(Result[1]);
// Calls UniqueString to get a safe pointer - but only once
for Temp1 := Low(Str) to High(Str) do
Add1( Str[ Temp1 ] );
Dec( Count );
if Count > 0 // not last string yet
then Add1( Delimeter );
Now, the correct solution i believe would be stopping inventing bicycles and using ready-made and tested libraryes, for example.
Str := JclStringList().Add(['Hello1','Hello2','Hello3','Hello4']).Join(';');
Or, if you really need to add a delimiter PAST THE LAST string (which is usually carefully avoided) then
Str := JclStringList().Add(['Hello1','Hello2','Hello3','Hello4', '']).Join(';');
The original claim of squeezing single percents of CPU power just does not hold with the original code. The illusion of fast pointer operations is just shadowed by a suboptimal code caring not about performance at all.
function StringListToDelimitedString
( const AStringList: TStringList; const ADelimiter: String ): String;
TStringList is a class. Class instance creation and deletion are expensive (slow) operations. Delphi made a flexible framework of those classes - but the speed suffers. So if you want to get few extra percents of speed and pay with sacrificing reliability and flexibility - the don't use classes.
DelimiterSize : Byte;
It should be NativeInt instead just as the rest of muneric variables there. You think you just saved few bytes - but you forced CPU to use non-native datatype and insert typecasts every now and then. It is nothing but an explicitly introduced delay. Ironically, you even did not saved those bytes, cause Delphi would just pad three bytes more to allocate next variable on 32-bits boundary. That is a typical "memory alignment" optimization.
Result := ' ';
This value would never be used. So it is just a loss of time.
for Str in AStringList do
This construction, requiring instantiating TInterfacedObject and calling its virtual methods and then reference-counting it with global locking - is expensive (slow) operation. And twice slow in multithreading taskloads. If you need to squeeze few percetns of speed - you should avoid loosing tens of percents on for-in loops. Those hi-level loops are handy and reliable and flexible - but they pay with speed for that.
for Str in AStringList do
Then You do it twice. But you DON'T KNOW how it that stringlist implemented. How efficiently does it gets the string ? It may even pass messages to another process like TMemo.Lines do! So you should minimize all accesses to that class and its multitude of internal virtual members. Cache all the strings ONCE in some local variable, do not fetch TWICE every of those!
Move ( Str [1], Result [Temp1], Temp2 );
Now we come to a really interesting question - is there even hypothetical place to gain any speed advantage by usiong pointers and bytes? Open CPU window and look how that line is actually implemented!
Strings are reference-counted! When you do Str2 := Str1; no data is copied but only pointers do. But as you start accessing the real memory buffer inside the string - that Str[1] expression - the compiler can not more count references, so Delphi is forced here to decrease reference coutner to ONE SINGLE. That is, Delphi is forced here to call UniqueString over Str and over Result; the System.UniqueString checks the refcounter and if it is >1 makes a special local copy of string (copying all the data into a newly allocated special buffer). Then you do a Move - just like Delphi RTL does itself. I cannto get where any advantage of speed may come from?
Move ( ADelimiter [1], Result [Temp1], DelimiterSize )
And here the same operations are done yet again. And they are costly operations! At least an extra procedure is called, at worst the new buffer is allocated and all the content being copied.
The boundary between reference-counted strings and raw pointers is a costly one and every time you cross it - you force Delphi to pay a price.
Mixing those boundaries in the same code make the price paid again and again and again. It also confuses yourself where your counters and indices refer to bytes and where they refer to chars.
Delphi optimized casual string operations for years. And did a pretty good job there. Outperforming Delphi is possible - but you would need to understand in very very fine details - up to each CPU assembler instruction - what goes under the curtains of Pascal sources in your program. That is a dirty and tedious work. There will be no mopre that luxury of using those reliable and flexible things as for-in loop and TStrings classes.
In the end you would most probably get a few percents of speed gain, that no one would ever notice. But you will pay for that with a code much harder to understand, write, read and test. Will those few percents of speed worth unmaintainable code ? I doubt it.
So unless you are forced to do so, my advice is to skip wasting your time and just do a usual Str := JclStringList().Add(['Hello1','Hello2','Hello3','Hello4']).Join(';');
Reliability and flexibility is almost always more preferable than sheer speed.
And sorry to tell that, while i do not know a lot about speed optimizations, i easily saw a speed-damaging issues in your code, that you intended to be faster than Delphi itself.
My experience is miles and miles away of even trying to outperform Delphi in strings field. And i do not think you have any chances other but wasting a lot of time to finally get performance worse than stock one.
I am creating an application which uses the AMB MyLaps decoder P3 Protocols.
I can't get my head around a way to sort the racers out based on laps and lap times. For example, the person in 1st has done 3 laps, the person in 2nd has done 2 laps. But then how do I order a situation where 2 people are on the same lap?
This is the record I'm using to hold the information:
TTimingRecord = record
position: integer;
transId: integer;
racerName: string;
kartNumber: integer;
lastPassingN: integer;
laps: integer;
lastRTCTime: TDateTime;
bestTimeMs: Extended;
lastTimeMs: Extended;
gapTimeMs: Extended;
splitTimeMs: Extended;
timestamp: TDateTime;
A new record is created for each racer.
The code I'm currently using is:
procedure sortRacers();
Pos, Pos2: Integer;
Temp: TTimingRecord;
GapTime: Extended;
for Pos := 0 to length(DriversRecord)-1 do
for Pos2 := 0 to Length(DriversRecord)-2 do
if(DriversRecord[Pos2].laps < DriversRecord[Pos2+1].laps)then
Temp := DriversRecord[Pos2];
DriversRecord[Pos2] := DriversRecord[Pos2+1];
DriversRecord[Pos2+1] := Temp;
else if DriversRecord[Pos2].laps = DriversRecord[Pos2+1].laps then
if DriversRecord[Pos2].lastRTCTime > DriversRecord[Pos2+1].lastRTCTime then
Temp := DriversRecord[Pos2];
DriversRecord[Pos2] := DriversRecord[Pos2+1];
DriversRecord[Pos2+1] := Temp;
for pos := 1 to length(DriversRecord) -1 do //Gap Time
if DriversRecord[Pos].laps = DriversRecord[0].laps then
DriversRecord[Pos].gapTimeMs := DriversRecord[Pos].lastRTCTime - DriversRecord[0].lastRTCTime;
DriversRecord[Pos].splitTimeMs := DriversRecord[Pos].lastRTCTime - DriversRecord[Pos-1].lastRTCTime;
But doesn't work too well :)
I'm assuming from your comment to the question, that you have decomposed the problem into sorting and comparing, and that you have got the sorting part covered. Which leaves order comparison.
You need a function that will perform a lexicographic order comparison based first on the number of laps completed, and secondly on the time since the start of this lap. Basically it will look like this:
function CompareRacers(const Left, Right: TTimingRecord): Integer;
Result := CompareValue(Left.laps, Right.laps);
if Result=0 then
Result := CompareDateTime(Left.lastRTCTime, Right.lastRTCTime);
You'll find CompareValue in Math and CompareDateTime in DateUtils.
What I'm not sure about is what the sense of the lastRTCTime values is. You may need to negate the result of the call to CompareDateTime to get the result you desire.
Result := -CompareDateTime(Left.lastRTCTime, Right.lastRTCTime);
Also, what happens if there is overtaking during the lap? Presumably you won't be able to detect that until the racers complete the current lap.
Instead of doing the sort algorithm yourself, try this technique (if you have a Delphi version compatible) : Best way to sort an array
And your function could look like this :
uses Types;
function CustomSort(const Left, Right: TTimingRecord): Integer
If (left.laps > right.laps) then
result := GreaterThanValue
if (left.laps < right.laps) then
result := LessThanValue
// Same laps count... Test on LastRTCTime
if (left.lastRTCTime < right.lastRTCTime) then
result := GreaterThanValue1
if (left.lastRTCTime > right.lastRTCTime) then
result := LessThanValue
result := EqualsValue;
It might be easier to look at this as 2 separate sorts.
Obviously you know the bubble-sort method, so I will not go into that.
Make 2 passes on your sorting.
1st, you sort the laps.
2nd, you run through the entire list of sorted laps. find begin point and end point in array for identical lap-values. Do the sorting again from begin and end points, but this time compare only the secondary value. iterate through all identical secondary values if the count of identical values are larger than 1.
This code is about sorting data using an Index. Way faster than bubble-sort.
It is dynamic and provides for ability to sort from a start-point to an end-point in an array.
The code itself is bigger than Bubble-Sort, but not many algorithms can compare on speed.
The code (when understanding how it works) can easily be modified to suit most kinds of sorting. On an array of 65536 strings, it only need to do 17 compares (or there about)
Some more CPU Cycles per compare cycle compared with Bubble Sort, but still among the fastest methods.
To search is equally as fast as BTREE. The actual sorting is perhaps slower, but the data is easier manageable afterwards with no real need for balancing the tree.
Note: The routine is not the full solution to the actual problem, but it provides the beginning of an extreemely fast approach.
DynamicIntegerArray = ARRAY OF INTEGER;
DynamicStringArray = ARRAY OF STRING;
BinSortLo, BinSortMid, BinSortHi : INTEGER;
FindMid:=BinSortLo+((BinSortHi-BinSortLo) DIV 2);
PROCEDURE ShiftIndexUpAndStorePointer(VAR ArrParamIndex: DynamicIntegerArray; HighBound:INTEGER);
FOR x:=HighBound-1 DOWNTO BinSortMid DO ArrParamIndex[x+1] := ArrParamIndex[x];// Shift the index.
ArrParamIndex[BinSortMid]:=HighBound;// Store the pointer to index at its sorted place
PROCEDURE BinarySortUp(CONST ArrParam:DynamicStringArray; VAR ArrParamIndex: DynamicIntegerArray; CONST LoBound,HighBound:INTEGER); OVERLOAD;
TempVar : STRING;
BinSortLo:=LoBound; BinSortHi:=HighBound; BinSortMid:=FindMid;
TempVar := ArrParam[HighBound];
IF TempVar>ArrParam[ArrParamIndex[BinSortMid]] THEN BinSortLo:=BinSortMid ELSE BinSortHi:=BinSortMid;
UNTIL (BinSortMid=BinSortLo); {OR (BinSortMid=BinSortHi);}
IF TempVar>ArrParam[ArrParamIndex[BinSortMid]] THEN INC(BinSortMid);// We always need a last check just in case.
PROCEDURE DynamicCreateIndex(CONST ArrParam:DynamicStringArray; VAR ArrParamIndex: DynamicIntegerArray; CONST LoBound,HighBound:INTEGER);
FOR x:=LoBound TO HighBound DO
1. Create your STRING ARRAY as a DynamicStringArray.
2. Create your INDEX ARRAY as a DynamicIntegerArray.
3. Set the size of these arrays to any INTEGER size and fill the strings with data.
4. Run a call to DynamicCreateIndex(YourStringArray,YourIndexArray,0,SizeOfArray
Now you have a sorted Index of all the strings.
I am having trouble with some Delphi code that uses TFileStream to read chunks of data from a file to a dynamic array. The original objective in writing the code is to compare the contents of two files that have the same size but potentially different date and time stamps to see if the contents are the same. This is done by reading the data from each file of the pair into separate dynamic arrays and comparing each byte of one array with the corresponding byte of the other.
The code makes multiple calls to TFileStream.Read. After about 75 calls, the program crashes with an 'Out of Memory' Error message.
It does not seem to matter how large the blocks of data that are read, it seems to be the number of calls that results in the error message.
The code is a function that I have written that is called elsewhere whenever the program encounters two files that it needs to compare (which, for reasons that I won't go into, could be forty or fifty different file pairs). The 'Out of Memory' error occurs whether it is a single file that is being read in small blocks, or multiple files that are being read in their entirety. It seems to be the number of calls that is the determinant of the error.
While I realize that there might be more elegant ways of achieving the comparison of the files than what I have shown below, what I would really like to know is what is wrong with the use of the TFileStream and/or SetLength calls that are causing the memory problems. I have tried freeing the memory after every call (as shown in the code) and it seems to make no difference.
I would be grateful if someone could explain what is going wrong.
function Compare_file_contents(SPN,TPN : String; SourceFileSize : int64) : boolean;
SF : TFileStream; //First file of pair for comparison
TF : TFileStream; //Second file of pair
SourceArray : TBytes; // Buffer array to receive first file data
TargetArray : TBytes; //Buffer array to receive second file data
ArrayLength : int64; //Length of dynamic array
Position : int64; //Position within files to start each block of data read
TestPosition : int64; //Position within dynamic arrays to compare each byte
MaxArrayLength : integer; //Maximum size for the buffer arrays
LastRun : Boolean; //End first repeat loop
{ The comparison has an arbitrary upper boundary of 100 MB to avoid slowing the
the overall program. The main files bigger than this will be *.pst files that
will most likely have new dates every time the program is run, so it will take
about the same time to copy the files as it does to read and compare them, and
it will have to be done every time.
The function terminates when it is confirmed that the files are not the same.
If the source file is bigger than 100 MB, it is simply assumed that they are
not identical, thus Result = False. Also, LongInt integers (=integers) have
a range of -2147483648..2147483647, so files bigger than 2 GB will have
overflowed to a negative number. Hence the check to see if the file size is
less than zero.
The outer repeat ... until loop terminates on LastRun, but LastRun should only
be set if SecondLastRun is True, because it will skip the final comparisons in
the inner repeat ... until loop otherwise. }
Result := True;
LastRun := False;
MaxArrayLength := 1024*1024;
if (SourceFileSize > 100*1024*1024) or (SourceFileSize < 0) then Result := False
{ The comparison is done by using TFileStream to open and read the data from
the source and target files as bytes to dynamic arrays (TBytes). Then a repeat
loop is used to compare individual bytes until a difference is found or all
of the information has been compared. If a difference is found, Result is
set to False. }
if SourceFileSize > MaxArrayLength then ArrayLength := MaxArrayLength
else ArrayLength := SourceFileSize;
SF := TFileStream.Create(SPN,fmOpenRead);
TF := TFileStream.Create(TPN,fmOpenRead);
Position := 0;
Position := SF.Position;
TestPosition := 0;
if SourceArray[TestPosition] <> TargetArray[TestPosition] then
Result := False;
until (Result = False) or (TestPosition = ArrayLength);
if SourceFileSize > Position then
if SourceFileSize - Position - MaxArrayLength > 0 then
ArrayLength := MaxArrayLength
else ArrayLength := SourceFileSize - Position;
SF := TFileStream.Create(SPN,fmOpenRead);
TF := TFileStream.Create(TPN,fmOpenRead);
SF.Position := Position;
TF.Position := Position;
Position := SF.Position;
end else LastRun := True;
until (Result = False) or LastRun;
end; { Compare_file_contents }
This routine seems to be far more complicated than it needs to be. Rather than trying to debug it, I offer you my routine that compares streams.
function StreamsEqual(Stream1, Stream2: TStream): Boolean;
OneKB = 1024;
Buffer1, Buffer2: array [0..4*OneKB-1] of Byte;
SavePos1, SavePos2: Int64;
Count: Int64;
N: Integer;
if Stream1.Size<>Stream2.Size then begin
Result := False;
SavePos1 := Stream1.Position;
SavePos2 := Stream2.Position;
Stream1.Position := 0;
Stream2.Position := 0;
Count := Stream1.Size;
while Count <> 0 do begin
N := Min(SizeOf(Buffer1), Count);
Stream1.ReadBuffer(Buffer1, N);
Stream2.ReadBuffer(Buffer2, N);
if not CompareMem(#Buffer1, #Buffer2, N) then begin
Result := False;
dec(Count, N);
Result := True;
Stream1.Position := SavePos1;
Stream2.Position := SavePos2;
If you wish to add your 100MB size check to this function, it's obvious where and how to do it.
The routine above uses a stack allocated buffer. In contrast your version allocates on the heap. Perhaps your version leads to heap fragmentation.
I realise that this does not answer the direct question that you asked. However, it does solve your problem. I hope this proves useful.
I'm a Delphi programmer.
I have made a program who uses dictionaries with words and expressions (loaded in program as "array of string").
It uses a search algorithm based on their "checksum" (I hope this is the correct word).
A string is transformed in integer based on this:
FHashSize: Integer; //stores the value of GetHashSize
HashTable, HashTableNoCase: array[Byte] of Longword;
HashTableInit: Boolean = False;
AnsiLowCaseLookup: array[AnsiChar] of AnsiChar = (
#$00, #$01, #$02, #$03, #$04, #$05, #$06, #$07,
#$08, #$09, #$0A, #$0B, #$0C, #$0D, #$0E, #$0F,
#$10, #$11, #$12, #$13, #$14, #$15, #$16, #$17,
#$18, #$19, #$1A, #$1B, #$1C, #$1D, #$1E, #$1F,
#$20, #$21, #$22, #$23, #$24, #$25, #$26, #$27,
#$28, #$29, #$2A, #$2B, #$2C, #$2D, #$2E, #$2F,
#$30, #$31, #$32, #$33, #$34, #$35, #$36, #$37,
#$38, #$39, #$3A, #$3B, #$3C, #$3D, #$3E, #$3F,
#$40, #$61, #$62, #$63, #$64, #$65, #$66, #$67,
#$68, #$69, #$6A, #$6B, #$6C, #$6D, #$6E, #$6F,
#$70, #$71, #$72, #$73, #$74, #$75, #$76, #$77,
#$78, #$79, #$7A, #$5B, #$5C, #$5D, #$5E, #$5F,
#$60, #$61, #$62, #$63, #$64, #$65, #$66, #$67,
#$68, #$69, #$6A, #$6B, #$6C, #$6D, #$6E, #$6F,
#$70, #$71, #$72, #$73, #$74, #$75, #$76, #$77,
#$78, #$79, #$7A, #$7B, #$7C, #$7D, #$7E, #$7F,
#$80, #$81, #$82, #$83, #$84, #$85, #$86, #$87,
#$88, #$89, #$8A, #$8B, #$8C, #$8D, #$8E, #$8F,
#$90, #$91, #$92, #$93, #$94, #$95, #$96, #$97,
#$98, #$99, #$9A, #$9B, #$9C, #$9D, #$9E, #$9F,
#$A0, #$A1, #$A2, #$A3, #$A4, #$A5, #$A6, #$A7,
#$A8, #$A9, #$AA, #$AB, #$AC, #$AD, #$AE, #$AF,
#$B0, #$B1, #$B2, #$B3, #$B4, #$B5, #$B6, #$B7,
#$B8, #$B9, #$BA, #$BB, #$BC, #$BD, #$BE, #$BF,
#$C0, #$C1, #$C2, #$C3, #$C4, #$C5, #$C6, #$C7,
#$C8, #$C9, #$CA, #$CB, #$CC, #$CD, #$CE, #$CF,
#$D0, #$D1, #$D2, #$D3, #$D4, #$D5, #$D6, #$D7,
#$D8, #$D9, #$DA, #$DB, #$DC, #$DD, #$DE, #$DF,
#$E0, #$E1, #$E2, #$E3, #$E4, #$E5, #$E6, #$E7,
#$E8, #$E9, #$EA, #$EB, #$EC, #$ED, #$EE, #$EF,
#$F0, #$F1, #$F2, #$F3, #$F4, #$F5, #$F6, #$F7,
#$F8, #$F9, #$FA, #$FB, #$FC, #$FD, #$FE, #$FF);
function GetHashSize(const Count: Integer): Integer;
if Count < 65 then
Result := 256
Result := Round(IntPower(16, Ceil(Log10(Count div 4) / Log10(16))));
function Hash(const Hash: LongWord; const Buf; const BufSize: Integer): LongWord;
var P: PByte;
I: Integer;
P := #Buf;
Result := Hash;
for I := 1 to BufSize do
Result := HashTable[Byte(Result) xor P^] xor (Result shr 8);
function HashStrBuf(const StrBuf: Pointer; const StrLength: Integer; const Slots: LongWord): LongWord;
var P: PChar;
I, J: Integer;
if not HashTableInit then
P := StrBuf;
if StrLength <= 48 then // Hash all characters for short strings
Result := Hash($FFFFFFFF, P^, StrLength)
// Hash first 16 bytes
Result := Hash($FFFFFFFF, P^, 16);
// Hash last 16 bytes
Inc(P, StrLength - 16);
Result := Hash(Result, P^, 16);
// Hash 16 bytes sampled from rest of string
I := (StrLength - 48) div 16;
P := StrBuf;
Inc(P, 16);
for J := 1 to 16 do
Result := HashTable[Byte(Result) xor Byte(P^)] xor (Result shr 8);
Inc(P, I + 1);
// Mod into slots
if Slots <> 0 then
Result := Result mod Slots;
procedure InitHashTable;
var I, J: Byte;
R: LongWord;
for I := $00 to $FF do
R := I;
for J := 8 downto 1 do
if R and 1 <> 0 then
R := (R shr 1) xor $EDB88320
R := R shr 1;
HashTable[I] := R;
Move(HashTable, HashTableNoCase, Sizeof(HashTable));
for I := Ord('A') to Ord('Z') do
HashTableNoCase[I] := HashTableNoCase[I or 32];
HashTableInit := True;
The result of the HashStrBuf is "and (FHashSize - 1)" and is used as index in an "array of array of Integer" (of FHashSize size) to store the index of the string from that "array of string".
This way, when searches for a string, it's transformed in "checksum" and then the code searches in the "branch" with this index comparing this string with the strings from dictionary who have the same "checksum".
Ideally each string from dictionary should have unique checksum. But in the "real world" about 2/3 share the same "checksum" with other words. Because of that the search is not that fast.
In these dictionaries strings are composed of this characters: ['a'..'z',#224..#246,#248..#254,#154,#156..#159,#179,#186,#191,#190,#185,'0'..'9', '''']
Is there any way to improve the "hashing" so the strings would have more unique "checksums"?
Oh, one way is to increase the size of that "array of array of Integer" (FHashSize) but it cannot be increased too much because it takes a lot of Ram.
Another thing: these dictionaries are stored on HDD only as words/expressions (not the "checksums"). Their "checksum" is generated at program startup. But it takes a lot of seconds to do that...
Is there any way to speed up the startup of the program? Maybe by improving the "hashing" function, maybe by storing the "checksums" on HDD and loading them from there...
Any input would be appreciated...
PS: here is the code to search:
function TDictionary.LocateKey(const Key: AnsiString): Integer;
var i, j, l, H: Integer;
P, Q: PChar;
Result := -1;
l := Length(Key);
H := HashStrBuf(#Key[1], l, 0) and (FHashSize - 1);
P := #Key[1];
for i := 0 to High(FHash[H]) do //FHash is that "array of array of integer"
if l <> FKeys.ItemSize[FHash[H][i]] then //FKeys.ItemSize is an byte array with the lengths of strings from dictionary
Q := FKeys.Pointer(FHash[H][i]); //pointer to string in dictionary
for j := 0 to l - 1 do
if (P + j)^ <> (Q + j)^ then
if j = l then
Result := FHash[H][i];
Don't reinvent the wheel!
IMHO your hashing is far from efficient, and your collision algorithm can be improved.
Take a look for instance at the IniFiles unit, and the THashedStringList.
It's a bit old, but a good start for a string list using hashes.
There are a lot of good Delphi implementation of such, like in SuperObject and a lot of other code...
Take a look at our SynBigTable unit, which can handle arrays of data in memory or in file very fast, with full indexed searches. Or our latest TDynArray wrapper around any dynamic array of data, to implement TList-like methods to it, including fast binary search. I'm quite sure it could be faster than your hand-tuned code using hashing, if you use an ordered index then fast binary search.
About pure hashing speed of a string content, take a look at this function - rename RawByteString into AnsiString, PPtrInt into PPointer, and PtrInt into Integer for Delphi 7:
function Hash32(const Text: RawByteString): cardinal;
function SubHash(P: PCardinalArray): cardinal;
{$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}
var s1,s2: cardinal;
i, L: PtrInt;
const Mask: array[0..3] of cardinal = (0,$ff,$ffff,$ffffff);
if P<>nil then begin
L := PPtrInt(PtrInt(P)-4)^; // fast lenght(Text)
s1 := 0;
s2 := 0;
for i := 1 to L shr 4 do begin // 16 bytes (4 DWORD) by loop - aligned read
for i := 1 to (L shr 2)and 3 do begin // 4 bytes (DWORD) by loop
inc(s1,P^[0] and Mask[L and 3]); // remaining 0..3 bytes
result := s1 xor (s2 shl 16);
end else
result := 0;
begin // use a sub function for better code generation under Delphi
result := SubHash(pointer(Text));
There is even a pure asm version, even faster, in our SynCommons.pas unit. I don't know any faster hashing function around (it's faster than crc32/adler32/IniFiles.hash...). It's based on adler32, but use DWORD aligned reading and summing for even better speed. This could be improved with SSE asm, of course, but here is a fast pure Delphi hash function.
Then don't forget to use "multiplication"/"binary and operation" for hash resolution, just like in IniFiles. It will reduce the number of iteration to your list of hashs.
But since you didn't provide the search source code, we are not able to know what could be improved here.
If you are using Delphi 7, consider using Julian Bucknall's lovely Delphi data types code, EzDsl (Easy Data Structures Library).
Now you don't have to reinvent the wheel as another wise person has also said.
You can download ezdsl, a version that I have made work with both Delphi 7, and recent unicode delphi versions, here.
In particular the unit name EHash contains a hash table implementation, which has various hashing algorithms plug-inable, or you can write your own plugin function that just does the hashing function of your choice.
As a word to the wise, if you are using a Unicode Delphi version; I would be careful about hashing your unicode strings with a code library like this, without checking how its hashing algorithms perform on your system. The OP here is using Delphi 7, so Unicode is not a factor for the original question.
I think you'll find a database (without checksums) a lot quicker. Maybe try sqlite which will give you a single file database. There are many Delphi Libraries available.
Is there any comparable function like Pos that is not case-sensitive in D2010 (unicode)?
I know I can use Pos(AnsiUpperCase(FindString), AnsiUpperCase(SourceString)) but that adds a lot of processing time by converting the strings to uppercase every time the function is called.
For example, on a 1000000 loop, Pos takes 78ms while converting to uppercase takes 764ms.
str1 := 'dfkfkL%&/s"#<.676505';
for i := 0 to 1000000 do
PosEx('#<.', str1, 1); // Takes 78ms
for i := 0 to 1000000 do
PosEx(AnsiUpperCase('#<.'), AnsiUpperCase(str1), 1); // Takes 764ms
I know that to improve the performance of this specific example I can convert the strings to uppercase first before the loop, but the reason why I'm looking to have a Pos-like function that is not case-sensitive is to replace one from FastStrings. All the strings I'll be using Pos for will be different so I will need to convert each and every one to uppercase.
Is there any other function that might be faster than Pos + convert the strings to uppercase?
The built-in Delphi function to do that is in both the AnsiStrings.ContainsText for AnsiStrings and StrUtils.ContainsText for Unicode strings.
In the background however, they use logic very similar to your logic.
No matter in which library, functions like that will always be slow: especially to be as compatible with Unicode as possible, they need to have quite a lot of overhead. And since they are inside the loop, that costs a lot.
The only way to circumvent that overhead, is to do those conversions outside the loop as much as possible.
So: follow your own suggestion, and you have a really good solution.
This version of my previous answer works in both D2007 and D2010.
In Delphi 2007 the CharUpCaseTable is 256 bytes
In Delphi 2010 it is 128 KB (65535*2).
The reason is Char size. In the older version of Delphi my original code only supported the current locale character set at initialization. My InsensPosEx is about 4 times faster than your code. Certainly it is possible to go even faster, but we would lose simplicity.
TCharUpCaseTable = array [Char] of Char;
CharUpCaseTable: TCharUpCaseTable;
procedure InitCharUpCaseTable(var Table: TCharUpCaseTable);
n: cardinal;
for n := 0 to Length(Table) - 1 do
Table[Char(n)] := Char(n);
CharUpperBuff(#Table, Length(Table));
function InsensPosEx(const SubStr, S: string; Offset: Integer = 1): Integer;
n: Integer;
SubStrLength: Integer;
SLength: Integer;
Result := 0;
if S = '' then Exit;
if Offset <= 0 then Exit;
SubStrLength := Length(SubStr);
SLength := Length(s);
if SubStrLength > SLength then Exit;
Result := Offset;
while SubStrLength <= (SLength-Result+1) do
for n := 1 to SubStrLength do
if CharUpCaseTable[SubStr[n]] <> CharUpCaseTable[s[Result+n-1]] then
goto Fail;
Result := 0;
I have also faced the problem of converting FastStrings, which used a Boyer-Moore (BM) search to gain some speed, for D2009 and D2010. Since many of my searches are looking for a single character only, and most of these are looking for non-alphabetic characters, my D2010 version of SmartPos has an overload version with a widechar as the first argument, and does a simple loop through the string to find these. I use uppercasing of both arguments to handle the few non-case-sensitive case. For my applications, I believe the speed of this solution is comparable to FastStrings.
For the 'string find' case, my first pass was to use SearchBuf and do the uppercasing and accept the penalty, but I have recently been looking into the possibility of using a Unicode BM implementation. As you may be aware, BM does not scale well or easily to charsets of Unicode proportions, but there is a Unicode BM implementation at Soft Gems. This pre-dates D2009 and D2010, but looks as if it would convert fairly easily. The author, Mike Lischke, solves the uppercasing issue by including a 67kb Unicode uppercasing table, and this may be a step too far for my modest requirements. Since my search strings are usually short (though not as short as your single three-character example) the overhead for Unicode BM may also be a price not worth paying: the BM advantage increases with the length of the string being searched for.
This is definitely a situation where benchmarking with some real-world application-specific examples will be needed before incorporating that Unicode BM into my own applications.
Edit: some basic benchmarking shows that I was right to be wary of the "Unicode Tuned Boyer-Moore" solution. In my environment, UTBM results in bigger code, longer time. I might consider using it if I needed some of the extras this implementation provides (handling surrogates and whole-words only searches).
Here's one that I wrote and have been using for years:
function XPos( const cSubStr, cString :string ) :integer;
nLen0, nLen1, nCnt, nCnt2 :integer;
cFirst :Char;
nLen0 := Length(cSubStr);
nLen1 := Length(cString);
if nLen0 > nLen1 then
// the substr is longer than the cString
result := 0;
else if nLen0 = 0 then
// null substr not allowed
result := 0;
// the outer loop finds the first matching character....
cFirst := UpCase( cSubStr[1] );
result := 0;
for nCnt := 1 to nLen1 - nLen0 + 1 do
if UpCase( cString[nCnt] ) = cFirst then
// this might be the start of the least the first
// character matches....
result := nCnt;
for nCnt2 := 2 to nLen0 do
if UpCase( cString[nCnt + nCnt2 - 1] ) <> UpCase( cSubStr[nCnt2] ) then
// failed
result := 0;
if result > 0 then
Why not just convert the both the substring and the source string to lower or upper case within the regular Pos statement. The result will effectively be case-insensitive because both arguments are all in one case. Simple and lite.
The Jedi Code Library has StrIPos and thousands of other useful functions to complement Delphi's RTL. When I still worked a lot in Delphi, JCL and its visual brother JVCL were among the first things I added to a freshly installed Delphi.
Instead 'AnsiUpperCase' you can use Table it is much faster.
I have reshape my old code. It is very simple and also very fast.
Check it:
TAnsiUpCaseTable = array [AnsiChar] of AnsiChar;
AnsiTable: TAnsiUpCaseTable;
procedure InitAnsiUpCaseTable(var Table: TAnsiUpCaseTable);
n: cardinal;
for n := 0 to SizeOf(TAnsiUpCaseTable) -1 do
AnsiTable[AnsiChar(n)] := AnsiChar(n);
CharUpperBuff(#AnsiTable[AnsiChar(n)], 1);
function UpCasePosEx(const SubStr, S: string; Offset: Integer = 1): Integer;
n :integer;
SubStrLength :integer;
SLength :integer;
SLength := length(s);
if (SLength > 0) and (Offset > 0) then begin
SubStrLength := length(SubStr);
result := Offset;
while SubStrLength <= SLength - result + 1 do begin
for n := 1 to SubStrLength do
if AnsiTable[SubStr[n]] <> AnsiTable[s[result + n -1]] then
goto Fail;
result := 0;
I think, converting to upper or lower case before Pos is the best way, but you should try to call AnsiUpperCase/AnsiLowerCase functions as less as possible.
On this occasion I couldn't find any approach that was even as good as, let alone better than Pos() + some form of string normalisation (upper/lowercase conversion).
This is not entirely surprising as when benchmarked the Unicode string handling in Delphi 2009 I found that the Pos() RTL routine has improved significantly since Delphi 7, explained in part by the fact that aspects of the FastCode libraries have been incorporated into the RTL for some time now.
The FastStrings library on the other hand has not - iirc - been significantly updated for a long time now. In tests I found that many FastStrings routines have in fact been overtaken by the equivalent RTL functions (with a couple of exceptions, explained by the unavoidable overhead incurred by the additional complications of Unicode).
The "Char-Wise" processing of the solution presented by Steve is the best so far imho.
Any approach that involves normalising the entire strings (both string and sub-string) risks introducing errors in any character-based position in the results due to the fact that with Unicode strings a case conversion may result in a change in the length of the string (some characters convert to more/fewer characters in a case conversion).
These may be rare cases but Steve's routine avoids them and is only about 10% slower than the already quite fast Pos + Uppercase (your benchmarking results don't tally with mine on that score).
Often the simple solution is the one you'd want to use:
if AnsiPos(AnsiupperCase('needle'), AnsiupperCase('The Needle in the haystack')) <> 0 then
Any program on Windows can call a shell-API function, which keeps your code-size down. As usual, read the program from the bottom up. This has been tested with Ascii-strings only, not wide strings.
program PrgDmoPosIns; {$AppType Console} // demo case-insensitive Pos function for Windows
// Free Pascal 3.2.2 [2022/01/02], Win32 for i386
// FPC.EXE -vq -CoOr -Twin32 -oPrgStrPosDmo.EXE PrgStrPosDmo.LPR
// -vq Verbose: Show message numbers
// -C Code generation:
// o Check overflow of integer operations
// O Check for possible overflow of integer operations - Integer Overflow checking turns on Warning 4048
// r Range checking
// -Twin32 Target 32 bit Windows operating systems
// 29600 bytes code, 1316 bytes data, 35,840 bytes file
function StrStrIA( pszHaystack, pszNeedle : PChar ) : PChar; stdcall; external 'shlwapi.dll'; // dynamic link to Windows API's case-INsensitive search
// "FPC\3.2.2\Source\Packages\winunits-base\src\shlwapi.pp" line 557
function StrPos( strNeedle, strHaystk : string ) : SizeInt; // return the position of Needle within Haystack, or zero if not found
intRtn : SizeInt; // function result
ptrHayStk , // pointers to
ptrNeedle , // search strings
strMchFnd : PChar ; // pointer to match-found string, or null-pointer/empty-string when not found
bolFnd : boolean; // whether Needle was found within Haystack
intLenHaystk , // length of haystack
intLenMchFnd : SizeInt; // length of needle
strHayStk := strHayStk + #0 ; // strings passed to API must be
strNeedle := strNeedle + #0 ; // null-terminated
ptrHayStk := Addr( strHayStk[ 1 ] ) ; // set pointers to point at first characters of
ptrNeedle := Addr( strNeedle[ 1 ] ) ; // null-terminated strings, so API gets C-style strings
strMchFnd := StrStrIA( ptrHayStk, ptrNeedle ); // call Windows to perform search; match-found-string now points inside the Haystack
bolFnd := ( strMchFnd <> '' ) ; // variable is True when match-found-string is not null/empty
if bolFnd then begin ; // when Needle was yes found in Haystack
intLenMchFnd := Length( strMchFnd ) ; // get length of needle
intLenHaystk := Length( strHayStk ) ; // get length of haystack
intRtn := intLenHaystk - intLenMchFnd; // set function result to the position of needle within haystack, which is the difference in lengths
end else // when Needle was not found in Haystack
intRtn := 0 ; // set function result to tell caller needle does not appear within haystack
StrPos := intRtn ; // pass function result back to caller
end; // StrPos
procedure TstOne( const strNeedle, strHayStk : string ); // run one test with this Needle
intPos : SizeInt; // found-match location of Needle within Haystack, or zero if none
write ( 'Searching for : [', strNeedle, ']' ); // bgn output row for this test
intPos := StrPos( strNeedle, strHaystk ); // get Needle position
writeln(' StrPos is ' , intPos ); // end output row for this test
end; // TstOne
procedure TstAll( ); // run all tests with various Needles
strHayStk = 'Needle in a Haystack'; // all tests will search in this string
writeln( 'Searching in : [', strHayStk, ']' ); // emit header row
TstOne ( 'Noodle' , strHayStk ); // test not-found
TstOne ( 'Needle' , strHayStk ); // test found at yes-first character
TstOne ( 'Haystack' , strHayStk ); // test found at not-first character
end; // TstAll
begin // ***** MAIN *****
TstAll( ); // run all tests
function TextPos(const ASubText, AText: UnicodeString): Integer;
res: Integer;
Locates a substring in a given text string without case sensitivity.
Returns the index of the first occurence of ATextin AText,
or zero if the text was not found
res := FindNLSString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, FIND_FROMSTART or LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE, PWideChar(AText), Length(AText), PWideChar(ASubText), Length(ASubText), nil);
Result := (res+1); //convert zero-based to one-based index, and -1 not found to zero.
And in case you don't have the definitions:
function FindNLSString(Locale: LCID; dwFindNLSStringFlags: DWORD; lpStringSource: PWideChar; cchSource: Integer; lpStringValue: PWideChar; cchValue: Integer; cchFound: PInteger): Integer; stdcall; external 'Kernel32.dll';
FIND_FROMSTART = $00400000; // look for value in source, starting at the
LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE = $00000010; // linguistically appropriate 'ignore