EasyUI: grid using 'fitColumns:true' will show the white area - jquery-easyui

and even in the offical-demo:
So how can I remove this region.

just set the data-option scrollbarSize:0


Different colored segmented lines imagej

I'm trying to make assign colors to individual segmented lines using ROI Manager. Every time I make a selection and change the color in properties, the line reverts to its original color as soon as I click back on my image. How can I assign colors to individual lines and get them to stick? Thanks

Is there a way to hide the chart borders while converting Google Sheets into PDFs?

The grey chart borders show up, no matter what you do in Google sheets, when converted into PDF. Is there any other way or script to make it hide while PDF conversion?
For anyone still struggling with this issue, there is a workaround where you can set the border colour to white instead of choosing no border. With this change, PDF export won't show any border lines.
There is a quick hack to solve this issue instead of setting the border color to full white set the border color to another white color in custom border colors.
There's a little hack you can use, use a light color as the border color anything but white as it didn't work, you can use a very light grey color something like #fcfcfc. Worked for me perfectly.
in case anyone stil struggles with this - dont save as .pdf directly but use the Print -> print to pdf function.
Hope it helps.

Highchart fill area only between two series

Here is chart http://jsfiddle.net/erzLp3n9/2/
I need to remove color as this image is seems
this image
I have two different series.
I do not want to use area-stacked and arearange because that two different series is dynamic.
I had try by this http://jsfiddle.net/erzLp3n9/3/ but not working
By using negativeFillColor you can color the area if it is negative, which seems to be the problem with your second example.
See this fiddle.
Where I set plotOptions.area.negativeFillColor.
If you are wondering why they don't look like the same color, it is because the top one is 75% opacity, see Highcharts API.
Could you explain exactly why you do not want to use stacking? This option along with setting color of the second series to transparent gives desired effect.
API Reference:

Remove black border from TcolorButton

Is there anyway to remove the black border from a TColorbutton ? Delphi xe5, developing for iOSdelp
There are actually three black or gray borders.
First, add a custom stylebook to your app. The docwiki tells how to do this:
Follow step #2 (Step 3 doesn't work for mobile applications.)
Open the style editor and locate ColorButtonStyle.
Expand the tree node and click on "background" in the structure.
In the object inspector locate Fill and expand that node.
Change the fill Kind to bkNone.
That removes the wide gray bordered, leaving two dark gray 1px borders.
Further down the list of properties just below Sides is Stroke.
Change it's Kind to bkNone. That removes the outer gray line.
Depending on your app you may need to also edit the color animations below the background rectangle. I did this by erasing (blanking out) the triggers since I was unable to delete the animations.
Next go the Fill component and set the stroke kind to bkNone. That removes the inner gray line.
You may also also want to set the Fill Margins to 0 so the color extends to the outside of the object. (i.e no padding now that the gray is not there.)

How to make color bar above navigator in Highstock?

I have chart showing time data. I have two points back in time which I need to "mark" in the chart.
I currently indicate these two by plotlines, but would like to show bar, with let's say green and blue bars showing the timespans (for example -13days from now with blue and -90days -> -13days with red).
I would use plotBands, but I can't specify their height and do not want to have them all over the chart.
Is there some way? I saw something about translating pixels and drawing rectangle, but wasn't able to make it work. Also - I zoom a lot in this chart.
You can use Renderer and add custom shape. In other cases, please attach mockup of your goal.
