Implement the Picker as Slot Machine in Native IOS SDK - ios

I want to make a custom Picker view as follow:
I Search a lot & google also but I can't able to achieve this.
My picker content is UIVIew not image view.
But the search only gives me Image not for UIView.
Please Help me to solve this.
Thank you,

Try downloading this project. I believe its exactly what you are looking for


How to segue to a new ViewController from infowindow of Google Maps in Swift?

I'm trying to figure out this video:(, and I'm still trying to implement it on my Swift project but unsuccessful a lot. I am really curious and I have two questions about it, anyone help?
How to create an "info icon" and "image" in the infowindow of Google Maps? (0:18)
How to click info icon, then segue to next viewController? (0:20)
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for your time and help!
I think this video from Google can help you with that. It explains here how to place image inside the Info window, but not image only. It also disccused here how to design or make a custom info window. This video also includes the sample code in how to make it.
Here are the steps that you need in building Custom InfoWindow
Construct a new NIB file named InfoWindow
Create UIView subclass called CustomInfoWindow
Configure UILabels with content and load photo
For more information, check this related SO question.

Spinner in iOS, like in Android

I am very first time developing the Spinner in iOS.
I searched a lot for default Spinner view in iOS, but failed.
What I get is, two ways to design spinner like view in iOS.
Custom TableView which will be displayed on Click of DownArrow Button
I found the tutorial for UIPickerview.
But There are some OS orientation for this,
Means I want the UIPickerview in different Look & feel with selection style, also Scrolling of picker is not as I want.
So I was thinking to go for second options.
But Is there any other superior way to achieve this task,
As I think the second option is GOOD, but NOT BEST.
What I want is like the image below, its from Android,
I want to go for the same in iOS.
Thanks for help..
I think what you are looking is here
But I use RMPickerViewController which is more powerfull.

Google Maps iOS SDK and storyboards

I was hoping someone could explain how to get started with Google Maps and Xcode storyboards.
I can't find any information about how to actually do it. I just need an example or the steps to take.
There is this Google shortcuts video. But I can't see the code in the video.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Create in the View in which you want to insert the map a generic UIView, than in the file inspector, give it the custom class "GMSMapView".
Then you can create a IBOutlet to it in the view controller header file and initialize the map..

iOS How to create a custom image picker/browser

I have been looking around and haven't found a good answer for this.
Instagram uses an image browser/picker like . As you can see above the images from the photo gallery are displayed in a grid below and you can directly choose image from there instead of using the default image picker layout.
The Groupme app also does something similar..
Where images are displayed in a horizontal scrollable list and you can just choose from this.
I have been reading up on the image picker and the documentation says that subclassing is not support.
So my question is:
How do you create something like this?
If this is just a custom view that loads the images stored on the device. How do I access those images?
I just need a starting point and what to specifically look for (custom browser/image picker etc).
Thanks in advance.
You use the ALAssetsLibrary APIs, docs here.

iOS Image Gallery scrolling horizontally

Hi I want to create an image gallery where you can slide left and right to see them. I was wondering what is the best way to do this or if there are any existant libraries I can use. I have attached an image of what I want to do.
UICollectionView is the answer for your question ,you can easily manage as many images as you want in the UICollectionView, please refer to the following link :
Hope it will help you.
use iCarousel. They have a demo version of it. check it first before using it
If you are developing for native iOS a page control object is exactly what you are looking for
