Google Maps iOS SDK and storyboards - ios

I was hoping someone could explain how to get started with Google Maps and Xcode storyboards.
I can't find any information about how to actually do it. I just need an example or the steps to take.
There is this Google shortcuts video. But I can't see the code in the video.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Create in the View in which you want to insert the map a generic UIView, than in the file inspector, give it the custom class "GMSMapView".
Then you can create a IBOutlet to it in the view controller header file and initialize the map..


How to segue to a new ViewController from infowindow of Google Maps in Swift?

I'm trying to figure out this video:(, and I'm still trying to implement it on my Swift project but unsuccessful a lot. I am really curious and I have two questions about it, anyone help?
How to create an "info icon" and "image" in the infowindow of Google Maps? (0:18)
How to click info icon, then segue to next viewController? (0:20)
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for your time and help!
I think this video from Google can help you with that. It explains here how to place image inside the Info window, but not image only. It also disccused here how to design or make a custom info window. This video also includes the sample code in how to make it.
Here are the steps that you need in building Custom InfoWindow
Construct a new NIB file named InfoWindow
Create UIView subclass called CustomInfoWindow
Configure UILabels with content and load photo
For more information, check this related SO question.

iOS Swift - pull tray open to expand content

I've been searching for a library or sample project that implements the following functionality, but unfortunately haven't been able to find much. Could anyone share any thoughts or point me in a general direction if experienced something similar?
I'd like create a pull-out view controller/tray whose interaction is very similar to the Google Maps iOS app ( When a user taps or pulls-up the snippet pane, the view expands until fully maximized. Essentially the same interaction as seen in the Maps app.
I'm happy to implement from-scratch if a library doesn't exist, but regardless wanted to seek any suggestions/insights before getting underway.
Thanks again for your help & advice!

Is there a iOS library for a menu like Yelp?

I am building an iOS app for my university, but I am struggling with the question which Menu library I should use for building my "Start screen menu".
I like the menu style Yelp is using (see image below). Does anyone know if there is an iOS library for me to use, which has a similar menu like the menu in Yelp?
Thank you very much!
Actually core iOS SDK contains a library that can achieve a very similar effect to what you posted on your screenshot. The element is called an UICollectionView and it's purpose is to create a collection of elements. See the following guide for detailed information.
After you go through the guide, you will realise you can create a single UICollectionViewCell that has a button with an image. You can provide the contents of this cell via UICollectionViewDataSource and then respond to each specific cell being tapped via UICollectionViewDelegate.
The biggest problem I see would be creating those separator lines, but you can do this in code as well.

iOS Custom InfoWindow Google Maps SDK 1.7.2

I have been searching and coding with the Google Maps iOS SDK 1.7.2
I need to build an app that displays custom InfoWindow after the marker is tapped.
Google posted a YouTube Video, that shows how to do it with just ONE marker.
The practical use scenario uses more than ONE marker, but if we follow the example of YouTube Video adding more than one marker, all the markers would show the same info inside the custom InfoWindows.
I did a iOS sample and uploaded to GitHub Sample Here
My Question is: Could anyone download the sample at GitHub and help me to implement that feature, display more than one marker with custom InfoWindow displaying different info for each marker ? In my sample inside the InfoWindow there is a WebView. For my use scenario I would need to load for each marker a different WebView(url) for each marker on the map but I couldn't load the WebView inside the custom InfoWindow. That WebView would be the size of the custom InfoWindow.I would load all the info for the markers as different webpages in the size of the info window.
It also would help a lot of other people that right now can't find a complete and fully working sample of that custom InfoWindow for iOS.
Thanks and Cheers!
Another vote for SMCalloutView. Check out my answer here for a quick start on implementing it.
Sorry to not actually answer your question per se, but Google's rendered UIView info windows are more hassle than they're worth, I think. You may be able to get a webview to load inside one of them, but the Maps SDK takes the custom UIView you set and then renders it into OpenGL, ignoring most (all?) updates you try to make.
Using SMCalloutView skips all of that and we put its view on top of the map, allowing you better control before and after drawing.
SMCalloutView helps you to custom the InfoWindow, you can download the Sample project and run it.
For displaying multiple InfoWindows, you have to treat GoogleMaps SDK (GMSMapView has a #property(nonatomic, strong) GMSMarker *selectedMarker property, which is not a Set), see the Sample project, in mapView:didTapAtMarker: delegate method.

Implement the Picker as Slot Machine in Native IOS SDK

I want to make a custom Picker view as follow:
I Search a lot & google also but I can't able to achieve this.
My picker content is UIVIew not image view.
But the search only gives me Image not for UIView.
Please Help me to solve this.
Thank you,
Try downloading this project. I believe its exactly what you are looking for
