How to open appstore link without closing app - ios

I want to open an app store link within an app but without closing the app.
You can look for the best example which is Cut The Rope
It opens the link with a modal view controller and looks similar to the view when we press the app icon the app store
As I think it might be a UIWebView presented in moal controller. If guess anything interesting or if you have any answer please let know about this

You can use SKStoreProductViewController: SKStoreProductViewController StoreKit Reference
Example: Stackoverflow Answer with same problem


It is showed up two same apps button in UIDocumentInteractionController popup

I appologize for my low level English.
I developed Share Extension in my app to support the extention added at iOS8.
But, my app has been already showing up in UIDocumentInteractionController popup.
So, my app has been showing up two items for same app after supporting share extension:"xyz, copy to xyz".
'xyz' is my app name.
I want to make to show up only one item at UIDocumentInteractionController popup menu.
Is there any way to do it?
I have suffer this familiar situation when i research share extention.When i open safari to share web url to my APP, the safari's share menu has two same APP button.Then i click Product-->Clean solve this problem.This seems caches should be blame for it. I also apologize for my poor English.

Tabbed iOS WebKit Browser with Swift

In short I am trying to build some typical browser functionalities in a Swift iOS app with WKWebViews (WebKit). I already have a functioning browser based on a WKWebView, which already has a menu bar with a URL input, navigation buttons, a share button, page title etc.
What I am struggling with is creating tabs for the browser. At first this seemed trivial as surely WKWebViews would support this in some way. Well, as far as I can tell they do not (looked at and tried multiple tutorials incl. hackingwithswift, Ray Wenderlich etc. + I checked Apple's documentation + stackoverflow)
This is what I have come up with so far:
1) Creating a new tab/opening a new URL should create a new UIView + WKWebView programmatically (I'll have to make a subclass out of my current browser view)
=> this should create a separate thread for each WKWebView/tab according to Apple's documentation
2) I need something like a Collection View (or Stack Views etc.) to store screenshot images of the already open tabs as a preview page of all tabs. The cells should be linked via a delegate to the corresponding WkWebView and they should have a close button to close (= delete) the tabs.
Am I overthinking this? If I go down this path I have to find a way to wire up (and subsequently delete) multiple delegates and views to the Collection View dynamically and I have to store & delete screenshots every time the user interacts with the tabs. It seems VERY messy. But given that Chrome on iOS is based on WebKit as of late, it's obviously doable.
How would you tackle this problem?
PS I didn't include a mockup because you all know how the tabs in Chrome, Safari etc. on iOS look like.
I am just looking for a clean and sensible way to add/remove and show the multiple WKWebViews, which are created by opening new tabs - just like in Chrome for iOS or Safari etc.
Ok, I have solved this today :) I will have a main UIView and then multiple WKWebViews, which can be "zoomed in" in order to enter full screen mode. No need for screenshots etc.

Is it possible to create "Add to Home Screen" like feature from another app?

Currently "Add to Home Screen" works only with Safari browser. 1. Is it possible to programmatically create "Add to Home Screen" short cut from a custom native iOS app ? 2. Is it possible to make the short cut to launch another app, not the safari app?
This is a bit broad a question, but I'll attempt an answer. Short answer: no. You cannot add a home screen icon that launches another app from within your app without going through Safari first. (You can, however, link to another app directly from yours. See below.)
More intricate answer: if you want to launch another application from your own, and the application supports URL schemas (i.e. instagram:// for launching Instagram), you will be able to. Please see this link for the official docs.
The part that may remain unanswered here is whether a UIWebView can create a home screen shortcut from inside another app. It seems you cannot do this, after a bit of googling. This answer explains.

Hide Page Indicator Dot in WatchKit?

I'm new to native development on xcode and have gotten started working with WatchKit to put together a Watch extension for my HTML5 hybrid app. I'm trying to figure out how to hide the indicator dot on a page-based app view. It looks like the iOS analogue provides the ability to hide the dot, but I can't seem to find anything for WatchKit. The Apple reference site doesn't appear to indicate any such functionality, and don't see any config in the storyboard. I've Googled and searched on StackOverflow, and haven't found anything there either.
Is it possible to hide the page indicator dot on a page-based app view? If so, how might I accomplish this?
It is currently not possible to hide page indicator.

Facebook like button in iPhone native application

This question seem duplicate but problem is that other question are old or not giving answer as my need.
What I have done:
I have integrated facebook for iOS 5 and iOS 6 both and it is sharing on wall properly.
My application have a UIButton "LIKE" to like my application page on facebook.
I want that if user click on this button he should be able to like that page.
I have search for hours but not able to get any proper solution.
For iOS 6 I get following link of apple iOS 6 site
iOS 6 with facebook
Here in third segment it show an image where app page is open in UIViewController with facebook like button.
and it said that we can open it without leaving our app.
I search but don't find how to open this page in UIViewController as we open dialog for share.
Ask me if you need more information.
Happy to get any kind of help or information.
As far as I know, the app shown by Apple with the Like button integrated (i.e. the App Store) is using a webview to display its content. This button is not something you get from a native code. The reason is that Facebook don't wan't to get Like actions without a user action to trigger it (I heard that from a Facebook guy at the App Day 2012 conference in Paris). And the only way to ensure that is to encapsulate and hide that in an HTML component.
What I would suggest is to instantiate a small webview displaying a page containing only the Like button of the desired page. Let us know if it work! ;-)
Mathieu is right, there is no way you can do that with a normal UIButton.
You have to use an iFrame (loaded in a UIWebView) if you want the button to like the page immediately. I did not like this approach as it takes some time for the iFrame to load.
More information can be found here:
I ended up having a UIButton that opens the Facebook page in or The user has to press the like button manually.
It's just allowed for testing purposes and iOS only.
check this out
