How to handle only landscape orientation on my app? - ios

I am building an app mainly for tablet or iPad, but I just noticed that the design is meant to only for landscape view. I tried the portrait and it doesn't look good. Though before I keep programming the app I want to know how I can handle this, or prevent the user to see the app in portrait.
I checked and I know that for android I can use something like this:
but what about iPad?
I would like to have something more "universal" if I can say
I am using HTML5, JQuery and to handle the swipes I am using Hammerjs nothing else, I didn't use any mobile framework, cause it's more of a carousel with some text and images.

on iOS it's a simple configuration in the Xcode App Target, where you just allow Landscape Left and Landscape Right.
if you are using UIKit for building the app, you can configure it for every instance of UIViewController
UPDATE: (Solution for HTML)
combine the css rule "transform: rotate(90deg)" with css media queries on device orientation, but it will be tricky to get everthing to run properly....


How can I make my iphone app suited to iPad?

Currently I was designed and developed my app in iPhone . Now I wanted make my app universal(iphone and iPad).Please guide me what will be the efforts and challenges on design and development ? could you please explain the steps.
While developing a app and want to makeit a universal app you should have to -
Make sure the design compatible for both iPhone and iPad. you can check it
from physical devices or form the simulator.
Make sure all the fields are ok (not breaking down while switching the
Make sure all the scrolling are working for both iPhone and iPad.
The main efforts will be on the following areas.
You will need to obtain a new design suited for iPad depending on what you already have. If it is a simple interface, you port it to be viewed on iPad without a new design. But usually you need a iPad specific design.
You will have to change the layout of most screens to make it look good on the iPad. If auto layout is already used, it will be a little bit simpler. Otherwise I guess you will need to start thinking about separate storyboards and xibs for iPad specific screens.
Assuming there is no additional functionality specific to the iPad, the main areas of change in code will be the those handling view presentation logic, navigation and animation. It all depends on the design you need to implement, but generally I would say you will need to change code that handles animation, presents new view controllers, handles storyboards etc.
You will need to provide resources specific to your iPad design.
Obviously you will need to do a LOT of testing :).
Eg: For example, location handling. There are no modern iPhones without GPS hardware, but iPads without cellular capabilities do not have GPS. So you location handling code might have to be rechecked. (It broke for me :))
You will need to provide app store screenshots for the iPad screens.

How to implement Split Screen Multitasking on iPad using Third party apps?

I tried to implement the Multitasking feature Apple provided using AIR application, but I seem to miss something.
I did the following as apple recommended:
Compiled the app with iOS9 SDK.
All orientation implemented.
Storyboard added.
Still I do not see the vertical bar that divides the two app's for multitasking.
Let me know if you implemented this successfully in any third party apps?
All 3 listed steps are correct. Please also make sure Requires Full Screen is set to NO. It works perfectly for me.
Please let me know if you (or anyone else) still have trouble with Split View support.
What iPad are you using to test your app? Not all iPads support this behavior. This table shows which iPads support Slide Over, Picture in Picture and Split View:
Documentation from Apple for more information.
By the way how did you manage to use launch screen storyboard with Adobe AIR application?
Split screen wasn't working for me because even though I had a Storyboard, I wasn't using it. Make sure your Launch Screen File is set, and your Launch Images Source is blank.
Check off Portrait, Upside Down, Landscape Left, and Landscape Right under Deployment Info. Also make sure that Requires full screen is not checked off.
Finally you should double check that your Info.plist is correct. UIRequiresFullScreen should be NO. Supported interface orientations and Supported interface orientations (iPad) should have all 4 orientations.

Ipad IOS 7 Safari Iframe freeze only vertically

I was required to display my website in a full page iframe, which was already a pain in the ass (I'm ranting sorry).
In the I have a select input and it seems that after I make a selection the screen freezes when the screen is vertical but if I put it in landscape mode it works like a charm.
Also the same thing happens when I go from landscape to vertical mode and again all comes back to normal back in landscape mode.
I though it could be due to some of my scripts but I remove everything and I still got the issue.
And I forgot to mention it, but there was no issue at all before installing ios 7.
I'm at it for a while so any suggestion would be really appreciated.
I tried reducing the code to the minimum cleaning out the unecessary stuff and putting everything together in a single file instead of using partial pages. Since then it seems to work so I'm gonna leave like that it's been long enough.
Still not sure what was the issue even though it worked on IOS 6 and without the iframe or in landscape mode on IOS 7. Anyway I'm done with it

ios - how do I make an app which I developed on the iPhone storyboard also work on the iPad?

I have an app that is nearing completion. So far I have just been using the iPhone storyboard to map out the navigation, but I would also like the app to work on the iPad. Is there a way to just "make it work" or do I have to re-do by hand the entire app flow on the iPad's storyboard?
Considering they have different resolutions, and aspect ratios, you really just have to grin and bear it, and convert it all manually. You can at least copy the storyboard file to a new one, and adjust the views one by one to be ipad-sized
If you made it a universal app, I'd suggest creating another storyboard targeted for iPad and work from scratch. You can still use all the controllers and methods therein for your new views (considering there's nothing very specific) with some slight modifications to adjust for the iPad.

Twitter bootstrap for the ipad landscape collapse bar

I am building a website using the twitter bootstrap base so that i can have a site that works on the ipad and also touch phone devices.
So far my site looks great in all browsers, PC ipad and phone however ipad only works fine in portrait. When in portrait it has the lovely button in the corner which opens the expanding menu.
I want this to work on the landscape one too but can't seem to get it to work.
Could someone please advise me whereabouts in the CSS I need to look and also if possible what screen size I am looking for to make the collapse bar appear in landscape.
Answering my own question.
Just incase anyone else has the same problem:
iPad screen resolution is 1024 x 768 so in landscape mode it renders like a full web page.
There are ways to overcome this by detecting the device's browser user agent.
For more information see this:Checking iPad user agent
