How to put tooltip message on fields rather than labels - tooltip

Good morning, My question, please is how can we put help tooltip message on fields rather than labels (which is by default) so that when the user put the cursor n the textfield the tooltip message appears.

You can specify the tooltip for the field as
'empty_acc': fields.boolean('Empty Accounts ? ', help='Check if you want to display Accounts with 0 balance too.'),
Where "Check if you want to display Accounts with 0 balance too." will be shown when the user put the cursor on the field empty_acc. But i think we wont be able to show the tooltip when the cursor is on the text field.

If there is no label for the field, then help tooltip message will be shown for the text field. you can see an example in customer's address


Dynamically update a Bar Chart by user selecting checkboxes in Google Sheets

I have a horizontal bar chart where one of the bars on the chart needs to be dynamic based on a user selection of checkboxes in a google sheet. I can get this to work with one checkbox "=IF(C5=TRUE,D5+100,100)" but not sure how to get to work when multiple check boxes are selected.
enter image description here
I have a "Base UPH" of 100 and just need to add the values in the "Multiplier" column if the checkbox(s) are TRUE. The idea is that the user could select one or all of the checkboxes and see how the "C-Dynamic" would be improved.
Any tips, much appreciated Thanks!
Able to get to work, but only for a single checkbox with this formula: =IF(C5=TRUE,D5+100,100)
You could do it with SUMIF, like this:

Oracle APEX 20.1 - Customize Field Help / Tooltips

I see Help Text and Inline Help Text properties for columns in APEX 20.1, but I don't see any options for customizing how the field help is displayed. Does that ability exist?
For example, the Inline Help Text displays below the field. Is there a way to specify that:
It should display to the right of the field?
It should display as a tool tip, when the cursor enters the field?
Thank you
If the requirement is to specify some text to the right of the field then use Post Text property instead of Inline Help Text property.
To show a tooltip paste the below code in the Function and Global Variables section
$('#MY_PAGE_ITEM').attr('title', 'My Tooltip Text');
Replace MY_PAGE_ITEM with your Page Item name.
Replace My Tooltip Text with the required text.

How to ignore hidden series when clicking on a legend using highcharts?

I have a charts done in highcharts in which I show and hide series depending on a checkbox (if the user clicks on a checkbox and all series are shown, if he unchecks the checkbox, some series are hidden).
It is working great.
Now I have an issue with the legends in the chart: if the series are hidden and the users enables a legend, the segment of all series (hidden or not) are shown in the chart.
I would like to handle the click item so I only handle series that are being shown.
To do that, I created an eventhandler for the legendItemClick event.
Inside it, I am able to access the legend (using this) but I am only able to call functions in a legend level, affecting all series. Is there anyway I could get to a series level?
Edit: created a jsfiddle as an example:
Steps to reproduce:
1- unmark the checkbox
2- click twice in john + joe
Note that the segment related to Jane + Janet will show up
I would like to prevent this segment from showing if the checkbox is not checked.
ps: sorry for the js code in the checkbox event handler, we are using coffeescript, the original code was this one
toggleCompareData: (toggle) ->
columnName = COLUMN_HIGHCHARTS_TOKEN + #secondaryPrefix
if toggle
for serie in #chart.series if serie.stackKey is columnName
for serie in #chart.series
serie.hide() if serie.stackKey is columnName
It looks like bug, reported to our developers here:

Dynamically change certain text in textarea with drop-down selection

I have a text area that has names within the default value. For example the textarea reads..
(dynamic registrant name) just registered to become
a donor in (dynamic from pull-down above)
honor. This text is editable
So in the same form I have an input that asks the user for their name and a select box where they can choose among a selections of names. I am trying to change the names within the text area based on the values they enter in the input and drop-down fields above the text area. Can someone help with this? I am completely stuck. I have read through some of the forums here and it looks like a lot of the solutions are to use ajax. I have zero experience in ajax and would like to find a solution that does not use it possible? Or could someone help with a solution?
I don't think textarea is what you want exactly. What if the user takes off the (dynamic from pull-down above) part? How would you know where to put the text at? Even if you somehow could, I suggest you make regular text input elements for contents that the user can change and put the other dynamically changing text as uneditable html text elements (or however you want to format them).

Write constraint to validate a field based on the value entered in another field in Orbeon Form Builder

I want to validate the size of the phone number field based on the selection made in the Phone Type field. Cell numbers should be 10 in size, Home and work numbers should be 11 in size. How would I write the constraint expression in Orbeon Form Builder. I tried using if in the constraint field, but was unsuccessful.
Thank you for your help!
Let's say you have two controls: a phone type and a phone number.
Create the phone type control, for instance as a drop-down or radio buttons. Give it a name, clicking on the cogwheel to open Edit Control Details. Say that name is phone-type. You will will refer later to the value selected by users as $phone-type.
Edit the items and keep in mind the value you assign to each item. The value is what you will use later, while the label is what is displayed to end users in the form. Say the values are work and mobile.
Create a single line control (text field), click on the red exclamation mark to open the Edit Validation Properties dialog, and there, under Constraint, write:
string-length(.) = (if ($phone-type = 'work') then 11 else 10)
