iphone: Core Animation: Reversing animation after hitting view boundary - ios

I am trying hands at Core Animation on iphone.
Details of what I have done so far:
I am using layers and CAKeyFrameAnimation using path.
I have created a layer with Contents set to a bitmap file of a fly which I want to animate on a spiral path. The centre point of the spiral path is at CGPoint (150,150). The end point of the spiral path is a radius of 100.0f.
What I want to achieve:
I further want to increase the radius to a value so that the spiral can go beyond the bounds of the view frame, but when it reaches the bound, I desire the fly to trace back the path.
EDIT: (adding code):
-(IBAction) clickToAnimate:(id) sender
//create a path to animate the fly
CGFloat minRadius = 5.0f;
CGFloat maxRadius = 100.0f;
CGFloat radiusOffset = 5.0f;
float i;
int count =1;
int remainder;
curvePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
//this looping mimics the "spiral path"
for (i = minRadius; i <= maxRadius; i = i + 5.0f)
remainder = count % 2;
if (remainder == 0)
CGPathAddArc(curvePath, NULL, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y, i, M_PI / 2, 1.5 * M_PI, NO);
CGPathAddArc(curvePath, NULL, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y + radiusOffset, i, 1.5 * M_PI , M_PI / 2, NO);
count = count +1;
//add timer
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:#selector(checkCoordinatesOnTimer) userInfo:self repeats:YES];
CAKeyframeAnimation *animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
animation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;
animation.path = curvePath;
animation.duration = 25.0f;
animation.autoreverses = YES;
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeFrozen;
[animationLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:#"position"];

Approach taken:
I set up a timer, which would check the co-ordinates of the animation layer every half second. The co-ordinates would be checked against the bounding x and y co-ordinates. If the co-ordinates are found to cross the boundary, we will disable the timer and start with the reverse animation process.
The reverse animation process would first check the angle from horizontal at which the animation is when it crosses the boundary. Using this angle and radius from center point, create a path for reverse animation. Details can be found in code below.
- (void) checkCoordinatesOnTimer
if (!presentLayer)
presentLayer =[[CALayer alloc] init];
presentLayer = [animationLayer presentationLayer];
CGPoint curPt;
curPt.x = presentLayer.position.x;
curPt.y = presentLayer.position.y;
currRadius = sqrt(pow(fabsf(curPt.x - centerPoint.x), 2) + pow(fabsf(curPt.y - centerPoint.y), 2));
if ((curPt.x >= CGRectGetMaxX(self.view.frame)) || (curPt.y >= CGRectGetMaxY(self.view.frame)))
[timer invalidate];
[self reverseAnimation:curPt];
-(void) reverseAnimation:(CGPoint)curPoint
CGFloat angle = (CGFloat)[self calculateAngleInRadians:curPoint];
maxRadius = currRadius;
float i;
int count =1;
int remainder;
BOOL firstLap = YES;
curvePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
for (i = maxRadius; i >= minRadius; i = i - 5.0f)
remainder = count % 2 ;
if (firstLap)
if ((angle >= (M_PI/2)) && (angle <= 1.5 *M_PI))
//2nd and third quard,
//angle to change from final angle to 90
CGPathAddArc(curvePath, NULL, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, i, angle, 1.5 * M_PI, FALSE);
CGPathAddArc(curvePath, NULL, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, i, angle, M_PI / 2 , FALSE);
firstLap = NO;
if (remainder == 0)
CGPathAddArc(curvePath, NULL, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, i, 1.5* M_PI, M_PI / 2, FALSE);
CGPathAddArc(curvePath, NULL, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y + radiusOffset, i, M_PI / 2 ,1.5* M_PI, FALSE);
count = count +1;
animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
animation.calculationMode =kCAAnimationPaced; // for even pacing of animation in segments.
animation.path = curvePath;
animation.duration = 40.0f;
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
[animationLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:#"position"];
-(CGFloat) calculateAngleInRadians:(CGPoint) pt
CGFloat xLen = fabsf(centerPoint.x - pt.x);
CGFloat yLen = fabsf(centerPoint.y - pt.y);
double value = yLen/xLen;
double angle = atan(value);
double angleInDeg = ( 180 * angle/ M_PI);
double finalAngle;
if ((pt.x > centerPoint.x) || (pt.y > centerPoint.y)) {
finalAngle = angle;
else if ((centerPoint.x > pt.x) || (pt.y > centerPoint.y))
finalAngle = M_PI/2 + angle;
else if ((centerPoint.x > pt.x) || (centerPoint.y > pt.y))
finalAngle = M_PI + angle;
else {
finalAngle = (1.5 * M_PI) + angle;
return finalAngle;


How to draw line chart with smooth curve in iOS?

I have some points like
(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)...
Now I want to draw a chart with smooth curve?
I'm trying to draw as below
NSInteger count = self.prices.count;
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
path.lineCapStyle = kCGLineCapRound;
for(int i=0; i<count-1; i++)
CGPoint controlPoint[2];
CGPoint p = [self pointWithIndex:i inData:self.prices];
[path moveToPoint:p];
CGPoint nextPoint, previousPoint, m;
nextPoint = [self pointWithIndex:i+1 inData:self.prices];
previousPoint = [self pointWithIndex:i-1 inData:self.prices];
if(i > 0) {
m.x = (nextPoint.x - previousPoint.x) / 2;
m.y = (nextPoint.y - previousPoint.y) / 2;
} else {
m.x = (nextPoint.x - p.x) / 2;
m.y = (nextPoint.y - p.y) / 2;
controlPoint[0].x = p.x + m.x * 0.2;
controlPoint[0].y = p.y + m.y * 0.2;
// Second control point
nextPoint = [self pointWithIndex:i+2 inData:self.prices];
previousPoint = [self pointWithIndex:i inData:self.prices];
p = [self pointWithIndex:i + 1 inData:self.prices];
m = zeroPoint;
if(i < self.prices.count - 2) {
m.x = (nextPoint.x - previousPoint.x) / 2;
m.y = (nextPoint.y - previousPoint.y) / 2;
} else {
m.x = (p.x - previousPoint.x) / 2;
m.y = (p.y - previousPoint.y) / 2;
controlPoint[1].x = p.x - m.x * 0.2;
controlPoint[1].y = p.y - m.y * 0.2;
[path addCurveToPoint:p controlPoint1:controlPoint[0] controlPoint2:controlPoint[1]];
CAShapeLayer *lineLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
lineLayer.path = path.CGPath;
lineLayer.lineWidth = LINE_WIDTH;
lineLayer.strokeColor = _priceColor.CGColor;
lineLayer.fillColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
[self.layer addSublayer:lineLayer];
but in some situation, the line will "go back" like
Is there any better way to do that?
I've got you another solution which I used to success.
It requires SpriteKit, which has a fantastic tool called SKKeyFrameSequence which is capable of spline interpolation as shown in this tutorial provided by Apple.
So the idea is that you'll create the correct SKKeyFrameSequence object like this (assuming your data is in an array of (CGFloat, CGFloat) (x, y) tuples):
let xValues = data.map { $0.0 }
let yValues = data.map { $0.1 }
let sequence = SKKeyFrameSequence(keyFrameValues: yValues,
times: xValues.map { NSNumber($0) })
sequence.interpolationMode = .spline
let xMin = xValues.min()!
let xMax = xValues.max()!
Then, if you divide the interpolated spline into 200 pieces (change this value if you want, but for me this resulted in smooth waves to human eyes), you can draw a path consisting of small lines.
var splinedValues = [(CGFloat, CGFloat)]()
stride(from: xMin, to: xMax, by: (xMax - xMin) / 200).forEach {
sequence.sample(atTime: CGFloat($0)) as! CGFloat))
Then finally the path (I will use SwiftUI, but you can use UIKit the same way too.):
Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: splinedValues[0].0, y: splinedValues[0].1))
for splineValue in splinedValues.dropFirst() {
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: splineValue.0, y: splineValue.1))
For the values
[(1, 4), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 5), (5, 3), (6, -1), (7, -2), (8, -2.5), (9, -2), (10, 0), (11, 4)]
I've gotten a graph like this with the method described above: (I added the points too to evaluate the result better)
I find the answer at Draw Graph curves with UIBezierPath
And try implement with the code
+ (UIBezierPath *)quadCurvedPathWithPoints:(NSArray *)points
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
NSValue *value = points[0];
CGPoint p1 = [value CGPointValue];
[path moveToPoint:p1];
if (points.count == 2) {
value = points[1];
CGPoint p2 = [value CGPointValue];
[path addLineToPoint:p2];
return path;
for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < points.count; i++) {
value = points[i];
CGPoint p2 = [value CGPointValue];
CGPoint midPoint = midPointForPoints(p1, p2);
[path addQuadCurveToPoint:midPoint controlPoint:controlPointForPoints(midPoint, p1)];
[path addQuadCurveToPoint:p2 controlPoint:controlPointForPoints(midPoint, p2)];
p1 = p2;
return path;
static CGPoint midPointForPoints(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2) {
return CGPointMake((p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2);
static CGPoint controlPointForPoints(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2) {
CGPoint controlPoint = midPointForPoints(p1, p2);
CGFloat diffY = abs(p2.y - controlPoint.y);
if (p1.y < p2.y)
controlPoint.y += diffY;
else if (p1.y > p2.y)
controlPoint.y -= diffY;
return controlPoint;
Thanks user1244109 ^_^.

Spacing sprite onscreen

Hi all I'm hoping someone can tell me how to decrease the spacing between sprites added from an array at the moment they are evenly spaced and centered but I need to decrease the width between the sprites
the whole block of code just incase is kind enough to test the spacing
int images = 5
for(int i = 0; i < images; ++i)
///load same ammount of spriteimages as images
SKSpriteNode *sprite =
[SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Null.jpg"];
sprite.name = #"sprite.name =Sprite%d",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i];
NSLog(#"***sprite.name %#",[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",i]);
float offsetFraction = ((float)(i + 1)) / (images + 1);
float widthOfScreen =self.frame.size.width;
sprite.position = CGPointMake(widthOfScreen * offsetFraction,self.frame.size.height/2 +200);
[self addChild:sprite];
try this and see what happens
float widthOfScreen = self.frame.size.width + 100.0;
in the end I did this
float padding = 100.0f;
int blockWidth = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Null.jpg"].size.width;
float xOffset = (self.frame.size.width - (blockWidth * images + padding * (images-1))) / 2;
//float xOffset = (self.frame.size.width - (blockWidth * numberOfBlocks + padding * (numberOfBlocks-1))) / 2;
float StartPoint = xOffset+blockWidth/2;
for(int i = 0; i < images; ++i)
SKSpriteNode *sprite = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Null.jpg"];
///set start point of 1st sprite to load
if (i>0&&i<images)
StartPoint = StartPoint+ blockWidth+padding;
//increment sprite position
else if (i==images)
StartPoint = StartPoint+ blockWidth;
sprite.position = CGPointMake(StartPoint, self.frame.size.height * 0.8f);
[self addChild:sprite];

Best way to randomly move sprite forever in Sprite Kit

I have a sprite and I want to move it to random points forever. I have written this code, but I don't think it is efficient.
-(void)addBoss {
SKSpriteNode *boss = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:#"Spaceship"];
boss.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width + boss.size.width / 2.0, self.size.height / 2.0);
boss.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:boss.size];
boss.physicsBody.dynamic = YES;
boss.physicsBody.categoryBitMask = bossCategory;
boss.physicsBody.contactTestBitMask = bossContact;
boss.physicsBody.collisionBitMask = 0;
boss.zPosition = 1;
self.boss = boss;
self.bossHealth = bossHP;
CGPoint destination = CGPointMake(self.size.width - boss.size.width / 2.0, boss.position.y);
float time = length(boss.position, destination) / bossSpeed;
SKAction *move = [SKAction moveTo:destination duration:time];
[self addChild:boss];
[self.boss runAction:[SKAction sequence:#[move, [SKAction runBlock:^{
[self artificialIntelligence];
- (void)moveBoss {
float minimumX = self.size.width / 2.0 + self.boss.size.width / 2.0;
float maximumX = self.size.width - self.boss.size.width / 2.0;
float minimumY = self.boss.size.height / 2.0;
float maximumY = self.size.height - self.boss.size.height / 2.0;
int rangeX = maximumX - minimumX;
int rangeY = maximumY - minimumY;
float x = arc4random() % rangeX + minimumX;
float y = arc4random() % rangeY + minimumY;
CGPoint dest = CGPointMake(x, y);
float duration = length(self.boss.position, dest) / putinSpeed;
[self.boss runAction:[SKAction moveTo:dest duration:duration] completion:^{
[self moveBoss];
-(void)artificialIntelligence {
[self moveBoss];
This code works fine, but I don't think that calling the move method recursively after movement finished is not the best solution.
What is the best way to solve this kind of problem?
This is a quick and dirty way to do what you asked:
-(void)moveCharacter {
SKNode *playerNode;
// get random position
CGPoint destination = [self randomPosition];
if(!CGPointEqualToPoint(playerNode.position, destination)) {
// check xPos
if(playerNode.position.x > destination.x) {
playerNode.position = CGPointMake(playerNode.position.x-1, playerNode.position.y);
if(playerNode.position.x < destination.x) {
playerNode.position = CGPointMake(playerNode.position.x+1, playerNode.position.y);
// check yPos
if(playerNode.position.y > destination.y) {
playerNode.position = CGPointMake(playerNode.position.x, playerNode.position.y-1);
if(playerNode.position.y < destination.y) {
playerNode.position = CGPointMake(playerNode.position.x, playerNode.position.y+1);
} else {
destinationReached = YES;
-(CGPoint)randomPosition {
CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
int xPos = arc4random() % (int)screenRect.size.width;
int yPos = arc4random() % (int)screenRect.size.height;
return CGPointMake(xPos, yPos);
There are many different variations on how to move your character. You could for example divide the difference of x,y into a fixed number of movements as to have the player move in a smooth line from point A to B. If you are physics to move your player, you would have to use CGVector instead of directly changing his x,y position.

Spiral path animation using CGMutablePathRef

I'm trying to animate a view from the center of the screen to the upper left corner in a spiral-type motion. Here's what I'm doing:
CGMutablePathRef curvedPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(curvedPath, NULL, viewOrigin.x, viewOrigin.y);
controlX1 = viewOrigin.x + halfScreenWidth*0.3;
controlY1 = viewOrigin.y + halfScreenHeight*0.1;
controlX2 = viewOrigin.x - halfScreenWidth*0.05;
controlY2 = viewOrigin.y + halfScreenHeight*0.5;
controlX3 = viewOrigin.x - halfScreenWidth*0.4;
controlY3 = viewOrigin.y;
rndX1 = viewOrigin.x + halfScreenWidth*.1;
rndX2 = viewOrigin.x - halfScreenWidth*.40;
rndY1 = viewOrigin.y + halfScreenHeight*.10;
rndY2 = viewOrigin.y + halfScreenHeight*.35;
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(curvedPath, NULL, controlX1, controlY1, rndX1, rndY1);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(curvedPath, NULL, controlX2, controlY2, rndX2, rndY2);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(curvedPath, NULL, controlX3, controlY3, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
pathAnimation.path = curvedPath;
CAAnimationGroup *group = [CAAnimationGroup animation];
group.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
[group setAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: pathAnimation, nil]];
group.duration = 3.0f;
group.delegate = self;
[group setValue:self.theView forKey:#"imageViewBeingAnimated"];
The view moves to each point on the curve, but it's not smooth, and not very curvy either. It just moves in pretty much a straight line to each point. Why isn't the path curved? I'm using this as a reference.
If you want a more smooth spiral, you could use the following function. It' s possible to adjust the code to have an opening spiral also.
-(void)addEnteringSpiralOnPath: (CGMutablePathRef) path
size: (CGSize)size
turns: (int)turns
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, size.width/2, 0); //To begining: Right
for (int turn = turns; turn >= 1; turn--) {
CGSize largeSize = CGSizeMake(size.width * turn/turns, size.height * turn/turns);
CGSize smallSize = CGSizeMake(size.width * (turn-1) / turns, size.height * (turn-1) / turns);
NSLog(#"Large: %#; Small: %#", NSStringFromCGSize(largeSize), NSStringFromCGSize(smallSize));
CGFloat wStep = (largeSize.width/2 - smallSize.width/2 ) / 360;
CGFloat hStep = (largeSize.height/2 - smallSize.height/2 ) / 360;
for (CGFloat i = 0; i<=360; i = i + 10) {
CGFloat iRad = i * M_PI / 180.0f;
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(cosf(iRad) * (largeSize.width/2 - wStep * i),
sinf(iRad) * (largeSize.height/2 - hStep * i));
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, p.x, p.y);
-(void)addOpenningSpiralOnPath: (CGMutablePathRef) path
size: (CGSize)size
turns: (int)turns
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, 0, 0); //To begining: Center
for (int turn = 1; turn <= turns; turn++) {
CGSize largeSize = CGSizeMake(size.width * turn/turns, size.height * turn/turns);
CGSize smallSize = CGSizeMake(size.width * (turn-1) / turns, size.height * (turn-1) / turns);
NSLog(#"Large: %#; Small: %#", NSStringFromCGSize(largeSize), NSStringFromCGSize(smallSize));
CGFloat wStep = (largeSize.width/2 - smallSize.width/2 ) / 360;
CGFloat hStep = (largeSize.height/2 - smallSize.height/2 ) / 360;
for (CGFloat i = 0; i<=360; i = i + 10) {
CGFloat iRad = i * M_PI / 180.0f;
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(cosf(iRad) * (smallSize.width/2 + wStep * i),
sinf(iRad) * (smallSize.height/2 + hStep * i));
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, p.x, p.y);
Then, you will just need a simple code like that to make the path:
CGMutablePathRef pathToDraw = CGPathCreateMutable();
[self addEnteringSpiralOnPath:pathToDraw size:CGSizeMake(400, 400) turns:3];

Changing the speed of a CAKeyframeAnimation mid-animation in iOS

I am trying to allow the user to change the speed of my animation. I am making a CAKeyframeAnimation with a bezier path, and I can get it to display and run correctly.
I try to change the speed by creating a new animation path with a different duration. The planes go back to the beginning (which I haven't tried to fix yet) and do speed up. The path that they are being drawn on goes away at the time it would have had the animation never changed speeds. When the planes finish, another appears at the point at which the animation was paused in the first place. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. My question is similar to this one modifying dynamically the duration of CAKeyframeAnimation, but I don't understand what the OP said about finally using blocks.
//The first two methods are in a class subclassing UIView
/** Pause each plane's animation */
- (void)pauseAnimation
CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [[self layer] convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime() fromLayer:nil];
[self layer].speed = 0.0;
[self layer].timeOffset = pausedTime;
/** Resume each plane's animation */
- (void)resumeAnimation
CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [[self layer] timeOffset];
[self layer].speed = 1.0;
[self layer].timeOffset = 0.0;
CFTimeInterval timeSincePause = [[self layer] convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime() fromLayer:nil] - pausedTime;
for(SEPlane *plane in planes){
plane.planeAnimationPath.speedMultiplier = 5;
[plane.planeAnimationPath beginAnimation:self];
//[self layer].beginTime = timeSincePause;
//This method is in the class of planeAnimationPath
/** Begin animating plane along given path */
- (void)beginAnimation:(UIView *) view
planeAnimation = nil;
// Create animation layer for animating plane
planeAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
planeAnimation.path = [bezierPath CGPath];
planeAnimation.duration = approximateLength/(ANIMATION_SPEED * self.speedMultiplier);
planeAnimation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;
planeAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
planeAnimation.rotationMode = kCAAnimationRotateAuto;
planeAnimation.removedOnCompletion = YES;
[planeAnimation setDelegate:self];
// Add animation to image-layer
[imageLayer addAnimation:planeAnimation forKey:animationKey];
// Add image-layer to view
[[view layer] addSublayer:imageLayer];
Unlike default animations, which animate from the current position to the target position, CAKeyframeAnimations don't (as far as I can tell). Besides how would you interpret an animation where the current position is not on the path?
The simplest option that I can think of is to do the following in the setter of speedMultiplier:
Create a new animation with the desired path.
Set the duration as if speedMultiplier was 1
Set the speed to speedMultiplier
Set the timeOffset to duration * "percent of new animation already complete"
Add the animation to the layer.
As you might have guessed, the tricky part is step 4. For simple paths this is easy but for arbitrary paths, it will get a bit more complicated. As a starting point, you will need the formula for bezier quadratic and cubic curves. Search for "distance parametrization of bezier curves" and you will find tons of stuff.
Here is a code sample for a simple rectangular path. The window simply has a MPView and a slider:
#implementation MPView {
IBOutlet NSSlider *_slider; // Min=0.0, Max=5.0
CALayer *_hostLayer;
CALayer *_ballLayer;
CAKeyframeAnimation *_ballPositionAnimation;
double _speed;
- (void) awakeFromNib
CGRect bounds = self.bounds;
[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
_speed = 1.0;
_hostLayer = [CALayer layer];
_hostLayer.backgroundColor = CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorBlack);
self.layer = _hostLayer;
self.wantsLayer = YES;
_ballLayer = [CALayer layer];
_ballLayer.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 32, 32);
_ballLayer.position = CGPointMake(40, 40);
_ballLayer.backgroundColor = CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorWhite);
_ballLayer.cornerRadius = 16;
_hostLayer.sublayers = #[_ballLayer];
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, _ballLayer.position.x, _ballLayer.position.y);
CGPathAddRect(path, NULL, CGRectInset(bounds, 40, 40));
_ballPositionAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
_ballPositionAnimation.path = path;
_ballPositionAnimation.duration = 6;
_ballPositionAnimation.repeatCount = HUGE_VALF;
[_ballLayer addAnimation:_ballPositionAnimation forKey:_ballPositionAnimation.keyPath];
[CATransaction commit];
[_slider bind:NSValueBinding toObject:self withKeyPath:#"speed" options:#{NSContinuouslyUpdatesValueBindingOption:#YES}];
- (double) speed
return _speed;
- (void) setSpeed:(double)speed
_speed = speed;
CGPoint pos = [(CALayer*)_ballLayer.presentationLayer position];
[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
_ballPositionAnimation.speed = _speed;
_ballPositionAnimation.duration = 5.0;
_ballPositionAnimation.timeOffset = _ballPositionAnimation.duration * [self percentOfPathCompleted:pos];
[_ballLayer addAnimation:_ballPositionAnimation forKey:_ballPositionAnimation.keyPath];
[CATransaction commit];
- (double) percentOfPathCompleted:(CGPoint)p
CGRect rect = CGRectInset(self.bounds, 40, 40);
double minX = NSMinX(rect);
double minY = NSMinY(rect);
double maxX = NSMaxX(rect);
double maxY = NSMaxY(rect);
double offset = 0.0;
if (p.x == minX && p.y == minY)
return 0.0;
else if (p.x > minX && p.y == minY)
offset = (p.x - minX) / rect.size.width * 0.25;
else if (p.x == maxX && p.y < maxY)
offset = (p.y - minY) / rect.size.height * 0.25 + 0.25;
else if (p.x > minX && p.y == maxY)
offset = (1.0 - (p.x - minX) / rect.size.width) * 0.25 + 0.50;
offset = (1.0 - (p.y - minY) / rect.size.height) * 0.25 + 0.75;
NSLog(#"Offset = %f",offset);
return offset;
