Dart HttpRequest polling - dart

I have a web app that have a Timer that fires a poll to get data every 3 seconds. It works fine for about 2.5 minutes then Chromium crashes.
My request Dart looks like this
.then((e) => _recentHistoryResponse(e))
.catchError((e) => _recentHistoryError(e));
Can you think of any reasons why this would happen? I assume it's a memory leak...
Here is my _recentHistoryResponse()
void _recentHistoryResponse(String data)
Map obj = JSON.decode(data);
if(obj['status'] == 'success')
List processes = obj['data']['processes'];
List newItems = new List();
List oldIdsArray = new List();
int length = appDataDic.load_history_list.length;
for(HistoryDataVO oldVO in appDataDic.load_history_list)
for(Map process in processes)
HistoryDataVO dataVO = new HistoryDataVO();
dataVO.loadID = process['loadID'];
dataVO.time = process['time'];
dataVO.loadType = process['loadType'];
dataVO.fileName = process['fileName'];
dataVO.label = process['label'];
dataVO.description = process['description'];
dataVO.count = process['count'];
dataVO.progress = process['progress'];
dataVO.loadTask = process['loadTask'];
// Check if the item is currently in the list
if(length >= 1)
if(!LoadHistoryHelper.exists(oldIdsArray, dataVO.loadID))
dataVO.isNew = true;
I have commented out the exists check !LoadHistoryHelper.exists(oldIdsArray, dataVO.loadID)) (because this seemed like the obvious place) but it the VM still crashes.
Also, I have taken this same code and put it into an isolated app with the only real difference in the poll check is appDataDic.load_history_list is just an #observable List, not an ObservableList.
Edit 2 :
Ok, so I have discovered that Map obj = JSON.decode(data); causes the crash. I was reading in a Javascript forum that timeouts cause the memory to not be released (I had never thought of this but it makes sense), is this true? Can any one think of a better way to do this? Can I directly call the garbage collection? I'm running out of ideas.

There's another question here, suggesting a memory leak in HttpRequest; however I'm not able to find anything in the Dart issue tracker. If you think this might be a real memory leak, it might be worth raising a bug.


Missing Test Points using .Net sdk GetPointsByQueryAsync

I am using the method "GetPointsByQueryAsync" when I use it for a small number of test cases (as input) it is working fine but when I use it for a large number of test cases (as input), it messes up like some test points will miss, when I try to get miss points separately, it works fine. I have posted this issue on the Visual studio community, they refuse to fix it and said it is not our policy to look into this issue. I have a test case count of 3000 and a test point count of 15000.
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.WebApi;
public List<TestPoint> GetTestPoints(Uri uri, string oAuthAccessToken, List<int> testcaseIds)
TestPointsQuery outputQuery= null;
VssOAuthAccessTokenCredential mCredential = new VssOAuthAccessTokenCredential(oAuthAccessToken);
VssConnection connection =
new VssConnection(uri, mCredential);
TestManagementHttpClient testManagementHttpClient = connection.GetClient<TestManagementHttpClient>();
TestPointsQuery query = new TestPointsQuery();
PointsFilter filter = new PointsFilter();
filter.TestcaseIds = testcaseIds;
query.PointsFilter = filter;
outputQuery = testManagementHttpClient.GetPointsByQueryAsync(query, WIProject.Id).Result;
catch (Exception e)
return outputQuery.Points;

accessing transition history via JIRA REST API

I found another person apparently having this issue but I thought I'd re-ask the question to see if I could make it more explicit.
I'm using the JIRA 6 REST web API and successfully pulling lots of data that matches our web cloud UI.
Now I'd like to see the transitions a given issue has been thru, preferably with info about who performed the transition.
I can see this transition history in our JIRA web UI but I haven't figured out how to access programmatically yet.
There's a promising sounding API:
http://example.com:8080/jira/rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions [GET, POST]
And this is the API the previous asker seemed to have been using. From what I can tell it only returns the valid transitions you can ask for on the issue at a given point in time.
I would like a history of transitions, such as when the issue went to code review, QA, closed, etc.
I have done a expand=changelog but the change log does not correlate with the transitions that I can see.
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
When you use expand=changelog, then all changes that have been done in issue are there. Exactly same info as in All tab in Activity section when viewing in web browser.
When I send:
Under changelogkey I find list of histories. Each historyhas list of items. Those items are changes performed on the certain field, with to and from values.
To find all status changes you need to do something like this:
for history in issue.changelog.histories:
for item in history.items:
if item.field == "status":
print item.toString # new value
print item.fromString # old value
Or use GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog like explained in the "get changelog" docs
You can try using the jql parameter for the REST API call.
So your call for,
JQL = project=XYZ and status was resolved
fields = key
will look like this,
where key will return only relevant information and not excessive for each issue.
public void changeStatus(IssueRestClient iRestClient,
List<Statuses> JiraStatuses, String key) {
String status = "To Do";
for (Statuses statuses : vOneToJiraStatuses) {
if (1 == statuses.compareTo(status)) {
try {
String _transition = statuses.getTransition();
Issue issue = iRestClient.getIssue(key).get();
Transition transition = getTransition(iRestClient, issue,
if (!(isBlankOrNull(transition))) {
if (!(issue.getStatus().getName()
transition(transition, issue, null, iRestClient,
} catch (Exception e) {
Constants.ERROR.info(Level.INFO, e);
List is a pojo implementation where statuses and transitions defined in xml are injected through setter/constructor.
private void transition(Transition transition, Issue issue,
FieldInput fieldInput, IssueRestClient issueRestClient,
String status) throws Exception {
if (isBlankOrNull(fieldInput)) {
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transitionInput).claim();
Constants.REPORT.info("Status Updated for : " + issue.getKey());
} else {
TransitionInput transitionInput = new TransitionInput(
issueRestClient.transition(issue, transitionInput).claim();
Constants.REPORT.info("Status Updated for : " + issue.getKey());
public Transition getTransition(IssueRestClient issueRestClient,
Issue issue, String _transition) {
Promise<Iterable<Transition>> ptransitions = issueRestClient
Iterable<Transition> transitions = ptransitions.claim();
for (Transition transition : transitions) {
if (transition.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(_transition)) {
return transition;
return null;
In Short using Transition API of JIRA we can fetch all the transitions to set statuses

ObjectStore put syntax

I'm having trouble with the new syntax (r18915) for idb.ObjectStore.put. Could someone please help?
example is below which results in error as follows :
AsyncError: ‘Error:DataError: DOM IDBDatabase Exception 0’
Stack trace: #0 ObjectStore._put_2(file:///E:/b/build/slave/dartium-win-full-trunk/build/src/build/Release/obj/
global_intermediate/webkit/bindings/dart/indexed_db/ObjectStore.dart:141:3) #1
global_intermediate/webkit/bindings/dart/indexed_db/ObjectStore.dart:137:18) #2
The code I'm using which was working but has been modified for new release as follows :
Future fDbAddOrUpdateClient(String sKey1, ClassClientData clClientData) {
idb.Transaction oDbTxn = ogDb1.transaction(sgStoreClient, 'readwrite');
idb.ObjectStore oDbStoreClient = oDbTxn.objectStore(sgStoreClient);
Completer completer = new Completer();
var oDbReqPut = oDbStoreClient.put(
{'sKey': sKey1,
'sNameTitle' : clClientData.sNameTitle,
'sNameFamily' : clClientData.sNameFamily,
'sNameGiven1' : clClientData.sNameGiven1,
'sNameGiven2' : clClientData.sNameGiven2
Apart from the future you specify your function returns but never does, only a completed value (as mentioned in other comment), the future syntax appears correct. The error itself actually indicates that the data being passed to your objectstore.put command is invalid.
See IndexedDB Exceptions. You may need to verify the data that is being passed to the map.
Thanks for the help. The main problem appeared to be with Database not opening or something related such as ObjectStore not being created, but no error shown.
Hopefully the following is better code (r19425) :
Future future = fDbAddOrUpdateClient(sKey, clClientData)
.catchError((oError) => window.alert("${oError}"));
Future fDbAddOrUpdateClient(String sKey1, ClassClientData clClientData) {
idb.Transaction oDbTxn = ogDb1.transaction(sgStoreClient, 'readwrite');
idb.ObjectStore oDbStoreClient = oDbTxn.objectStore(sgStoreClient);
return oDbStoreClient.put(fMapClient(sKey1, clClientData));

spock test for a service in grails

I have a service in my application which return a list of tracks, here is the code for that
List<Track> getTrackListTracks(String listName, int max) {
def tracks = getTrackListTracks(listName)
if(tracks?.size() > max) {
tracks = tracks[0 ..< max]
return tracks
List<Track> getTrackListTracks(String listName) {
def tl = TrackList.findByName(listName)
if(tl?.tracks) {
return tl?.tracks?.collect { Track.read(it.trackId) }
i have to write the unit test for this but I am not able to write. Can anyone help me in this.
Thanks Already
Hopefully you've progressed beyond this, but for those coming after, the grails-spock-examples project # google code (https://github.com/pschneider-manzell/grails-spock-examples) has a wide range of examples.
More specifically, for a service (as you've asked), check out Testing Services.
Caution, though - there are a few differences between that and what is required for Grails 2. For example, if testing controllers, 'redirectArgs' is no longer valid. Make sure to also consult the Grails Documentation for differences.

ehcache is not honoring maxElementsInMemory

I have a fairly simple cache configuration:
<cache name="MyCache"
I create my cache in the following way:
private Ehcache myCache =
I use my cache like this:
public MyResponse processRequest(MyRequest request) {
Element element = myCache.get(request);
if (element != null) {
return (MyResponse)element.getValue();
} else {
MyResponse response = remoteService.process(request);
myCache.put(new Element(request, response));
return response;
Every 10,000 calls to processRequest() method, I log stats about my cache like this:
logger.debug("Cache name: " + myCache.getName());
logger.debug("Max elements in memory: " + myCache.getMaxElementsInMemory());
logger.debug("Memory store size: " + myCache.getMemoryStoreSize());
logger.debug("Hit count: " + myCache.getHitCount());
logger.debug("Miss count: " + myCache.getMissCountNotFound());
logger.debug("Miss count (because expired): " + myCache.getMissCountExpired());
..I see a good amount of hits, which tells me that it's working.
..However, what I'm seeing is that after a couple hours, the getMemoryStoreSize() is starting to exceed getMaxElementsInMemory(). Eventually, it gets bigger and bigger, and renders the jvm unstable because GC is starting to do Full GCs nonstop to reclaim memory (and I have a pretty large cap set). When I profiled the heap, it pointed to the LRU's SpoolingLinkedHashMap taking most of the space.
I do have a lot of requests hitting this cache, and my theory is that ehcache's LRU algorithm is perhaps not keeping up with evicting the elements when it's full. I tried LFU policy and it also caused the memory store to go over maxElements.
I then started looked at the ehcache code to see if I could prove my theory (inside LruMemoryStore$SpoolingLinkedHashMap):
private boolean removeLeastRecentlyUsedElement(Element element) throws CacheException {
//check for expiry and remove before going to the trouble of spooling it
if (element.isExpired()) {
return true;
if (isFull()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
..from here looks ok, then looked at the evict() method:
protected final void evict(Element element) throws CacheException {
boolean spooled = false;
if (cache.isOverflowToDisk()) {
if (!element.isSerializable()) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(new StringBuffer("Object with key ").append(element.getObjectKey())
.append(" is not Serializable and cannot be overflowed to disk"));
} else {
spooled = true;
if (!spooled) {
cache.getCacheEventNotificationService().notifyElementEvicted(element, false);
..this looks like it doesn't actually evict (despite the name) but rather relies on the caller to evict. So I looked at the implementation of the put() method and I don't see it calling it. I'm clearly missing something here and would appreciate some help on this.
Your configuration looks fine to me. Only need is to use right key for caching.
Do not put complete request object as your key for cache. Put some unique value from your request object. For example:
MyResponse response = remoteService.process(request);
myCache.put(new Element(request.getCustomerID(), response));
return response;
This should work for you. The reason your caching is not working is that each time your request object is new object; it never finds the response from cache, so it keeps adding into cache.
maxElementsInMemory attribute is deprecated, use maxEntriesLocalHeap instead
