Deploying Delphi custom component to Android and IOS - delphi

I have created a mobile application for android and ios with Delphi XE5. I needed a custom component, so I created a package and I wrote my component. I wrote a windows application for testing my custom compnent and every thing is OK so far. I add an instance of my component on the Firemonkey mobile form in design time and it shows it correctly. But when I try to run app on IOS Simulator or Android emulator it crashes, I think the problem is caused by not deploying my package along with my app, but I don't know how should I include this package in my mobile app deployment. Any idea?
P.S I know how to deploy database files to Android and IOS

Run time packages are not supported under iOS. Just statically link your component to your application.


Maui Android Binding Class For Brother Mobile Printing SDK

Jumped on the maui development train with a new mobile android app. Intent is this app will print out a docket on a Brother RJ2050 mobile printer.
I've downloaded the SDK and followed the instructions from here (Adding an Android Java Library Binding project rather than the Xamarin version).
All good so far, problem is when I try building this, I get a heap of CS0535 Errors, For example 'MWPrintSettings' does not implement interface member 'IPrintImageSettings.GetHalfTone()' and a number of warnings of different nature.
As an experiment, created a Xamarin Android Bindings Library followed the instructions and compiled fine. Of course can't include that in my Maui app though.
Wondering if anyone might have some thoughts? Or is it just plain the Brother Mobile SDK isn't going to work in this environment (Being .net7 maui)?

Is it possible to open IOS simulator while developing React-Native APP on Windows 10?

I am developing an application by using React-Native. My operating system is Windows 10. I want the application to be competible with both iOS and Android. I am using Expo for the development. In expo,
There are above choices, since I don't have an iOS simulator, the second choice gives an error. How can I install an iOS simulator to my computer?
As of now, you can not create a simulator inside windows but there are many browser-based iOS stimulations available you can use them.
one of them is here It is free for use but you have to upload your app manually. There are many other options available. read here.

Can you build a react-native iOS app using WINDOWS?

Can you build for iOS with react-native on Windows?
Or does it require xcode?
If so, any work arounds?
I dont want to work on a mac... or a mac vm.
I think the app you create with react-native will work with iOS but you might just have to develop it without an iOS SDK. (essentially, you can't really see the app in a virtual iOS device whilst developing).
However, i think if you develop the app for android using android studio SDK with react native, the app should also work with iOS as well. It's just that you won't really be able to see the app in development on a virtual iOS device.
Another option is to use expo when using react native. Essentially, it displays your app on your iphone so you can technically do app development whilst viewing the app on an iOS device, but I don't think its that great as you can only see it on your phone, whilst I prefer to use a virtual device on my laptop.
You can view documentation for expo in the react native docs here:
I'd recommend you to just develop the app for android using the android SDK from Android studio. This also works with expo or react native CLI. Although you may have to develop the app in a virtual android device, I think the app also works with an iOS device (it may just look a little bit different e.g. a button in android will look different to a button on iOS)
Here's a tutorial that really helped me with learning React-Native:
Just follow the steps and make sure you install an android SDK. Then once you get to around "9:25", instead of starting up an iOS emulator from an iOS SDK, start up the android one from android SDK, then hit the button "a" to choose android and you're all set!
The short answer is NO. iOS apps need to build on a Mac. However, if you have a cheap old Mac, or even a Mac cloud account, you can effectively do the equivalent while (almost) never touching the Mac. Of course, this assumes that it has been setup up once, and builds via Xcode or Xcode command line. Once that is done, you can automate it so that you're working and testing only on the PC.
For example, I once took over a React Native project where the previous developer did something similar. Because it was a generic interface, he coded on his PC, then tested via the Android emulator without ever testing for iOS. At that point you can simply push code to GitHub (manually, or with something like Fastlane or a user script). Separately, you have a script on that old Mac or online Mac-as-a-service that checks periodically and builds when the code changes. There were some times when the Mac needed special attention, but for the most part, it worked solely on one machine.
Namely, you can not run IOS Simulator on windows. But you can access a virtual IOS machine and run Simulator from windows virtually as a solution..

Ionic ios app development

I am new to mobile development, working on my first app for both iOS and Android. I was under the impression that I can develop it through Ionic once (on my Linux system) and deploy it for both, but recently found out I need to develop on a Mac for iOS?
Like this guy said to someone equally unimpressed:
Also stated here:
My question is, at which stage do I need a Mac? Can I do all the development on my system and then just deploy with a Mac? Did I need to do something special from the get-go to support iOS? I am already rather deep in the process, but should I be considering a different framework?
I do find it strange that this knowledge doesn't seem very explicitly available.
Thank you for any help!
If you want to do a build for the iOS platform you will always need a macOS based operating system with xcode installed at some point. You can do all the coding on your linux machine as the hybrid part will be the same for all platforms. But if you want to test or deploy the iOS version of your app you will need either a mac or you will have to use some third party service where you can upload your sourcecode and you get a ready for install .ipa back. Ionic itself offers a service like that: see Ionic Package Service
As joshmorony said on his blog:
In order to compile an iOS application using Cordova, you need the iOS
SDK, which is only possible if you have a Mac and XCode. This is not
an issue for Android because the Android SDK can be installed on both
Windows and Mac. If you are not using a Mac, you simply can not create
iOS builds.
you can also use some virtual machines but they can be illegal and I don't recommend them

How to edit an existing PDF(Created using Acrobat pro) on iPad PhoneGap application

We developed a phoneGap application running on iPad, which is having multiple PDFs(created using acrobat pro or some other softwares).
We need to edit input fields(of multiple types) in a pdf on "iPad" hybrid application and save the same.
Please suggest how this can be done on iPad hybrid app based on phoneGap framework.
Try this plugin we just released which works with the open source library ILPDFKit ( The only downside we've found is this only works for a range of PDF's. 1.4 and earlier seems to work fine. You can downgrade PDF's using this tool:
