How to build ios application using Phonegap framework on windows OS. - ios

I have allready build an android application using Phonegap framework, I need to develop the application for ios also using windows OS.I know that for ios we need XCode that runs only on mac machine,but is there any way to do it on windows ( as I can't afford Mac machine) ?
I searched for various options,few of them are:
1.Install mac os using VM ware.
2.Use MacinCloud Service.
I don't know what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, please suggest what to do?

Use PhoneGap Build. Just upload the html/js/css/config with specified plugin as zip and build it online. Unfortunatelly you will not be able to use custom plugins, only specified on the PhoneGap Build site.


Using Flutter from Linux without XCode

I use Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) as my development environment. I was excited about the idea of reusing the same code for Android, iOS and event Web.
But I'm blocked because I'm using Linux and in all tutorials and examples are talking about the necessity of using XCode to things like setting the FireStore configuration.
I'm not an iOS developer, so I don't want to buy a more expensive and less powerful machine to be able to develop and release iOS applications, and looks like still, Flutter is not the solution.
So my question is, how can I develop iOS apps using Flutter without a Mac?
You can also use a CLI tool named Appollo :
It's a simple python utility that let's you :
Configure XCode
Create an IPA
Test your app in the iOS simulator
Build and publish your app on the App Store
You can install it by running pip install appollo in your terminal. For a full tutorial check their documentation :
You can also view a few demo videos on the Appollo YT channel :
You can do one of the following:
Use a Mac OS virtual machine.
Use a service to build remotely, like CodeMagic for example.
Get a friend or co-worker to build the app on their Apple machine.
Also check out this:
Is it possible to develop iOS apps with Flutter on a Linux virtual machine?

Developing Unity game on Windows for iOS devices

My unity application is developed for iOS devices, but for some reason at this moment I have only Windows PC.
I searched around and found similar information, but not clear for what I want.
My query is
I will do development of the game in Windows PC using C#.
Then will build and deploy to iOS device using MAC.
Is that possible? I like to make sure.
I have made several Unity3D projects for iOS using a Windows.
When installing Unity, don't forget to check "iOS deployment" and your Unity (on Windows) will be able to build an Xcode project.
Then, just transfer this Xcode project on a Mac with Xcode installed and you will be able to compile the project in order to be run on your iOS device.
Note : I just have to run chmod 777 on the Mac folder containing the Xcode project before compiling with Xcode.
You can always use Unity Cloud to build you games. Their server will build it either from your own repo (git, svn, etc) or you can use their Collaborate feature by going into the unity editor -> services -> collaborate on.
Before getting to use Unity Cloud to build for iOS, you will need to generate your certificates just as you do when building using XCode. On the config page you can choose the version of unity you want the build to use, the version of xcode and if you want Unity to build your game on every push ( auto-build).
As far as I know when building for ios the ipa will have a ridiculous size. If you encounter this problem please refer to the following link: how to disable bitecode
Even though Unity allows us to use their system to build for any platform, in order to upload your *.ipa to app store you will need to do it through application loader.

How to create and deploy IOS App from windows OS

I'm creating a mobile application. The requirement is that the mobile application should be deployed in Android as well as iOS. I'm able to create the application and deploy it into Android using Ionic. But how do I do that for iOS. Is there a way we can use the Ionic in Windows OS and create app that is compatible with iOS.
Similar to Android Developer Options, is there any settings in IOS phones that will enable us to deploy the IOS app and test it.
You can run Mac OS X on your Windows machine using VMWare player. try searching 'Mavericks Retail VMware Image' in google, you will get download links... Hope it helps.
You need XCode to deploy any IOS application. To get XCode, you need a Mac.
The closeset thing you can do is using RemoteBuild, but you stil need a Mac.
After installing it, you can launch a build directly from Visual Studio.
For more information and a detailed guide, you can follow this link:
You need a macOS to test and deploy iOS application on App Store, You can't deploy application directly by using windows OS.
If you want to deploy application using windows OS then you have to use any virtualization software like: Virtual Box,
vMware and install macOs.

How to build ionic 2 ios app on windows 10?

I am new to ionic 2 and i want to build my app to ios version. What requirements need to install on my windows 10 PC? Thanks. I hope you can help me. :)
The only way I can think of is by using Ionic Cloud Services:
Ionic Packages makes it easy to build a native binary of your app in
the cloud. Perfect for developers using Windows that want to build iOS
This lets you:
Send your packaged app to others
Build your app for platforms not supported by your computer (e.g. iOS builds on Windows)
Build .ipa and .apk files that you can submit to app stores
You can check the prerequisites here and the steps required to build, here.
You can also take a look at this amazing post from Josh Morony.
You can't build it to iOS in Windows. Neither in Linux.
You will need an Mac OS.
Either one running on a real Apple device (iMac, Macbook, Mac Mini), or in an virtual box or you can use a cloud service.

Phonegap - I have the basic hello world android app. How do I deploy it to ios?

I've installed phonegap, and got the basic hello world new project app open in eclipse. I have deployed it to a android emulator. I want to deploy the same app to my IOS emulator. I can't find any instructions anywhere of how to do this. Does anyone know how?
You have to do this in Xcode on Mac, or in a virtual machine with Mac OS installed.
Also, cordova.js is different for Android and iOS platforms - keep this in mind, as the codebase will differ in some ways for these platforms.
Here is the complete guide about building Phonegap apps for iOS:
If you have iOS Dev license you can build it through PhoneGap Build.
The advantage is that you don't have to have a Mac or even a virtual machine with Mac installed, so that you can do everything through a web interface, what's fantastic!
The only exception is if you have something native in Xcode to deploy along with your application, otherwise if it's only HTML/Javascript and so on, then it's perfect for you.
Hope it helps!
