Kendo UI Grid: Custom NEWPAGe Edit Button for Ajax Grid -

Is there any way to edit items in the new page from a Kendo UI AJAx Grid i dont want in-line or popup edit

Create template column with a link inside which points to your custom editing page. How to create links in a column is covered here.


jqGrid: edit form in the subgrid area accordion

We are using Jqgrid but we need to perform a custom editing.
In particular we want to view/edit the detail of a row inside the accordion of a subgrid area (instead of real subgrid)...
Basically we are looking for a way to redirect the content of the edit popup to the subgrid area.
Anyone have some ideas about how to do it?
If I understand correct the problem you may look at this demo in case you use Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript. In your case the html file can contain template form, where you can get the values from the row and put it in the form.
If you have difficulties we can prepare a online demo.

In MVC how to create available and selected Listbox

I am a novoice and I like to know an example working model, view and controller where I can display available options in a listbox and select and add to a selected options to a selected listbox and finally submit the form with selection list box options in a mvc as shown in the screenshot. Please provide code example code for controller, model and view

Opening Kendo popup window for adding new records

I have an separate Add button (neither on toolbar, nor on grid) and I want to open a popup window (having some fields) after clicking this button in order to create a new record. I have a look at the Kendo Demo pages, but all the samples use grid's or toolbar's Create button. Instead of them, a need a sample with a separate button. Any sample please?
Update: I want to create a listview as shown below instead of grid:
If you call dataGrid.addRow() method and edit mode is set to "popup", Popup window will be displayed.
Look at this dojo

Jqgrid breaks properties of other jqgrid

As titled,
In my webpage, i have a jqgrid, and a button that will pop up a modal dialog that contains another jqgrid (displaying different data) on it. The problem is, the jqgrid on the modal dialog breaks the jqgrid on the page, like for example, if i set my jqgrid on the dialog to have no filter function, then it will cause the jqgrid's filter on the webpage to suddenly disappear.
Just want to know if anyone encounter such issues before?
By the way the webpage was created using Grails, so i'm not sure if this is related to Grails's resource issue or not.
It's difficult to help you because you don't posted your code. I can only to suppose that you could have id conflicts between the grid in modal dialog and the grids on the main page. I would suggest you to add idPrefix option with some non-empty unique value in the modal dialog. For example you can add idPrefix: "g1_" in the first grid and idPrefix: "g2_" in the second grid. Then the rows with ids "1", "2", "3" will be "g1_1", "g1_2", "g1_3" in the first grid and there will be "g2_1", "g2_2", "g2_3" in the second grid.

MVC question - hide /show a panel with partial postback from radiobutton submit

I have 2 radio button with values New & Existing. If user chooses New, then I show a textbox on the form and if Existing a dropdown and textbox is hidden. The question is , does the hide/show of the textbox/dropdownlist have to be written in the View or the Controller class? Also when I choose the selection my whole form is posting back and hence all validation error msgs are being shown which should not be shown nless the save button is clicked, how do I a partial postback without full form submission? Any code snippets or urls would be benificial in this respect.
The question is , does the hide/show of the textbox/dropdownlist have to be written in the View or the Controller class?
Just show/hide with jQuery that.
Also when I choose the selection my whole form is posting back and hence all validation error msgs are being shown which should not be shown nless the save button is clicked, how do I a partial postback without full form submission? Any code snippets or urls would be benificial in this respect.
Perform 'partial postbacks' through javascript.
Post form to save action only once when it's ready (when Save button is clicked).
Some resources:
jQuery tutorial
jQuery AJAX
About form AJAX`ifying
If I understand you correctly, the answer is the hiding and showing of controls should be done on the view as it's display specific.
If you use javascript to show and hide the controls then because it's on the client side you would not have to postback the form, and could do server side validation when the save button is clicked.
jQuery is very good: Jquery Website
Hope that helps?
