Need help for non-renewable subscription in iOS - ios

I want to implement In app Purchase and i am new to this:
I have to give free subscription for three days, after that i will sale day pass like $1 for one day. and after completion of that 1 day user will buy the next day pass.
so i studied a lot and found that i have to create non renewable in app purchase. (please suggest if i am wrong)
I have created an app where users can sign up.
Is it possible to provide the subscription according to my app users not according to Apple ID (itunes purchase ID).
For example my app users are:
and i am purchasing with testuserA (itunes or apple Id).
so here can i purchase three time for these three users.
please suggest i am having fear of app rejection.
Thanks in Advance !!


Differentiating two Users for In-App Purchases in Application to Buy Non-Renewable Subscription by different users?

I am implementing In-App Purchases first time in my application and new to In-app purchases Store Kit.
I have few doubts regarding In-app purchases:
What happens if a user purchased a subscription and logged out from the application and another user logs in and trying to purchase the same?
Does iTunes allow the second user to use the First user's purchased product?
If it allows how can we handle the second user's subscription?
What details we will get post Successful/Failed transactions from itunes to save in my database?
For a non-renewing subscription then it is entirely up to you to track expiration and determine what content a user has access to and when.
For example, say your subscription gave access to "the word of the day". If the subscription was active for the month of January, then the user would receive access to new words each day in January. The user should continue to be able to see January's words even after the subscription expires, but no new words.
If they resubscribe in March then they would now get new words throughout March.
You need to track all of this on your server against the user account.
Non-renewable subscription IAPs act much like consumable IAPs. The "Restore purchases" Store Kit function does not restore non-renewable IAP items.
To answer your specific questions:
If a new user logs in to your account system in the app (but the same iTunes account is still active on the device) then a second purchase will succeed and you need to update the subscription start and end dates for the new active account on your server.
You also need to cater for the following:
- The original account logs back in; In this case the original subscription entitlements need to be available
- The original or second account log in to another device; Again, the accounts subscription entitlements need to be available.
No, since non-renewing subscriptions are not restorable, the second user cannot "use" the first user's subscription.
You handle each account in your system independently.
Information about the mechanics of the purchase process are described in the In App Purchase Programming Guide

In-App Purchase Auto renewal purchase by Username

I'm implementing Auto-Renewal In app Purchase.I have a few questions Please clarify.
Really appreciate your help.
1.user1 make purchase a plan which is 30 days plan with device1 with his iTunes account and User 2 makes purchase another plan which is 60 days plan with device 2 with his iTunes account, what happens if user1 logged into device2 but device2 still have user2 iTunes account.if i restore purchase or receipt validation in device 2 i'll get User 2 purchase as auto-renewals will work with iTunes Account.
how we can make sure that user1 should get 30 days plan only not 60 days plan.
Thanks in Advance
You can pass your user's login name with the purchase and restore requests to allow Apple to improve fraud detection, but that will not actually prevent the purchase or restoration (whether fraudulent or just not what you intended).
(And thus with hindsight not an answer but leaving this here for reference - see comments.)
For example restoreCompletedTransactions(withApplicationUsername:)
See this SO answer for more details.
And this Apple Developer forum conversation for why it will not actually prevent purchase/restore by the 'wrong' user.

In-app purchases: Types of products

Please, help me to clarify purchases types.
I have an ionic project, where a user has a possibility to post to feed. But he/she has to pay for each news he/she posts.
I know that purchases are of three types: consumable, non-consumable and subscriptions.
I cant understand what is the type of such kind of purchases?
You would be a consumable type as you are paying every time you post.
Good description from a previous post
Everything is here:
Consumable (pay everytime)
A consumable In-App Purchase must be purchased every time
the user downloads it. One-time services, such as fish food in a
fishing app, are usually implemented as consumables.
Select Non-Consumable (one time payment)
Non-consumable In-App Purchases only need to be
purchased once by users. Services that do not expire or decrease with
use are usually implemented as non-consumables, such as new race
tracks for a game app.
Select Auto-Renewable Subscriptions (will deduct money from your credit card on a cycle complete)
Auto-renewable Subscriptions allow
the user to purchase updating and dynamic content for a set duration
of time. Subscriptions renew automatically unless the user opts out,
such as magazine subscriptions.
Select Free Subscription (no payment and is still visible even you did not submitted your account detail to itunes connect)
Free subscriptions are a way for developers
to put free subscription content in Newsstand. Once a user signs up
for a free subscription, it will be available on all devices
associated with the user’s Apple ID. Note that free subscriptions do
not expire and can only be offered in Newsstand-enabled apps.
Select Non-Renewing (need to renew manually)
Subscription Non-Renewing Subscriptions allow the
sale of services with a limited duration. Non-Renewing Subscriptions
must be used for In-App Purchases that offer time-based access to
static content. Examples include a one week subscription to voice
guidance feature within a navigation app or an annual subscription to
online catalog of archived video or audio.

Allow multiple purchases of same in app purchase

Right now i'm allowing multiple in app purchases. 3 month subscription, etc. But i cannot get a renewable purchase because apple wont allow it. So currently when a user goes to buy another 3 month subscription it gives the message that they've already purchases this item and wont allow them to purchase it again. I figure this has something to do with the product id? Is there a way to allow this not to happen and purchase the same product with the same product id multiple times? Thanks for the help!
Your product is not a non consumable product it is Non-Renewing Subscriptions instead. For further detail check check this link and go to Types of In-App Purchases this section.

In App Purchase With daily updates

In my application I have a page where I want to sell a single article via In app purchase.
The article for the user will be available for the user for only one day.....
and the other day if the new article is available then the user should be directed to buy that other article for that day
Prices will be same for all the articles.
Can anyone suggest me how I can achieve this and how I should register my items into the app store?
You can register consumable product to iTunes. Then when user will purchase that product once flag will be TRUE. After finishing of that day of purchase, flag will be again false. So, user need to buy it again.
The other way you can create subscription product in iTunes. So, user need to subscribe everyday or can purchase subscription of 7 days or 14 days. This is normal way in which we are doing news related application for IAP.
