Flexpaper PDF links opens 2 windows - hyperlink

Does anyone know how to combat the flexpaper document viewer opening 2 windows when I click on a hyperlink that is contained inside a pdf.
Im creating a viewer online using the standard zine interface for flexpaper. My PDF contains hyperlinks to external websites, when I click these links in the viewer, it opens 2 windows.
I want only 1 window to open.
Any ideas?

This has been fixed in one of our newer releases. Downloading version 2.2.3 or later will fix this without having to comment out any of the javascript.


Use UIDocumentInteractionController in Delphi XE

I have a Delphi XE5 app which downloads and stores PDFs locally on the device. I have a TWebBrowser on the form to view the PDFs and it works perfectly.
I now wish to share the PDF with other applications (eg Safari, Mail, etc) but am really struggling! I have looked at the TShowShareAction action (on the Action List control) but this caters for a Bitmap (photo) to be shared.
I have seen a lot of posts explaining that one should use UIDocumentInteractionController but I cannot find examples of how to use this from within Delphi. I have looked at Apple.Utils but to no avail.
Has anyone used the UIDocumentInteractionController functionality from within a Delphi application to share a file? Any example would be much appreciated!
I have solved this problem by installing D.P.F. Delphi iOS Native Components
I then added a DPFQLPreviewController to my form and open the PDF with the following code:
DPFQLPreviewController1.ShowDoc(filename, false);
This opens the PDF in the standard iOS previewer and this has a button enabling one to share the file with other installed apps that can read the file (eg a PDF app, email, send to printer, etc)
This is by far the simplest solution I have found and works perfectly on the simulator and an actual device.

How to export interactive PDF for iOs?

I have an interactive PDF, a catalog, where you have to click on a image to go to a specific page. All images are converted in buttons with the option "Go to destination". On Windows and Mac it works perfectly. But on iPad all the links, all the images, are not showing.
I've already read on many forums about this common problem between iOs and interactive PDF's. But I have some old PDF's, with the same principle, and those are working great on iPad. The images are showed, the links works...
That's why I'm wondering if it's not my fault or maybe I export the PDF in a wrong way.
The links to the PDF's.
m.hconline.eu/LA Catalog 2013.pdf
"Buttons" are not compatible with most pdf readers (except Acrobat reader and a few others). Such buttons are not recognized on the standard pdf reader on the iPad. I have checked the old file on the iPad, it does not work as well.
What you need to do is to use regular pdf links instead of buttons. In order to do so, you can use Acrobat Pro, delete your buttons, and create new links using the chain icon. You can specify the area of the link, so the user experience will be the same.
This is an old issue, but I did find more information regarding this. (I'd add a comment to the accepted answer, but alas, i do not have 50 points.)
According to George Johnson, "The problem with InDesign is in using the Go To Next/Previous Page options in InDesign[buttons], it creates an Execute a Menu Item action when exported to PDF, and since Reader for iOS doesn’t have menu items or interprets such actions otherwise, they are just ignored." - https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1142056?tstart=0
As for work arounds, I found a tutorial by Steve Werner, outlining the method of changing your work flow around, and adding your buttons in Adobe Acrobat instead, as kind of a post production linking process. - http://indesignsecrets.com/navigation-button-tricks-for-interactive-pdf-on-an-ipad.php

How do I embed javascript (to open dialog) in PDF in Report Builder in Delphi

I need to show an Adobe PDF Reader print-dialog when someone opens this PDF through our webportal.
Now I stream a PDF through my existing webportal made in Delphi XE2. I generate the PDF's in Waler's TExtraDevices, a component that extends Report Builder 14.07 for Delphi.
I read somewhere, that I can embed JavaScript in a PDF to trigger the print-dialog to show.
How/where do I inject/place the JS in the Waler TExtraDevices PDF generator? It IS an option to use the native PDF generation of Report Builder itself (but I'll have to check if they support embedding subsets of fonts, because the first versions of their PDF engine produced too large PDF's). So an alternative question may be: How/where do I inject/place the JS in the native PDF generator of Report Builder?
I've checked the manuals, the web and StackOverflow but can't find anything about how to accomplish this.
If you do not mind a solution which involves a separate post-process, you could use a library like Debenu QuickPDF to update the PDF to add a Javascript action which opens the print dialog on document open. They have a trial version which would enable you to verify that it works with your specific PDFs.

Opening a local folder using a link in PDF from iText

I am trying to provide a link in a PDF, which when clicked will open the folder the PDF is present. How can this be done?
this one would be alot easier if u have adobe profesional...what you do is this:
microsoft word(which has ur hyperlink) >adobe pdf>change conversion settings>check the box of "add links to adobe pdf". Now same thing again:
microsoft word>adobe pdf>convert pdf.
it converts with hyperlinks...wooooilaaa...plus u got some more options to create your chart in word than in adobe...hope this one helped as welll...!!!

Download a static file in Silverlight 3 without using SaveFileDialog

I have a Silverlight 3 app that that will let users download PDF files of static content. The problem is that the SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3 does not allow you to specify the default filename that appears in the dialog box. This means that users have to type the name themselves and this is confusing for them since they are accustomed to a "simple" save dialog which only asks them to either Save or Cancel. All users are using IE7 or IE8.
I've tried to find a solution by the following methods:
Open the file new window using HtmlPage.Window.Navigate hoping to prompt a download (which obviously fails since it opens the file in a new window)
Using the SaveFileDialog (which we don't want to use for the aforementioned reason)
How can a file be downloaded in Silverlight such that a user-initiated save dialog only gives users the option to Save/Cancel instead of prompting to type a file name?
This is a well-known issue with SL3 SaveFileDialog. Unfortunately, there is currently nothing on the horizon that says it will get fixed other than someone at MSFT saying something to the effect of "if we have some time, we'll fix it for SL4". There is a bit of a riot by developers over at http://forums.silverlight.net/forums/p/117702/265216.aspx.
Did you try setting the default extension on the SaveFileDialog? See MSDN documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.savefiledialog.defaultext%28VS.95%29.aspx
