Opening a local folder using a link in PDF from iText - hyperlink

I am trying to provide a link in a PDF, which when clicked will open the folder the PDF is present. How can this be done?

this one would be alot easier if u have adobe profesional...what you do is this:
microsoft word(which has ur hyperlink) >adobe pdf>change conversion settings>check the box of "add links to adobe pdf". Now same thing again:
microsoft word>adobe pdf>convert pdf.
it converts with u got some more options to create your chart in word than in adobe...hope this one helped as welll...!!!


How to convert PDF web links to file open actions with python pdfrw library

I'm using pdfkit to convert html to pdf which works great, but the external links in the pdf are web links.
The pdf viewer that we are using does not recognize the pdf web links, but file open actions do work.
I've been trying to change the pdf link annotation from a web link to a file open action with the pdfrw library.
I tried to edit the pdf annotation with the following code, but it's not working.
annot.A.update(pdfrw.PdfDict( S='/Launch'))
annot.A.update(pdfrw.PdfDict( F={}))
annot.A.F.update(pdfrw.PdfDict( Type='/Filespec'))
annot.A.F.update(pdfrw.PdfDict( F='(part-1.pdf)'))
The link shows up in the new pdf, but there is no action or destination file associated with it.
So after a similar battle today...
you can't define S='/Launch' as string like that. You have to use:
annot.A.update(pdfrw.PdfDict( S=pdfrw.PdfName('Launch')))
Similarly with filespec etc. You may also need to take the () off the filename - as that seemed to break it, at least in Apple Preview.

new google site - How to upload a pdf

I would like to upload the pdf of a paper on my new google site. Specifically, I want that people can click on, say, "paper_title" and can visualize the pdf and, if they want, download it.
I would like if possible a step-by-step explanation.
This is fairly straightforwards:
Firstly, store the PDF files on Google Drive and, set the link sharing as appropriate (e.g. anyone with link can view) so even anonymous internet users can see the file.
To make the PDF available via Google Sites you can either:
From Drive, copy the link to the file, and in new Sites insert a text box and
include the hyperlink to the PDF file in the text box.
in new Sites Insert (From Drive) and select the PDF file from the Google Drive; gives the same result as above, but with a re-sizable thumbnail picture of the PDF file instead of a link.
Exactly what happens after they click on the link is going to depend upon what browser the user is using, and what (if any) PDF viewer plugin is installed. Chrome, pretty much does what you want: it opens the PDF file in a viewer, from where you can download it.
Even if you don't store the PDF on Google Drive, what is described above should still work, as long as you have a hyperlink to the PDF file.

building a document preview webpage

Hi i'm wanting to create a webpage in which i can pass a url to a document and it previews it. the idea behind this is so i can create a responsive web view for android so i can preview documents from with an app i have basic knowledge of php and html but if some one could point me in the right direction? i have had a look around but can't find anything that basic i don't need to edit the documents just view them. Does anyone know how to do this?
ps: the docs i want to preview are .xl .xls .doc .docx .pdf .ppt etc
Here is what looks to be a decent open source option.
One option would be to convert the documents to .pdf first using OpenOffice and then preview them using pdf.js

Flexpaper PDF links opens 2 windows

Does anyone know how to combat the flexpaper document viewer opening 2 windows when I click on a hyperlink that is contained inside a pdf.
Im creating a viewer online using the standard zine interface for flexpaper. My PDF contains hyperlinks to external websites, when I click these links in the viewer, it opens 2 windows.
I want only 1 window to open.
Any ideas?
This has been fixed in one of our newer releases. Downloading version 2.2.3 or later will fix this without having to comment out any of the javascript.

Attachments with article in joomla 1.6

I'm using joomla 1.6 to develop a website also i'm beginner to joomla. I need to attach one or more pdf files with the article. Any one can please help me to attach file with article and how to get this attachment in frontend. Please help any one how to do that. I tried with phoco download and attachments plugin. But i don't
One way to do this is to log into administration and edit your article in Content Items Manager. With the editor you can insert a link. When you do, click on Shared Documents and then upload the pdf you want to attach.
In your article, you need to use your insert/edit link, in the Link URL section enter the full link of where the pdf is found e.g. www.yourdomainname/images/myfile.pdf. It is always advised to open the pdf in a new window so you can set that in the insert/edit link. Hope this helps.
