Calling window.navigator.getGamepads() returns a valid list of Gamepad objects, but the axes and buttons properties are always null.
The index and ID properties are all valid though. Am I missing something or does it just not work yet?
The Gamepad API works in dart, just not in the dartium browser (see Issue 15119).
If you need to use the API, either create a new browser launch, or right-click your html file and then click on 'Run as JavaScript'. Either of these solutions will launch in your standard browser.
I faced this problem, when automating an application with protractor.
Once I open a home page I get geolocation dialog with Block/Allow buttons, which didn't let proceed without selection either option
It turned out, that this dialog is not an instance of alert, that's why browser.switchTo().alert().confirm() didn't work
Passing '--disable-notifications' argument to Chrome also didn't solve the problem
Research online didn't give any positive results. How to solve it?
The solution to the problem is to pass "prefs": {'profile.default_content_setting_values.geolocation': 2} to capabilities object in your protractor.config.js
Below is another option that does pretty much the same thing.
So chrome may take an argument --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome which specifies profile to open chrome with. If profile doesn’t exist at specified directory it creates default one.
Then if you open /tmp/chrome/Default/Preferences you’ll see an object with preferences. You needed to set default_content_setting_values.geolocation to 2 (not 1 or 0) to make it NOT prompt that dialog
Has something changed in Firefox 6 so I can no longer add my nsIProtocolHandler (and nsIChannel) implementation from an add-on just by registering it under a contract like;1?name=myscheme?
I've checked all the interfaces I use if any changed (judging by a new
UUID), but I don't get a call to my getFactoryProc I list in NSModule,
like I did before.
Do I need to add a category (like http-startup or something?) or is
something else wrong?
(the code that worked in firefox 3.6 is still here I haven't committed
the new code yet...)
Update: I've logged this as a bug.
Update: Okay, I figured this out. See Basically you need to export the right kVersion value in your module or the library will be unloaded immediately after it is loaded (i.e. the behavior you are observing). This behavior is new as of Firefox 5.
If you haven't updated to Firefox 4 yet then you need to change the way that you register your XPCOM component. See The sections on JS components or binary components are relevant depending on whether your component is implemented in JS or C++.
I have a question about my ActiveX control not always working in IE on other machines.
Context: I'm working on an internal app for my company. It is designed to be a standalone web-page config tool for viewing a static customized version of our web app. The user may select the colors, images, and other settings they would like to see, and these will be present in the static mockup/preview version on their machine when they click a button.
Implementation: my javascript file creates a filesystem/activex object that essentially creates a temporary javascript file to which a list of values are written. Then when the user previews the configuration, the javascript file is located and values are loaded dynamically into the dom, etc etc. Naturally this functionality only works in Internet Explorer and is shady at best, but is my only way of implementing a purely zero configuration, client-side dynamic webapp.
Problem: When I test out my script, Internet Explorer prompts me twice about ActiveX controls and I say "yes" to them and the ActiveX functions work. I do this every single time I open my page. But sometimes when I send the file to another person so they can use it, they don't get the notifications so it doesn't work. However sometimes they do get notifications and it does work! I am using default security settings for IE so there should be no difference between my settings and theirs.
Could this be related to my user permissions vs theirs, or the fact that the files are read-only (because they are coming from source control and are also being made read-only when put on the shared drive.) or unknown dark Microsoft forces beyond human comprehension?
I believe you may want to create an HTA (HTML Application) instead of a web page. Writing HTA's gives you more privileges as far as ActiveX objects are concerned. Check out this page from Microsoft:
To answer your question about privileges, I believe that some of your coworkers' IE settings probably prevent web pages from using ActiveX objects. Your settings may be such that you are prompted whenever ActiveX object are about to be created.
I'm developing an internal Google Chrome Extension that needs a way to initiate print the current page to the printer. I do not want the default Print dialog to come up (so, javascript:window.print() is out of question).
As far as I understand, this is not possible just with the JS + HTML plug-in, so I'm also open to using the NPAPI plugin also (with a dummy mime-type). And I'm concerned for Windows platform only.
I'm also open for various hacks / workarounds if possible, though a standard solution would be nice.
If you think this is not possible, let me know if you know any feature request logged for it?
Any suggestions/clarifications are welcome..
In chrome (v18+) we have the --kiosk --kiosk-printing switches. One can print automatically to default printer without print confirmation.
You can see it from this video
Since NPAPI allows you to create native C++ plugins that you can interact with through an object tag (which you can use from an extension), that would probably be the way to do it.
The tricky bit is that I don't know of a good way to get the bits for printing the page. The only person I know of who has done something similar to this actually got the window handle for the browser (available through NPAPI) and scraped the bits off of it to print that way, but that won't take into account print stylesheets or anything. You could also try using automation events to try to control the print dialog, but I have no idea if that would work or not.
By design, the browsers try not to let you do something like this, as it could open some serious vulnerabilities if any website could just start printing things to your printer without confirmation...
Anyway, if you find a way to do it with C++ you can use FireBreath to ease the creation of the NPAPI plugin.
There are various extensions that take snapshots of the current web page (for example, this one); you could adapt one to send the image to a printer via an NPAPI plugin.
I've recently been looking for a similar ability, and it seems like it would be quite possible using Chrome's new native messaging api.
There are plenty of examples of this with C#, but here is one quick example of troubleshooting Chrome native messaging with a basic C# application
Native messaging from chrome extension to native host written in C#
I realize this may be a day late and a dollar short, but in case anyone else comes across this question, this is the solution that worked for me. From inside a C# app, you can directly print to installed printers using the PrintDocument class. If you figured out a way to get the page image, this would be far easier than using firebreath or NPAPI.
Disable print preview in Google Chrome on Mac
Quit Google Chrome
Launch Terminal on your Mac. (Search “Terminal” using the Search box)
Type defaults write DisablePrintPreview -bool true
Close Terminal and open Google Chrome
Disable print preview in Google Chrome on Windows
Close Google Chrome
From your desktop, right click Google Chrome
Click Properties
In the dialog box, add ‘ –disable-print-preview‘ at the end of the Target field sans the apostrophe (make sure to include the space before –)
Click Apply
Disable print preview in Firefox on Mac
In the address bar type “about:config” and press Enter.
Right click on the page, hover over ‘New’ and click on ‘Boolean’
Type ‘print.always_print_silent’ as the preference name and click ‘OK’
Click on ‘true’ and click ‘OK’.
Close the about:config window.
Disable print preview in Firefox on Windows
In the address bar type “about:config” and press Enter.
Right click on the page, hover over ‘New’ and click on ‘Boolean’ Type
‘print.always_print_silent‘ as the preference name and click ‘OK’
Click on ‘true’ and click ‘OK’.
Close the about:config window.
I have created a dashboard for an Umbraco site and I want to link from it to various node in the tree.
From what I can tell Umbraco uses editcontent.aspx?id={thenodeid} and javascript:opencontent({nodeid}).
Whenever I try to use these they always fail.
Does anyone know how to open a display a node in the Umbraco back end?
Like Tim Saunders said you really just need to target the correct iframe. The openContent function looks like this:
function openContent(id) {
parent.right.document.location.href = 'editContent.aspx?id=' + id;
So you need to target the 'right' iframe.
I've tested editContent.aspx?id=1234 on my Umbraco installation and it seems to work correctly.
I'm assuming you are replacing {thenodeid} with the actual node id you want?
Umbraco uses iFrames in the backend for the content tree and the content areas etc. This means that you do not always have full access to the Javascript libraries from the frame that you are in.
Therefore you may need to either include the library in the page you are working with or try and reference the method calls by walking up the dom.
I can't find any documentation for this so it may be a case of looking at the HTML source and working out what is going on.