Multiple camera on single viewController with different overlays - ios

How can i show UIImagePickerController "Camera" on two different UIView at the same time?
we all are aware about the opening imagePicker and even open that inside of some view with frame but my requirement is i have two UIView and inside of them i need to show camera both of that UIView has different overlays for camera i can show camera on one of them at a time but don't know how to open same camera output on both can anyone please help me!
Thanks in Advance :)

You should try AVFoundation.
Apple has provided a best example for that..
You can download the example from here...
This will help you....


Create camera overlay to read OCR Code in swift

I am working an application which is using OCR code reading functionality, but i want to make a overlay on camera, like some portion of camera will read the code and other view on screen will show with blur effect.I am stuck here...please help...thanks..
Create a CustomOverlay View and use it.
I did similar kind of demo app.
Please check here:

Camera and photo library together in iOS

I am creating an app in which I need to show both camera and photo library together in same screen. top half of the screen will have the camera and bottom half of the screen will have photo library. See the screenshot.
Also please let me know if it is feasible or not and if it is possible then please help me how to do that.
Thank you.
you tried the instagram SDK? Has a method that works for me

UIImagePickerController with Custom Overlay and Edit Image

I am taking picture using UIImagePickerController with custom overlay view. I have a requirement to enable native editing mode of UIImagePickerController when photo is taken and user taps "Edit" button which is on my custom overlay view.
I have set:
imagePickerController.showsCameraControls = NO;
How is this possible to achieve?
You might be trying using UIImagePickerController. But I know this one solution to your problem. You can do it easily using AVCamCaptureManager and AVCamRecorder classes. Apple has a demo program build on its developer site here. It is named AVCam. In simple words what it does is when you click to open the camera, it calls the classes and methods which are responsible for opening the iPhone's camera and record video or capture audio. It calls the same classes which are called by UIImagePickerController. So your camera will open and start taking input.
Now, if you open the xib file of that AVCam project, you'll find a small UIView object. This view is responsible for displaying the camera's feed. You can resize that view as per the size you want and the camera's input will be displayed in that much area. You can also put the frame image around it as per your choice.
It worked for me when I wanted to resize the camera's input feed and capture photos. I hope it works for you as well.

iOS: UIImagePicker or AVCam for this functionality

I am looking for a way to add a custom button on camera preview and don't know where to go. Just like the iOS native camera, on the left of the capture button, you can click on it and access photo library. How can we add a button to the camera preview view? Would anyone be kind enough to give some directions? Thanks in advance.
Take a look at UIImagePickerController's cameraOverlayView. This lets you lay your own interface on top of the default camera interface.
Check out this sample project. It shows the preview of the camera in a custom UIView and uses AVCaptureSession for the management of the video preview. You can add whatever you want in the custom UIView as you like.

iOS: Fix/lock Camera View in Portrait Mode/Orientation

I'd like to fix my Camera View in Portrait Mode but I found NO solution till now...
Do YOU have one? Would make my day .__.'
You cannot explicitly restrict the UIImagePickerController to portrait mode, but you can customize the look of the camera's user interface, which may help you. This is the example code from Apple:
Another method of controlling the camera's look is mentioned in this question:
Camera with Custom View
I don't know exactly what your goal is, but one of these methods should help.
