iOS: Fix/lock Camera View in Portrait Mode/Orientation - ios

I'd like to fix my Camera View in Portrait Mode but I found NO solution till now...
Do YOU have one? Would make my day .__.'

You cannot explicitly restrict the UIImagePickerController to portrait mode, but you can customize the look of the camera's user interface, which may help you. This is the example code from Apple:
Another method of controlling the camera's look is mentioned in this question:
Camera with Custom View
I don't know exactly what your goal is, but one of these methods should help.


Possible to customize camera and user photo library views?

Maybe this is the wrong place for this (if so, please help guide me where I should ask this). Would it be possible (or even an acceptable iOS practice) to customize:
The screen that shows when a user takes a photo.
The screen that shows when a user accesses their photo library.
Thanks in advance!
Both these screens are provided by the UIImagePickerController class. You can handily customize the screen to take a photo - there's even API for it. You would first set showsCameraControls to NO to prevent the controller from drawing its own controls, then set a value for the cameraOverlayView property to insert your own controls over the camera. Take a look at the UIImagePickerController docs for more.
By contrast, you should not customize the photo library picker - that's a more traditional navigation interface, and Apple hasn't exposed any extra API to customize how it appears. You could (of course) always start poking into the view hierarchy of the controller once it's onscreen, but I think that would be a little more startling to your users than customizing the camera, and is more prone to break if Apple changes the guts of UIImagePickerController.

iOS Maps UIPopover misplaced after orientation change

we are working on a tablet app and have the following problem:
We are using popover controllers if the user touches a pin on the map but after orientation change, the popover is misplaced. But we cannot keep a reference because after orientation change, the pins are reloaded.
Did someone already have this problem and found a generic solution for this? I wonder how apple is handling this.
Generally the placement of popovers after orientation change is sometimes acting a bit strange.
thanks in advance
A common approach is closing the popover after rotation. Unfortunately there's not going to be much you can do that wouldn't require some complicated repositioning logic. Perhaps store the origin point as an iVar and calculate the new coordinates based on the new orientation. There's no generic solution for this, however.

How i can disable the native camera buttons?

I need to disable the button, when i enter in the native camera, like portrait, and when i turn like landscape, i need to able the buttons again. How i can do?. In IOS.
Thanks so much.
Kind Regards.
It's probably easier rather than disabling the buttons (which could be confusing to a user), just to rotate the camera view into landscape when it's opened, and prevent any rotations to portrait. You've got a couple of options for that as well, which might make it easier to develop.

My IOS orientation acting very strange and won't listen to any programing-code?

As the title describes I am having a big "what the * is this" at my app atm. It seems I can't get the control over the orientation at all in the different slides.
I can only manage the orientation in one way, via the info-plist file. The problem is, info-plist file sets the orientation for the whole app and I am not interested in that.In some slides I want to allow Landscape left/right and others only Portrait and this is not doable vie info-plist?
I have tried my best to understand the problem but I can not say I have gained any bigger "aha moment" so far. I am using UINavigatorbar and Tabbar in my IOS-app which may occur the problem. How can I make the app to start listening to the code in each-file so I can manage the orientation localy ?
Are you using iOS 6? If so, the -shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method was deprecated.
You now have to override -supportedInterfaceOrientations and -preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation methods in order to manage screen orientation. You can do this globally or within individual view controllers.
See the UIViewController class reference for more details.

multiple views in landscape and portrait

I want to implement my app in both landscape and portrait with two different views. When my app in landscape it shows one view and in portrait it shows the second view. It is possible. But when my app is loaded in portrait,it shows the unbutton control in actual place.Then i change orientation to landscape,button changes its position to opposite side and rotate the button so that my button title is also in opposite side. Please help me. And thank you for your helping.
I don't know what you're working with. Maybe this will help you:
EDIT: updated link - sorry no time to write an inline tut :(
