Empty UISearchbar space when combining search bar with Nav bar in iOS7? - uitableview

So I was trying to combine the search bar with the Nav bar for tableview in iOS7.
I called
self.searchDisplayController.displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar = YES;
And it looks fine.
However, there is a very annoying empty space (roughly the size of a searhbar) between the nav bar and the first tableview content!
I'm wondering what exactly did I miss here?

I fixed this problem by removing 2 lines of code.
self.viewController.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
self.navigationBar.translucent = NO;


Hide Searchbar without leaving blank space when using UISearchController in IOS

The default behavior for UISearchController when you create it in code with:
self.searchController = [[UISearchController alloc]
with iOS 13 seems to be rather than hiding the searchBar to show it at the top or above a tableview immediately below the navigation view.
Then when the searcher becomes firstResponder, the searchBar moves up inside the navigation view as follows:
providing you have set
self.navigationItem.searchController = self.searchController;
You can hide the searchBar by changing the hidden property to YES as follows:
self.searchController.searchBar.hidden = NO;
However, it leaves white space.
To counter this I have tried manually moving the Tableview and buttons upwards, however, that seems to have no effect.
How can I hide the searchBar prior to it becoming active without leaving a white space where it is hidden?
Thanks for any suggestions.

when navigationBar.isTranslucent is true, the backgroundImage of navigationbar become translucent too

In my first page, the navigation bar should be transparent, and when push to next page, the navigation bar should be a image. I worked it out by changing the _UIBarBackground or _UINavigationBarBackground's alpha.
But I meet a big problem, in the first page, view should be placed and draw from (0,0) so I set the navigation bar's isTranslucent to true, that all works fine. But when I enter the next page, background image shows with a translucent looking which I don't want.
btw, I set background using:
navVC.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "navigation_bar_background"),
for: .default)
I checked the image used here, and it's not translucent.
What can I do with this issue? I don't want set viewController's extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars to true due to ugly appearance when animation.
Combination of these 2 solutions will help.
In first view:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque;
In 2nd view:
Set image to your navigationBar using the following link.
How to set Navigation Bar Bagground image - By - iOSCodeGUIDE
Adding to that
To keep navigation bar transparent in first page and display on 2nd page,
1st Page viewwill appear Hide-Yes NavigationBarHide, and on view did disappear Hide-No

UISearchController with UIBarPositionTopAttached throws UISearchBar offscreen; impossible to have standard UISearchController with UITableView?

I'm trying to create a similar experience to the Contacts apps in iOS 8. The primary components of this are:
Keep the search bar fixed below the navigation bar
Have the search bar attach to the top of the view (standard functionality) when presenting.
This, however, is easier said than done. After a while of struggling with tableHeaderView (which didn't allow for interaction in front of the table view, and was complex with the viewDidLayoutSubviews positioning), I decided to embed a UITableView within a UIViewController, so I could add the UISearchBar as a subview. This worked pretty well, and allowed interaction with the search bar at all scroll positions, and the insets weren't hard to calculate.
But, the search bar gets cut off below the status bar, when activated. Seems like a straightforward issue—even if I didn't experience it with the exact same implementation in a UITableViewController. So, I tried making sure all my properties were set up for alignment, in every possible view controller.
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES;
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;
I've tried every possible combination of these, in viewWillAppear as well as viewDidLoad, as well as translucent navigation bars and different starting frames for the table view and search bar. No luck. So, I tried to adjust the frames or constraints, perhaps using the topLayoutGuide or just 0. Unfortunately, adjusting the frame in any of the UISearchControllerDelegate methods didn't actually adjust its presented position, and adding constraints crashed immediately when the active animation begins (due to super.top not existing in the view hierarchy at the time; removing the constraints in willPresent did absolutely nothing).
After struggling for a bit longer, I tried implementing positionForBar as the UISearchBar's delegate:
- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id <UIBarPositioning>)bar {
return UIBarPositionTopAttached;
This seemed to adjust the height, but the search bar flies off the top of the view. When activated, the search bar seems to appear directly above the visible area. This is even worse than it getting clipped behind or below the UIStatusBar. I also tried to just hide the status bar when the search controller becomes active, but conditionally implementing prefersStatusBarHidden didn't work at all (returning YES works great without UISearchController active, but when active it shows the status bar again or it gets shown beneath it). I assume this is because UISearchController refuses to obey any standards or rules, as is now painfully clear.
I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now, and I can't think of a solution besides reimplementing the UISearchController class/animation entirely. Please help!
For the behavior you described, this works great for me 😊
var resultSearchController = UISearchController()
And the following in your viewDidLoad function:
//Search Bar
self.resultSearchController = ({
let controller = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
controller.searchResultsUpdater = self
controller.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = controller.searchBar
self.definesPresentationContext = true
return controller
What worked for me was to subclass UISearchController and override the prefersStatusBarHidden in the subclass.
Also make sure View Controller Based Status Bar Appearance is set to YES
And in your viewcontroller containing the tableview / search bar:
self.definesPresentationContext = YES;
I have the same problem. I add a UISearchController to UIViewController,not using tableView.header. And the UISearchBar.superview.frame.origin.y is -44. So you cannot see the searchBar.
Method 1: You can change the frame of UISearchBarWrapperView in the didPresentSearchController,the delegate of UISearchControllerDelegate。But you will see the animation of this process.
Method 2: like JBlake say. Set self.definesPresentationContext = YES; after the UISearchController is init. It works!
What i understood is if u need searchbar under navigationbar as u mentioned in #1 its very easy just set a boolean (Solution for #1) searchController.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = true
Unfortunately i couldnt fix the searchbar-offscreen-issue while navigationbar is hidden.

UINavigationBar appearing as semi-translucent instead of opaque white

This is in an app I'm converting from iOS 6. Initially the ViewController was showing up under iOS 7 with the content of the main view underneath the navigation bar.
In the UI builder view, I turned off "Under Top Bars" and "Under Bottom Bars" in the "Extend Edges" section, to solve that issue. This worked, however, now on this screen the navigation bar appears to be translucent (comes across as grey in the screenshot below).
I've tried explicitly setting "Top Bar" to "Opaque Navigation Bar" under "Simulated Metrics," but this has no effect.
I've tried setting:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
in my ViewController's init code, but this also has no effect.
What am I missing?
UPDATE: If I set self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO; in my first ViewController in the stack, it works. However, prior to the ViewController in question, I do want translucent navbar. It's only when I get to a view several layers deep that I want to have a non-translucent bar (this view has no scrollable data, so it doesn't make sense to have it translucent).
Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing in the nav bar:
The issue was that I was calling
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
after my view appeared. I moved that code into my viewWillAppear method, and now it appears correctly:
You can try below code...
self.navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor = [UIColor redColor];
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
And Add this code in View viewDidLayoutSubviews function...
You can set it across the board with an app using this:
UINavigationBar.appearance().navigationBarAppearace.translucent = false
I tend to do it in my AppDelegate class when the app initially loads up.
all you need to do for iOS6 is to set the controller's fullscreenlayout to NO and then PUSH it to your NavigationController
[controller setWantsFullScreenLayout:NO];

iOS 7 status bar transparent

In storyboard, in a view controller I tried add a navigation bar under the status bar, running it, it is transparent and shows a label that's supposed to be blurred, like by navigation bar.
But when placing the same view controller embedded in a navigation view controller, the underneath background image could be blurred, which is my intention.
What are these two way different results? What need to do for the firs method to make status bar blur?
In iOS 7 the status bar is transparent by default. The blurring you're seeing when there's also a navigation bar is actually created by the navigation bar. So to create the effect you're looking for without a navigation bar, you need to position a view that produces a blurring effect beneath the status bar.
For reference, add your view with a frame provided by:
CGRect statusBarFrame = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame];
I know this is old, just for reference, I solved this by setting self.navigationController.navigationBar.clipToBounds = NO
I haven't tested this completely, but go to your plist file and check the following settings:
"View controller-based status bar appearance": If this is set to "Yes", then it should display a status bar that is unique to each View Controller, which might be what you need.
"Status bar style": You may set this to three different styles: Opaque black, Gray, and Transparent black.
Let me know if this worked for you.
UINavigationController will alter the height of its UINavigationBar to either 44 points or 64 points, depending on a rather strange and undocumented set of constraints. If the UINavigationController detects that the top of its view’s frame is visually contiguous with its UIWindow’s top, then it draws its navigation bar with a height of 64 points. If its view’s top is not contiguous with the UIWindow’s top (even if off by only one point), then it draws its navigation bar in the “traditional” way with a height of 44 points. This logic is performed by UINavigationController even if it is several children down inside the view controller hierarchy of your application. There is no way to prevent this behavior.
It looks like you are positioning your view hierarchy in the first example starting at the point (0,20). Also, is that a UIToolbar or a UINavigationBar? If it's the latter, why are you using it by itself and not using it inside of UINavigationController?
If you do not use UINavigationController and are instead using custom view controller containers, you'll need to position your views accordingly.
See this answer for a thorough explanation.
I have similar UI design and based on Matt Hall answer and some article I've googled, I come up with something like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
if (NSFoundationVersionNumber>NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
CGRect statusBarFrame = [self.view convertRect: [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame fromView: nil];
UIToolbar *statusBarBackground = [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame: statusBarFrame];
statusBarBackground.barStyle = self.navBar.barStyle;
statusBarBackground.translucent = self.navBar.translucent;
statusBarBackground.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
[self.view addSubview: statusBarBackground];
Where self.navBar points to navigation bar added in storyboard. This is needed only in case when it runs on iOS7 that is why I've added this condition (my app has to support iOS5).
This works like a charm.
alternative approach (enforce status bar size) is also good:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
if (NSFoundationVersionNumber>NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
CGRect statusBarFrame = [self.view convertRect: [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame fromView: nil];
self.navBar.frame = CGRectUnion(statusBarFrame, self.navBar.frame);
I've found another solution I think this is best since it involve only storyboard and no code is required.
Switch storyboard view to 6.1 mode (view as: iOS 6.1 and Earlier)
Select problematic UINavigationBar
in size section add 20 delta height in "iOS6/7 Deltas"
Switch back view to 7.0 mode (view as: iOS 7.0 and Later), and be happy with result.
when you embed view controller with navigation view controller that time you will see navigation bar to all the view controller you are pushing to from same view controller. In your first case you are adding the navigation bar object, insted of that you can select view controller from storyboard , go to attributes inspector tab & from their select Top bar as translucent navigation bar.
