iOS7 Map Kit remove default location icons - ios

I am wondering if it's possible to remove all the default icons from the map kit. I did a lot of researches and tried a couple of different ways. Couldn't find any way to do this. Don't know if anybody can help us out.

It won't get rid of all those icons (I think the road markings will stay) but you can use the iOS 7 MKMapView property showsPointsOfInterest, setting it to NO to remove shops and other icons.
[myMapView setShowsPointsOfInterest:NO]
From the docs:
When this property is set to YES, the map displays icons and labels for restaurants, schools, and other relevant points of interest. The default value of this property is YES.

From what I know Apple is not possible to delete the icons kit IOs7 the maps, there may be some way to let him invisible, but could not find a way to do the same as you said you tried several ways I tried too and got no success, I have helped


Detect tap on a label in Mapbox map on iOS

I'd like to know if there is a way to best detect a users tap on a label?
The new iOS15 Maps app allows a tap on e.g. a cities name and then shows informations about that city.
I am now wondering if something similar can be done with mapbox?
I know that there is a mapView.visibleFeatures(in: myRect) function that can somehow help here. So I can convert my finger location to a rect and then get all features there.
BUT... my city e.g. might have a label that is let's say 200 px wide. So I would need to have a quite large rect to find the point of my city label. And then I will also get all kinds of other labels that might be there. Maybe even not visible, but in the dataset.
Is there no way to ask the map what the frontmost element was when I tapped? So that when I tap on the far end of the label, I still get that ONE feature?
I am still using Mapbox V6.3... the latest before their last major update.
But if it's not possible with that version, an answer about the latest V10.something would also be great.
For v10, this example demonstrates how to identify features near a click. While the overall example is to a different end, the onMapClick functions shows the method to find a feature and then build an annotation.

Apple Map issue with around 2000 annotations

We've integrate Apple native map in our iOS application. But, we're facing some performance issue when playing with Map.Can we get some better performance if we will replace Apple native map with Google map OR Do we have any other way ??
I don't think any map is going to like having 2000 annotations added to it, personally I think you need to sit down and work out a way of greatly reducing that. Perhaps only show visible annotations then add and remove them as the user scrolls around. Or if they zoom out 200 groups into 1.
It will be a job but worth it.

How to get rid of points of interests on Google Maps for iOS

is it possible to get rid of automatically assigned by Google (SDK for iOS) points of interest such as: schools, companies etc., on the map? Some of them are marked on the screenshot attached below.
For google maps you can hide using json styling
I don't know a way to do that with the google maps API. I'd recommend to use MapKit instead.
There you could use the showsPointsOfInterest method to set wether the points-of-interest should be visible or not.
Documentation link
When this property is set to true, the map displays icons and labels
for restaurants, schools, and other relevant points of interest. The
default value of this property is true.
Easiest way:
mapView.pointOfInterestFilter = .excludingAll

Navigation Arrow like Apple Maps

I am trying to create a custom navigation arrow (I don't know the exact name) without using apple or google maps. Navigation arrow in my meaning is the green thing that rotates with the phone.
An example of what I call "navigation arrow":
I know this uses the UIAccelerometer but still I have not a clue what I need to do.
So the question is, Can anyone give me some pointers to create this without using maps? Is there any tutorials out there or a Github project? Or does anyone knows the actual name of this?
You can use CLLocationManager to obtain CLLocation instances which, in turn, have course property. Or maybe try to use magnetometerData of CMMotionManager.

Removing Apple Maps Default Annotations

I have been building an app that pins places to a map and have been using Apple Maps for it thus far. However, I've noticed that when zoomed in, the default POI annotations that Apple has included in its maps are quite distracting and make the map feel cluttered when I add my own annotations to the map as well.
I am searching for a way to turn these POIs off in the API but have yet to find the correct property or method to do so.
Just to note, it does appear possible as the new OpenTable app is using Apple Maps, but has found a way to remove these POI annotations. I would post images of each to show the difference, but apparently I need 10 reputation points to do this!
If anyone can even point me to a link that will show me how to remove these, I'm happy to read documentation.
Looking at the documentation there is a showsPointsOfInterest as of iOS 7, just set it to NO (ObjC) or false (Swift).
