Mustache - how can I do something *once* for an iterable? - templating

Say I have a user, who has many items
How can I have a single 'Sweet, you have items!', provided there's at last one item in items?
Sweet, you have items!
Note: I know I can create a section that will repeat for each item. But right now I don't want to do that.

The answer (like most things Mustache) is "prepare your view model before rendering" :)
But if you're not into that, you can usually fake it in Mustache.js like this:
{{# user.items.0 }}
Sweet, you have items!
{{/ user.items.0 }}
(The more Mustachey way would be to add a hasItems property or function to the user and use that instead)
Edit: {{# user.items.length }} does the same thing, and doesn't pollute your context stack quite as much. You should use that instead.
Well, really, you should use a view model. But second best would be user.items.length.


How to disable reactive form property in angular 2

I have one reactive form and i take one array inside form my implementation is like
fb is instance of FormBuilder;{
I am using above array on my html to display note. Here functionality is like user can add multiple note.
I want to disable and enable note of array when i post not at that time want to identify which not is posted and need to disable that note.
Here my question is how can we disable reactive form array property using angular 2 typescript?
Please help me
For starters this:
is not valid syntax, you're trying to assign a note property to an array. I think what you want is this (also notice the lowercase a in array):
testarray: this.fb.array([
Then when you want to disable a control in the array you can simply call .disable()on it.
So let's say you have a control:
const myControl = this.testForm.get('testarray').controls[0];
You would do

Umbraco 7.5.1 umbracoNaviHide

To be able to filter out items that should not be rendered with .Where("Visible") I need a property called umbracoNaviHide that returns true or false.
In earlier versions this was added to the Generic tab. However now you cant append to that tab anymore.
How would I accomplish hiding pages now?
Here's my foreach:
#foreach (var Area in Model.Content.Children.Where("Visible"))
Here's a statement about it. But I cant find any workaround.
Related Changes Summary - 7.4 beta - Option toCannot add properties to the "Generic properties" tab
Description - In the 7.4 beta it's not possible anymore to add
properties to the "Generic properties" tab. I know this has been done
because properties can be a bit hidden on that tab and usually are
better on a separate tab. But there are situations where the
properties are better on that tab.
You can add that property as a true/false datatype to any tab. However, it's important to note that umbracoNaviHide does not do anything special it is just a magic string, that, when implemented as a true/false datatype, it works with
Personally I don't use it anymore. If I need to cause items to be visible or not then I would name the property more specifically. For example, it is often useful when implementing menus where you want some nodes to be visible but not others. I generally have a Menu tab where one of the properties is a true/false type called Show in menu with an alias of showInMenu.
In code it could be something like below (I have used TypedContentAtXPath to get the parent node of a specific doc type. Of course there are various ways of doing this)
var homeNode = Umbraco.TypedContentAtXPath("//MyHomePageDocType").First();
var menuItems = homeNode.Children.Where(item=>item.GetPropertyValue<bool>("showInMenu"));
foreach(var item in menuItems)
// Do your menu stuff here
Hope that helps
You can create a composition for node visibility with a checkbox to show or hide the menu item. And you can inherit this to the doc types that you do not want to show.
And then you can do
_homeNode.Children.Where(x => !x.GetPropertyValue<bool>("hideInNavigation"));
Hope this helps!

Find an specific item in the master list of an split app by using oModel.createKey

I'm using a split app layout for editing and creating new employees. Therefore I do have a button "Add employee". After submitChanges is done, I want to find this new employee in the master list and select it.
I am using an event-bus for the communication between detail-controller and master-controller.
fnAfterSubmitChangesSuccess: function(sChanel, sEvent, oData) {
var oResponseData = oData.__batchResponses[0].__changeResponses[0].data;
var sBindingPath = oModel.createKey("/EmployeeSet", {Begda: oData.Begda, Endda: oData.Endda, Pernr: oData.Pernr}).replace(/:\s*/g, "%3A");
Is there a way to find the index of a specific listitem by the using binding-path. Or is there another way to solve this problem, instead of looping over the whole list a do a comparison?
I'm afraid the only way to find the index of a specific listItems by binding-path is to walk through the collection of list items. So, I'm afraid that a very plain and short answer would be "No".
It's quite easy though, code is not that lengthy, and it also shouldn't cost to much performance if you're not talking about humongous lists. You will have to walk through the list of items though. Once you have found the item with a binding to the context path you're looking for, you can select it using setSelectedItem, like so:
var list = this.getView().byId("list");
jQuery.each(list.getList(), function(idx, item) {
if (items.getBindingContext().getPath = sBindingPath) {
Note: Do keep in mind that if you're working with OData services and are working with a so-called 'growing list', the entry you're looking for may not necessarily be in the list.
Apologies, wish I could give you a more pleasant answer.

Big Commerce Custom Fields

I'm planning on allowing a client to provide a couple codes for each product that I'll need to reference with Javascript on the product pages.
Basically my plan was to use the Big Commerce's 'custom fields' to do so, but I'm having trouble spitting out the custom fields onto the product pages. I've been looking all over for some type of GLOBAL variable that allows me to reference custom fields, but I'm coming up dry. I would think there would be some type of GLOBAL array with all the custom fields in it, or a way to reference them by name directly.
Am I blind, or is there just no way to do this directly in the BC template file?
In Bigcommerce the custom fields can generally be found within the ProductOtherDetails.html Panel which contains a Snippet named ProductCustomFieldItem.html. This snippet has the markup for each custom field that the system outputs.
Inside of the ProductCustomFieldItem.html Snippet are the two codes you are looking for: %%GLOBAL_CustomFieldName%% and %%GLOBAL_CustomFieldValue%%.
I ran into this as well - given that it's quite a long time later, I'm supposing there's no better answer - a decent amount of searching turned up nothing useful as it seems all you can do is output the full set of custom fields as a set of divs.
So, I output them into a div which was hidden:
<div id="fpd-custom-fields" style="display:none;">
and then set up a javascript function to get the value based on the name:
function getCustomFieldValue(label)
var value = '';
$('#fpd-custom-fields div.Label').each(function()
if($(this).text().toLowerCase() == (label.toLowerCase() + ':'))
value = $('div.Value', $(this).parent()).text().trim();
return value;
Doesn't feel quite right as it's not a very clean solution, but was the best I could come up with unfortunately!

grails: how to properly edit/update a collection?

I just wasted half a day trying to figure this out, reading about some workarounds, and thinking "it can't be that bad - there must be a straightforward to do edit a collection in Grails, whethere using scaffolded views or my own."
Let's say I have this domain object:
class TreeGroup {
String name
List<Tree> trees
static hasMany = ['trees': MyTree]
Just to explain the choice of data structure - I need my records to be unique, but in the order I set. That's why I chose List, AFAIK one cannot rely on order in a Set. So there are 2 pieces to this question - 1) how to remove from any Collection, for example a Set, 2) is List the best replacement for Set in this context (preserving order).
I want to be able to create a group record with no trees in it and make 4 updates:
edit the group record to reference 2 trees A and B
add another tree C
remove A
remove B and C
And obviously, I want the desired state after every step. Currently though, I can only add records, and if I even edit/save to list, the list elements are added to it again.
I am using the multiple select tag for this. It looks like this:
<g:select name="trees" from="${allTrees}" optionKey="id"
multiple="true" class="many-to-many"
value="${trees ? trees*.id : treeGroupInstance?.trees*.id}" />
and that's fine, in the sense that it generates an HTTP header with these variables on update:
But the data binder only adds new elements, it never lets you edit a list.
What is the cleanest way to do it ? Is it me, not reading something obvious, or is this a design flaw of grails data binding (and of so, when/how will it be fixed) ?
Is there a way perhaps via a hidden HTTP parameter to clear the list before (re)adding elements ?
I ended up doing this:
private repopulate(def domainObject, String propertyName, Class domainKlaz) {
if (params[propertyName] != null) {
params[propertyName].collect { domainKlaz.get(it) }
and I am calling it in update controller method before save(), for every collection. OMG how ugly.
