Best way to graph some data - ios

I am wanting to display a line graph with details containing wind speed/gust/lulls etc for out local club paragliding app I am making. wondering what the best way to go about it with is?
The current data is just on the web so something similar that I can pinch zoom maybe:
Willy weather has an awesome app that display very nicely, anyone know what they might have used to make it so? the web is very similar to their iPHone app:

after looking around at various 3rd party's, i'm using Core Plot :-)

I've put together a really simple class for displaying line graphs, check it out at
Perhaps rotate the phone for the graph view then swipe up and down to go between the different metrics you wish to show?

There are various third party graphing libraries for iOS. I looked into CorePlot a while back, but did not end up needing it. It looked full-featured, although I've seen posts that it is rather complex and involved to use.


Trying to make a search engine for issues

Our company has a lot of data that are issue which are stored in a database.We want to create a search engine so that people can check how the issues were previously dealt with.We cannot use any 3rd party api as there is sensitive data an we want to keep it as in house. Right now the approach is as following :-
Clean up the data and then use a DOC2VEC to represent each issue as a vector .
Find the closest 5 issue using some distance metric.
The problem is that the results are not at all useful.The problem is most of the data is one liner and some issue description.There are spelling mistakes and stack traces and other things.
Is this the right approch or should we switch to something else?
Right now we are testing on 200K data.
Thanks for the help.

How to show tabular data in a nice and practical way

My iOS app is a mobile version of a management program I had developed for a company as a desktop application. So its main tasks are saving data in a database and retrieve them when needed with the option to edit them. So I guess that the GUI is mainly composed by forms to fill in and tables to show data. So I am asking you if you could link me some tutorials or give me some tips on how to realize them in a nice way but not too complex. I'd rather avoid simply creating a blank view controller and inserting labels and text fields without a minimum of criterion. I am very new to iOS and XCode and, as I have not too much time, I am asking directly your opinion instead of spending hours in looking for tutorials.
I mean that I would like to get something similar, for a mobile iOS device, to the following screenshots (from the desktop application I mentioned above)
Seems that you need a grid control to do it.
You can develop your own, or use existing library.
I have very good work experience with Infragistic, but maybe DataForm from Telerik will be better in your case

Adding many custom markers and many custom info windows in Google Maps SDK

I am really just looking for the best way to accomplish this. I've seen the code how to do these individually, but is there a away to do it for say, 100 points? Or do i need to set the custom image and custom info for every point I create?
Also, is there a backend, say SQLite, that i could incorporate the help accomplish more efficiently?
The app I'm building could have 1000's of points, and I REALLY wouldn't want to code everyone of those...but i would!
Consider using Google Fusion Tables - they support 100,000 points per layer and 5 layers, for 500,000 points altogether. You access them via an SQL-type language that runs on Google's servers - exactly where your data will be when you upload it and that makes them very fast.
The infowindows are programmable too.
You load your CSV into a Fusion Table (like an Excel spreadsheet) in your Google drive and get a key to that table and you then use the key in your Javascript.
I created the following website with Fusion Tables and I don't have a clue about Javascript! See Skyscan website here. I won't mind if you click View Page Source :-) By the way, if you click on Modern Collections on that page, you are actually turning on/off 25,000 markers and it is almost instantaneous. There is also Marker Clustering available which lets you de-clutter maps with massive numbers of markers and automagically replace them with a single "fatter" marker.
There is a good tutorial here.

iOS 7 embedded calendar api

I'm fairly new to iOS development, I've been asked to write an application that moves around days in a calendar. The graphics designers thought it would be a good idea to have an embedded scrollable calendar so the user could navigate easily through dates.
I'd love to post an image for what I want but I don't have the reputation yet to do so.
This calendar view looks just like the native calendar app on iOS 7 but it's just a sideways scrollable choosing date of the month you're in and it only take a small portion of the screen. Would anybody know if there's a framework I could use to achieve similar results?
Thanks in advance!
I know it's a little late, but I'll just post it here in case other people has the same problem.
A few months back, I had the exact same problem.
I couldn't find exactly what I need, so I had to implement it myself with UICollectionView
Anyway, after finishing my project, I've decided to make a library based on it.
This should be easier to use than any other calendar library.
Hope it helps :)
There will most likely not be a component that does exactly what you want. A good thing to do in a situation like this is search on Github and filter by language, then sort by popularity.
Here is an example search to get you started, for "calendar":
A few promising candidates from that search:
There are tons of these, all slightly different, so you'll need to do some digging to find one that is most similar to what you want to accomplish.
In general, any implementation you find or create yourself should probably use a UICollectionView to accomplish this.

MS Excel type spreadsheet creation using objective-c for iOS app

I have a sample iOS app that generates multiple reports using data in the app.
Those reports looks exactly similar to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets like this.
How can I generate the similar using objective-c. I don't have any idea about how can I create the such grid-view. Do we have any objective-c supported framework or anyhting similar to UITableView to create such spreadsheet.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have never seen anything like this open source, and I don't think there is. So I would try to hand make it. I think there are three ways to go:
HTML: This should be the easier way to go. Using a UIWebView to render some pre generated HTML/CSS you can create quite easily that spreadsheet (or even use a JS library).
Using a grid view: Either using the Apple solution (UICollectionView, since iOS 6.0) or a third party (AQGridView,GMGridView, etc. There are several, I have only used AQGridView, and its quite complete). The complexity here, is that this libraries are usually developed to show a grid of UIViews, so it's no easy to make them look like the spreadsheet you want.
CoreGraphics: This is much more complex, as you need to draw all the lines, and then draw the fields, but is by far more flexible. I've developed a library for plotting a Radar Chart (RPRadarChart) using Core Graphics, and it wasn't that hard. I have a github repo with all the code that I used to learn Core Graphics, if you want, take a look at it: RPCGSandbox
Good luck, and if you find a better solution, please let us know.
I was looking for a different solution to this issue, but so far I've found:
Looks like a spreadsheet, and has a similar interface to what a UITableView uses. I was looking for an alternative because the MDSpreadView doesn't use ARC, has a couple compiler warnings, and when I created a library project for it, I noticed it uses lots of images which do not get copied over by default.
You might want to dig deep into UICollectionView, UICollectionViewFlowLayout and also it would be worth looking into AutoLayout Constraints in iOS6. A helpful link :
Use multiple tables as columns and when one scroll you scroll the rest of them as well. I create a grid using that and it was efficient to around 10000 rows and 20 columns. If you want i can guide you how will it be done.
