How to keep overview of the migrations? - ruby-on-rails

I have a question regarding my migrations in rails.
Normally when i want to add a colum to a model for i dont make extra migrations but instead i perform this steps:
rake db:rollback
next i change the migration file in db/migrations and rerune:
rake db:migrate
The biggest problem is that when i do this i loose my data.
Previous i wrote migrations from the command line with for example
rake g migration Add_Column_House_to_Users house:string
The problem with this approach is that my db/migrations folder afterwards get very large and not very clear! I mean at the end i dont know wich variables the object has! Im not an expert in rails and would like to ask you how to keep the overview over the migrations!Thanks

Just a minor thought - I just use the file db/migrate/schema.rb to determine whats in the database as opposed to tracking through the migrations

You definitely shouldn't use db:rollback with a table with existing data.
I have a few production RonR apps with a ton of data and there are 100+ entries in the migrations table and adding new migrations to tweak tables is the rails way to do things. Not sure what you mean by lucid, but your schema and data model are going to change over time and that is ok and expected.
One tip. The migrations are great, but they are just the beginning, you can include complex logic as needed to fix your existing data (like so)
Changing data in existing table:
def up
add_column :rsvps, :column_name_id, :integer
def update_data
rsvps = Rsvp.where("other_column is not null")
rsvps.each do |rsvp|
invite = Blah.find(rsvp.example_id)
Another tip: backup your production database often (should do this anyway), but use it to test all of your migrations before deploying. I run scripts like this all the time for local testing:
mysql -u root -ppassword
drop database mydatabase_dev;
create database mydatabase_dev;
use mydatabase_dev;
source /var/www/bak/mydatabase_backup_2013-10-04-16.28.06.sql
rake db:migrate


Best practise to populate somedata in a existing database in rails

Problem statement:
Let's say I created a new column column_1 in a table table_1 through rails migration. And now I want to populate the data into column_1 doing some computation but it's a one time task.
Is it preferred to do it through migration. or should I add it in seeds and then populate it and remove it back again
or is there any other best practise.
Generally, we use Rails Migrations to migrate our application’s schema, and Rake tasks to migrate our production data.
There have only been a few cases where we have used Rails Migrations to ensure that a data migration took place as a part of the deployment.
In all other cases, using a Rake task provides us with more flexibility, and less maintenance.
See detailed explanation here
Even though there are different approaches, it is better to do that in in Rake or Migrations but not seed.
Rake tasks:
Rake tasks are generally preferred to do maintenance or data migration jobs over a collection of data.
Example of rake:
desc "TODO"
task :my_task1 => :environment do
User.update_all(status: 'active')
Example of doing it in migration:
If you add status field to user:
class AddStatusToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_column :users, :status, :string
User.update_all(status: 'active')
def down
remove_column :users, :status
Why Not seeds:
Seeds are generally like database Dump, seed files are used to fill the data into Database for the first time when the application is started. So that the application is kickstarted with different data.
Examples are Application settings, Application Configurations, Admin users etc.
This is actually an opinion based question
Is it preferred to do it through migration. or should I add it in seeds and then populate it and remove it back again
It depends on how long it's gonna take.
1. Migration:
If it's one-time task go with migration but only if the task is going to run for few minutes.
2. Rake Task:
If the task is one-time but it might take a few hours it should be a rake task, not a migration.
One time task ? Definitely will go with migration as it will only executed when the migration take place. And won't be executed afterwards
Rake task is considered as too much, since you will need it to run only once. The task script remain there until you decide to remove it. But, it is totally doesn't make sense ( to build something which will be removed in the near future, unless, for testing purposes in some special cases )
If you're asking about best practices, people will tend to have different approach. It will depend on each case that we are trying to solve. But, in common, there are some cases which are shareable.

ActiveRecord how to ignore pending migrations

The problem is the following:
I have db/seed.rb full of initial data.
One of migrations depends on data this seed provides.
I'm trying to deploy my app from empty db.
Result is:
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate - fails due to lack of initial data
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:seed - fails due to pending migrations
I wanted to somehow tell rake to ignore pending migrations, but unable to do it so far.
UPDATE (due to additional experience)
Sometimes migrations and model code goes out of sync, so migrations are not being run.
To avoid this problem recently used redefining of model in migrations:
# reset all callbacks, hooks, etc for this model
class MyAwesomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base
class DoSomethingCool < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
I am not very sure if this will help you. But I was looking for something and found this question. So it looks like this might help:
In RAILS_ROOT/config/environments/development.rb
Set the following setting to false:
# NOTE: original version is `:page_load`
config.active_record.migration_error = false
In my situation it now does not show the pending migration error anymore. Should work for rake tasks and console for the same environment as well.
Source in rails/rails
Rename the migration dependent on the data from:
(add a dot at the start of the filename)
Then run rake db:seed (it will no longer complain on the pending migrations) and then rename back the migration.
If you have more migrations following after, you have to rename all of them or just move it temporary away.
Rails stores migration information in a table called schema_migrations.
You can add the version from your migration into that table to skip a specific migration.
The version is the number string which comes before the description in the file name.
I had a similar issue. I commented out the add_column lines and ran the rake db:migrate commands and then removed the comment when I will need it for the testing or production environment.
There is no way unless you monkey patch the Rails code. I strongly advise you to fix your migrations instead.
A migration should not depend on the existence of some data in the database. It can depend on a previous migration, but of course absolutely not on the data on the db.
If you came across the "pending migrations" issue when trying to seed your data from within a running Rails application, you can simply call this directly which avoids the abort_if_pending_migrations check:
See where seeds are actually called from within ActiveRecord:
and see the DatabaseTasks docs:

Undo previously seeded data in Rails

I have seeded a row of data to my table by editing db/seed.rb file and executing rake db:seed command. Unknowingly, I put some wrong information in to that row. So I want to remove the previously added row of data. Is there any rake command for the same like rake db:rollback for rake db:migrate.
There are a couple of aspects to this:
1: You want to change the seed data when no other data is present in the database:
You should simply redo the rake db:seed after updating the seed.rb file. Make sure you have MyModel.delete_all before you try to add anything to that model.
2: You want to change the seed data, but there are other data added to the database
This is a bit harder. Often the simplest thing to do here is to manually change the data with either raw sql-statements, or with the use of tools like PhpPpAdmin, PhpMyAdmin etc.
Now, there is possiby one way to hack this together, and that would be to do some voodoo in the seed.rb file. So you could run rake db:seed deseed=true, then in your seed.rb:
if ENV['deseed']
#Do your deseeding action here
#Do your seeding here.
You could even get real crazy and do something like this:
deseed = ENV['desee']
#DANGER: Dirty hacks upcoming:
deseed? myModelCall = MyModel.method(:destroy_all): myModelCall = MyModel.method(:create) :user_id_or_whatevs => 23 #this creates or deletes a MyModel entity with the given parameters
#NOTE this might not work in all cases and I would not necessarily recommend doing this.
I had similar issues when I seeded my data. In fact, I ran the seed command twice and I couldn't find a way to revoke the second seed. However, I had to run rails db:reset command and then run the rails db:seed command again and that fixed the problem for me.

Create Sequence In Migration Not Reflected In Schema

I have an application that requires a sequence to be present in the database. I have a migration that does the following:
class CreateSequence < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
execute "CREATE SEQUENCE sequence"
def self.down
execute "DROP SEQUENCE sequence"
This does not modify the schema.rb and thus breaks rake db:setup. How can I force the schema to include the sequence?
Note: The sequence exists after running rake db:migrate.
Rails Migrations because they aim toward a schema of tables and fields, instead of a complete database representation including stored procedures, functions, seed data.
When you run rake db:setup, this will create the db, load the schema and then load the seed data.
A few solutions for you to consider:
Choice 1: create your own rake task that does these migrations independent of the Rails Migration up/down. Rails Migrations are just normal classes, and you can make use of them however you like. For example:
rake db:create_sequence
Choice 2: run your specific migration after you load the schema like this:
rake db:setup
rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20080906120000
Choice 3: create your sequence as seed data, because it's essentially providing data (rather than altering the schema).
Choice 4 and my personal preference: run the migrations up to a known good point, including your sequence, and save that blank database. Change rake db:setup to clone that blank database. This is a bit trickier and it sacrifices some capabilities - having all migrations be reversible, having migrations work on top of multiple database vendors, etc. In my experience these are fine tradeoffs. For example:
rake db:fresh #=> clones the blank database, which you store in version control
All the above suggestions are good. however, I think I found a better solution. basically in your development.rb put
config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
For more info see my answer to this issue -
rake test not copying development postgres db with sequences
Check out the pg_sequencer gem. It manages Pg sequences for you as you wish. The one flaw that I can see right now is that it doesn't play nicely with db/schema.rb -- Rails will generate a CREATE SEQUENCE for your tables with a serial field, and pg_sequencer will also generate a sequence itself. (Working to fix that.)

Rails: how to rollback a botched migration

I'm an idiot...screwed up a migration in Rails:
thinking migrations would work like model generators (using references:modelname) I did the following:
$ rails g migration add_event_to_photos references:event
which created the migration
class AddEventToPhotos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :photos, :references, :event
And now my development database (SQLite3) has a references column of type event in the photos table.
And my schema.rb has a line in the middle saying:
# Could not dump table "photos" because of following StandardError
# Unknown type 'event' for column 'references'
rake db:rollback is powerless against this:
$ rake db:rollback
== AddEventToPhotos: reverting ===============================================
-- remove_column("photos", :references)
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass
So, how to roll back and maintain my development data in the database? I'd even be happy trashing the photos table if that's my only choice..but don't want to have to rebuild the whole thing. What to do?
btw- for anyone reading this about to make same stupid mistake...don't! Use the correct migration generator:
$ rails g migration add_event_to_photos event_id:integer
The easiest way I found to do this was to recreate the table in the schema.rb file in /db/. Afterwards I ran a rake db:reset (if it says you have pending migrations, just delete them and try again).
This took care of the problem.
Go into the database by ./script/rails dbconsole. Then type these commands:
.output dump.sql
In the file dump.sql you will have the SQL commands used to recreate and populate your database. Just edit it with your favourite editor (like vim ;-) removing or fixing the column type. You may also remove the invalid migration identifier from the schema_migrations table. Drop your database (I suggest just rename the db/development.sqlite file), create new database and read the dump file into it (using command .read dump.sql).
Now you just need to fix and run your migrations.
add an empty down method and run rake db:rollback
edit ahh that's the new migration syntax, you can replace the body with simply:
def self.down; end
which is the old syntax, or perhaps delete the body altogether (haven't tried this) and then run rake db:rollback
Just an idea, I know it's not SQLite specific you can revert to an older version schema perhaps, load it up. And try again from there? You can revert (checkout) specific files in GIT. And then do def self.down; end, as was suggested by another poster.
The problem arises because while SQLite will create the schema with whatever type you give it (in this case event it can't dump that type back to ActiveRecord.
You need to edit the sqlite_master file and change create table string (sql) to be the right thing.
You probably want to back up your table first since messing up that string will wreck your table if you do it wrong.
Here is a related rails issue
