"No route to host" error on iOS - ios

I used GCDAsyncUdpSocket to send udp message to discover ssdp service, in iOS reported "No route to host" this error,but there is no problem in the simulator above can be found in service, is that how it happened? I searched a lot of information, but no discovery could help me.

I've run into the same thing. Of course without your source code we can't help you other than to provide vague guesses. I hope you've fixed it by now and if you recall what the problem actually was, please let us know.
Things to check :
Firewall settings on the host. I was trying to receive messages on my mac book and found that Firewall settings can block the port you chose. Firewall is under system preferences on the 3rd tab.
Use apples Reachability class to make sure you've got an active WIFI/Cell connection to the internet. (here : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/Reachability/Listings/Reachability_Reachability_h.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40007324-Reachability_Reachability_h-DontLinkElementID_7 )
You can also use other functions in the Reachability class to let you know if the host is reachable before even bothering to open up a socket.
If the host is your mac and the simulator is on the mac, there isn't much of actual network traffic and then when you run on your phone you are actually using real networking. Be aware of, depending on your networking situation, you may need the external IP address of your host (vs the internal network WIFI address e.g. )
Some people have reported a bug where UDP stops working and you get no route to host messages but for some reason turning on and off airplane mode fixes it. Maybe check out their solution (using keep alive messages ever 30 seconds or so to prevent power management from turning off the cell connection). Here is an example : intermittent "No Route to Host" on iOS, flight mode off then on fixes

In case you are developing an App Clip for iOS app, be aware that:
a) Background Session is not supported
b) Multipath is not supported. Setting `multipathServiceType = .handover` on `URLSessionConfiguration` will cause all requests failure due to `No route to host`


What triggers the "would like to find and connect to devices on your local network" permission notification on iOS 14?

What actual method calls, excluding Bonjour, triggers the "would like to find and connect to devices on your local network" permission notification on iOS 14?
This is the screen shot from the WWDC session on this new permission. Which is only somewhat helpful as an overview. I'm more interested in figuring out what all method calls trigger this.
If you're using react native with a debug configuration, then you are including all the code responsible for communicating with your dev machine so you can probably ignore this message.
However it's best to check you have no other libs that require access too. To do this just build a Release version and see if the message persists.
In a nutshell, Bonjour. Its use is no longer "transparent". See https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10110/ for more information:
If your app interacts with devices using Bonjour or other local networking protocols, you must add support for local network privacy permissions in iOS 14.
Even an existing app is subject to this rule; the first attempt to use Bonjour triggers the authorization alert.
Apple (Eskimo on the Dev Forums) released a FAQ providing more details around this alert:
Particularly, providing more info as to what triggers this alert is FAQ-2:
What operations require local network access?
The general rule is that outgoing traffic to a local network address
requires that the user grant your app local network access. Common
scenarios include:
Making an outgoing TCP connection — yes
Listening for and accepting incoming TCP connections — no
Sending a UDP unicast — yes
Sending a UDP multicast — yes
Sending a UDP broadcast — yes
Receiving an incoming UDP unicast — no
Receiving an incoming UDP multicast — yes
Receiving an incoming UDP broadcast — yes
These TCP and UDP checks are done at the lowest levels of the system
and thus apply to all networking APIs. This includes Network
framework, BSD Sockets, NSStream, NSURLSession and WKWebView, and any
other protocols that you layer on top of those.
IMPORTANT Receiving an incoming UDP multicast or broadcast does not
currently require local network access but, because we hope to change
that in a future update, our advice right now is that you write your
code as if did (r. 69792887, 70017649).
Resolving link-local DNS names (those ending with local, per RFC 6762)
requires local network access. Again, this check applies to a wide
variety of APIs including <dns_sd.h>, <net_db.h>, Network framework,
NSStream, and NSURLSession.
Finally, all Bonjour operations require local network access:
Registering a service with Bonjour — yes
Browsing for Bonjour services — yes
Resolving a Bonjour service — yes
Again, these checks apply to all APIs that use Bonjour, including
<dns_sd.h>, Network framework, NSNetService, and Multipeer
Note You must declare the Bonjour service types you use in your
Info.plist. See How do I map my Multipeer Connectivity service type to
an entry in the Bonjour services property? for details.
Bonjour-based services where you don’t see any details of the network
do not require local network access. These include:
AirPlay — no
Printing via UIKit — no
One of my apps was triggering this prompt unexpectedly in our internet multiplayer mode. We use RakNet for our networking (which is a C++ lib that uses BSD sockets to send/receive UDP) and I was able to track the problem to the RNS2_Berkley::BindShared function here.
After creating a UDP socket, RakNet tests health/validity of the socket by having it send a little test packet to itself. iOS 14 was flagging this send-to-self behaviour as communication on the local network. I'm not sure if this send-to-self behaviour is a common pattern in socket programming, or a particular quirk of RakNet. Frustratingly, the OS prompt didn't actually appear until later when the socket was used for real which made the issue very hard to track.
I think that this is a false-positive from the OS and raised it with Apple (FB8802121). I won't be holding my breath though so I've just disabled that RakNet behaviour for iOS and am hoping that it wasn't too important.
Edit: To more directly answer the original question: sendto is a method call that can trigger this prompt.
I get rejected from apple app review for this alert. I'm using GCDWebServer which creates an embedded http server in my app.
I think I should provide a message in info.plist to tell user what my app want to do. Before I didn't set the text string in it.
And I would like to update if this will pass the app review.
<string>xxx uses the local network to connect with devices around you.</string>
Regarding iOS 14: permission request: would like to find and connect to devices on your local network and after numerous deploys to my physical device, I have figured out what causes this in my case.
I have a Xamarin.Forms app which
calls localhost:xxxx to do some local logging while I develop
I use a product thats called LiveSharp that does local hot reloading for XAML AND C# code changes.
So Livesharp actually communicates with a server on my localhost as well.
After disabling both of these and a fresh clean install on my physical device, the permission request has GONE .. Yay
Note: I had to completely remove LiveSharp nuget packages from my project.
Also I tried to re-enable my localhost logging, and for some reason the permission request does not appear.. :headscratch
So: remove any localhost communication that happens in your app. Or at least put an if statement around it allowing it if set to true in appsettings
I also have a Xamarin app and I used the package LiveXaml. After removing it the message was gone.

iOS Bonjour local service discovery

I have an issue in my app where if a client is running my app but does not have wifi enabled, the app does not find my service and returns an "Unknown error" CFNetServiceError code 72000. The client enables wifi, connects, and my app is clueless.
The obvious fix is to add a notification for when a local wifi network is connected and reinitiate the NSNetServiceBrowser's search.
I don't know how to do that in C, so I was hoping to use Reachability. To my dismay, the solution I seek has recently been removed.
This is from the Reachability ReadMe file.
Removal of reachabilityForLocalWiFi
Older versions of this sample included the method reachabilityForLocalWiFi. As originally designed, this method allowed
apps using Bonjour to check the status of "local only" Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi
without a connection to the larger internet) to determine whether or
not they should advertise or browse. However, the additional
peer-to-peer APIs that have since been added to iOS and OS X have
rendered it largely obsolete. Because of the narrow use case for this
API and the large potential for misuse, reachabilityForLocalWiFi has
been removed from Reachability.
Ok, fine. But what the hell are these additional APIs? I need a method. :(

How to make iOS believe there is Internet Connectivity

I am working on a web application for iOS that is going to be accesed from a local webserver in a network that has NO internet connectivity at all.
My problem is that everytime an iOS device is locked, it disconnects from the WiFi network, so when the device is unlocked again, it has to reconnect. Part of that reconnection process is determining if there is Internet connection (which there isn't). Until the process is not finished iOS does not allow any DNS resolution (so if I write it will go there, but not if I request http://something.local.com).
Since we control that network, we want to know how to does iOS verifies Internet connectivity so that we can fake the responses it expects.
I don't know if it's possible to resolve DNS without an internet connection on iOS, but if that's the case, that would be a way better solution since you don't need to mess with your router settings. Use my solution only if it really isn't possible with only code.
I'll suggest you to follow this guide: http://blog.jerodsanto.net/2009/06/sniff-your-iphones-network-traffic to check which actions your iPhone executes to detect an internet connection.
Using this information you could forward the is-there-internet-requests on your router to a local server which fakes the there-is-internet-responses.
This assumes Apple really uses an external server to detect this, which I'm not sure about. But it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!
Have you looked at the Reachability Class? You don't have to use the reachabilityForInternetConnection method, which checks if a default route is available. You can use the reachabilityWithAddress: method and check if your server is reachable.

BlackBerry OS 6: IOException:"peer refused the connection" on specified url

Throws IOException: "peer refused the connection".
This happens only with few specifies URLs, that used for web services and only on BlackBerry OS 6, on other OS versions (5.0 and 4.*) and with other URLs everything works correctly. Can somebody help me with understanding why this happens?
A "peer refused the connection" error occurs when the server doesn't like something about the connection, i.e. you didn't supply the right userid/password to the APN, or there's nothing listening at that port. My first try would be to drop the apn= part of the connection string.
But if I were you, I would switch to using Versatile Monkey's networking helper class which will find the best TCP connection path for the device, regardless of OS version. It will let you handle the cases where devices are paired with a BES or not, if Wi-Fi is available, etc. It's really easy to use and solves a lot of connectivity problems that BB developers face given the mix of devices out there with BES, BIS, Wi-Fi, etc.
The definitive answer to this subject I found it in "Apress Begining Blackberry Development Nov.2009".
From page 186 to 190 more or less... they throw out a perfectly written code for this... you invoke this Method they define and it will return the extra parameters needed to make a proper request depending on the network availability.
I cannot paste the code here since that would be illegal.

timeout error when on an ad hoc network

I am doing an InternetConnect (Wininet) to an FTP server that happens to be running on an iPhone. When the user is on a normal WiFi network it works fine for him. When he has an ad hoc network with his iPhone he gets an ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT. I presume this is some kind of routing problem. I am curious as to why this gets ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT and not ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT. Most users, if they are blocked by, for example, a firewall, will get ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT.
I don't understand enough about low-level TCP/IP to understand what kind of situation would cause a timeout error instead of a connect error. I'm really more intellectually curious in understanding this than I am in actually solving the user's problem. ;-) Can anyone explain what is happening with the network packets (the more detailed the better)?
note that, as far as I know, the user doesn't have an outgoing firewall enabled, it's not a firewall issue. I think it's some kind of routing issue. I have seen similar issues when a user is connected a VPN and their routing is set up incorrectly and all packets go to their work instead of the iPhone. I want to know what's going on with the packets in this situation: the socket connects but at the next step (whatever that is) they can't communicate.
Firewalls these days choose to not respond at all to packets that they deem suspicious, this is to prevent port scanners from detecting that there is a machine at the IP. So that could be what is happening in your case, the firewall may simply be dropping the packet and causing a timeout rather than a failure to connect error.
