How to Create Startup Page Custom module .cshtml in Orchard -

I am using Orchard 1.7 and I want to make start page from my custom module.
I've created a module with name MYMODULE and under it's view folder I have *.cshtml with name Index. I want to set Index page as a startup page of my site. It means first page will be Index.cshtml from MYMODULE.
Is it Possible? Please help me.

Enable the aliasUI feature in Modules section
Add a blank route that points to /MyModule/MyController and it should work. May have to delete the current homepage url. And maybe it isn't blank but a "/". I cant remember ^_^
Check this link out: Now if you follow the instructions to modify urls, you will see an alias called
This will probably link to your Welcome to Orchard page route, ie. /Contents/Item/Display/12 or something. Edit this route to point at your custom page.

i solve this problem .please follow these steps:-
Login with Admin and open dashboard page.
Enable Aliases Module.
Click on Aliases Link left on dashboard page.
Edit first Aliase (top most) change only RoutePath write your module name
after that it will be your startup


Login and registration page path in ASP.NET MVC

I am a newbie in C# programming and web development. Kindly let me know how I can find the code files for the login and register page in ASP.NET MVC.
I created this simple web app using this crash course;
This is the screenshot of the page I want to locate and alter. I want to change the text next to the login and registration forms.
Looking forward to getting a reply from anyone who can help.
Thanks in advance
I tried looking in all the files, like the css file and all the files in the views folder, but I could not find the file I want to change the text on the registration and login page.
I check the video you provided and find that he created a project with Individual User Accounts, So the project will generate Register and Login page Automatically, But you can't find these pages in your project.
If you wanna find these pages, You need to Scaffold Identity:
From Solution Explorer, right-click on the project > Add > New
Scaffolded Item
From the left pane of the Add New Scaffolded Item dialog, select
Identity. Select Identity in the center pane. Select the Add
Select pages you want to create, Here you can choose Login and Register page, Then To use your existing data context, select at least one file to override. You must select at least one file to add your data context.
After you finish these steps and generate page successfully, You will find these pages in Area/Identity/Pages/Account/... ,Then you can edit them.
More information you can refer to this Docs.

AspNetCore.Identity manage account header text change

I created login on my app using Scaffolding Identity.
After the forder structure was added, I was able to modify all but the header of the page.
I opened up each cshtml file did not find the header text Change your account settings in any of them.
Can someone help me to locate the header?
Thank you.
Refer to above, when I created Identity pages, I did not select all but only things that I wanted in the scaffoling options. As a result I did not have Account\Manage\Layout during scaffolding, did not have _Layout.cshtml file to override default view from AspNetCore.Identity.

How to add an external link under a page in Kentico?

We’re using Kentico 11.0.26 with MVC.
I need to add an external link under a page.
In content tree it should look something like this:
Page A
Page A1
Page A2
The problem is that when I click the + button in Pages application, I only see page types, and there is no option to add a link.
Why not use value of page field to store the link and load the value inside of MVC app? Content tree alone does not have capability for this. All nodes have to be pages in one way or the other and plain old link to external domain can not be placed instead of page. To be honest I do not see benefit of having a link inside of content tree even for menu since you have to create menu using document path and not only its name anyway so accessing additional property should not be that much of a problem.
You could create a new content type to represent an external link and put that into your content tree. This would then also give you options to set additional properties of the link such as target and title rather than just a URL.

Umbraco 7 navigation menu link is not working

I am new to Umbraco. Currently, I am facing an odd problem, which is some navigation link in the menu bar does not working properly.
For example, in my navigation link, I use relative link:
When I click that link on the web page, it redirect to error page, says cannot find the template. However, if I jump to Umbraco Admin page, and click link to document: /target, then it works!
I suspect when I trying to access /target from the webpage, it cannot find the document pointing to.
Could someone tell me some possibilities?
Have you tried to republish the node? Also ensure that a template has actually been set on the content node.

Get Make Home Page checkbox back for page content item in Orchard CMS

I am working on learning Orchard. I have got my development machine in a state where it will not load the home page. I get a 404 error with this message...
Server Error in '/OrchardLocal' Application 404
I realized that it is because no content item is set as the home page. However, the checkbox for making a page (or anything else) the home page is not showing in the edit page screen.
How do I fix this? I need the Make this a Home page checkbox back or some other way to accomplish the same thing.
Is there a way to do this in the database directly (which I realize is a hack but might let me move the ball forward on the problem).
I thought I would mention the EXACT exception thrown by the error is "The controller for path '/OrchardLocal/' was not found or does not implement IController."
Any help is appreciated. If I can't figure this out it seems I will be back to doing Orchard from scratch (new pull, new db etc) which seems to happen EVERY time I try to learn Orchard.
Here are the Parts I have on the Page Content Type. This is probably not the default list because I have been messing with it to get it fixed.
Publish Later
For the record I added the blog Module to the site and added a blog. But same behavior when I create a Make this the Home page and no way to set the permalink.
Do you have the AutoRoute Part attached to the Page Content type.
Check to make sure that your User has the permissions to set a content item as the homepage
To set an item as a homepage just set its permalink to an empty string.
