Ad hoc .ipa is not installing using iTune - ios

I have developed app on iOS sdk 6.1,i code sign it using distribution provisioning profile and certificate,it deployed on device using xcode.Even i can install it using link genrated by Link
But when im installing the same ipa from iTune,a message box pop up with massege "The app was not installed on the iPhone because it is not compatible with this iPhone! "
Please help me to install the app using iTune

This message what you got, its because the device is not registered into the provisioning profile. Every devices's UDID must be registered into your Distribution Ad-Hoc provisionin profile.
Step by Step:
Register all devices into your profile.
Make a Discitribution Ad-Hoc profile on apple's developer page with the right bundle ID, and check all devices which you want.
download this profile, and add to Xcode
Go to product => archive and after distribute
in discribute chose Ad-Hoc distribution, and I recommend you to save the IPA file to the desktop.
now you got the Ipa file, double click on it
iTunes will open, and there click on the phone what you want to synchronize, and under applications you will see your App.
Click on the "Install" button next to your App
next syncronize your iPhone, and your app will be installed successfully


Installing .ipa over the air does not open

I have signed my .ipa and I have tried to install it via diawi. The app got installed but it shows the app's icon in dark and does not open. I signed it with a iOS Certificate and when I try it from XCode and TestFlight it works perfectly! What could it be?
You need to sign it with AdHoc Provisioning Profile.
You should also register the devices UDID in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in your Apple Developer Account.
Excerpt from Diawi Knowledge Base.
A few things to check as a developer
If you have uploaded an app to Diawi and can't install it on some of your devices, here are a few things to check:
device's UDID must be in the provisioning profile built into the app by xcode
device's UDID must not start with "fffffff..." (if it is, then it is fake)
you are building a Release version of your app
the device is not behind an enterprise firewall preventing app installation
You may also try to drag&drop the app into iTunes and sync your device: it should install the app, otherwise it is not valid.
Can't install an app on an iOS device? Things to check
Distribute to registered devices (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
What is the difference between a Development Provisioning Profile and an Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile?

Is it possible to OTA install an iOS App that is signed with FREE Apple Dev Account

Note that I'm aware of these posts:
How to create IOS .IPA file and share it, using FREE Apple ID?
How to create ipa in xcode 6 without Apple Developer account?
I don't want to send the app to anybody for testing (not knowing their UUID).
My situation is this
I have the .ipa file. Can generate it using 'xcodebuild' command or by drag&drop the archive's .app file into iTunes
this .ipa is codesigned with my free AppleID
the provisioning profile, generated by XCode contains 3 device UUID
What I'd like to know: why I can't install this .ipa file to the device which UUID is presented in the provisioning profile.
If I try to install it using iTunes it starts to install, but after the progress bar (progress circle to be exact :P) on my device completes, the app icon just disappears and iTunes is stuck in the syncing process. No error message is shown.
I also tried to install it using diawi and got the error message "Unable to Download App". Although it shows me that my device's UUID is in the app's provisioning profile.
No, I believe the free account only allows you to build and install directly on the device with a development build. Also, those builds' provisioning profile expires after 7 days, so the OTA builds wouldn't last very long anyway.
If you want more details of why the install is failing, you should look at the device console during the installation. It will give you more details on the exact reason for the failure.

Beta iOS app distribution problems

I have an app ready and I want to test the beta in some external devices. I am using the correct bundle id and in the iTunes connect page I created a certificate , added the devices and then created an ad-hoc provision profile. I opened it on Xcode and then archive the app and export it. I used Diawi and Ubertesters for the app distribution but in both cases I get "Unable to download app". I am missing something ?
Most probably the issue is connected to the device provisioning. Please make sure you've added your device UDID to the provisioning profile and sign your .ipa file with it. Once the newly signed up build is uploaded to Ubertesters, please try to install it on your device.

.ipa file stuck on installing on iphone

I seen some answers in google but am not getting proper solution.I am trying to install my ipa file in my iphone but it's stuck on INSTALLING.
Am using Xcode 6.1.1 with iOS 8.1
My iphone is 8.1.2 version
My questions are ?
1. Which profile can i use for deploy ipa file into real device Development or distribution.
2. It is necessary to add real device in to member center for installing ipa file.
3. Before click on archive how can i fill my Xcode Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile fields.
Which profile can I use for deploy ipa file into real device Development or distribution.
===> both devlopment and distribution could use for deploy ipa file
It is necessary to add real device in to member center for installing ipa file.
===> yes. you must add device udid to profile devices list. follow this link to see how to config provisioning profile
Before click on archive how can i fill my Xcode Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile fields.
==> you could follow this link to archive
or you could follow App Distribution Quick Start
Steps to install IPA file on IOS.
Download ( Sideloadly.
Now connect your iphone to your PC.
After connecting your iphone to your pc the iDevice should be auto detected.
Now enter your apple account and select IPA by brosing to your pc.
Click on start button.
Enter your apple account password.
You should see the app install in your iphone.
If you see untrusted developer error then go to setting of your phone.
Select device management and click on trust developer.

Install iPhone application in my device

I was recently developing an iPhone application using Xcode. Now I want to install this app on my iPhone in order to test it.How can I do this? could you tell me please a step by step answer because I am new to this.
I have already created an account on the
iPhone Dev Center
now what is the next step?
As per Apple guidelines:
To test your app on a variety of devices and iOS versions, create a special distribution provisioning profile, called an ad hoc provisioning profile, and send it, along with the app, to testers. An ad hoc provisioning profile doesn’t require that testers be enrolled in an Apple Developer Program, be added to your team, create signing certificates, or use Xcode to run your app. Instead, app testers simply install the app and the ad hoc provisioning profile on their device to launch the app. You can then collect and analyse crash reports or logs from these testers to resolve problems before you ship your app.
Can I do what is mentioned here? and if yes how ?
go to memeber login area and login with your credential..
go to certificate , Identifiers & Profile tab
go to keychain access and create a .csr file and save it, it'll
required for creating certificates
create a certificate from certificate tab
create App Ids from identifier tab
Register your device UDID from Devices tab
Create distribution profile from Provisioning Profile tab and download & save it.
Install the Provisioning profile to your device and build your project using that profile.
Archive your project and create .ipa file
Final step: Install that .ipa file to your device.
Hope it'll help you. Happy Coding.....
With the free account you can not test/run apps on a device.
