How to use game center on iOS 7 to create live matches? - ios

Do you guys know any tutorial or code sample that covers using Game Center on iOS 7 for creating live matches?
All Apple sample codes are from 2011 (!) and their documentation is incomplete and vague and is also talking about iOS 6. All tutorials I found on the web are for iOS 6 and they don't cover live matches. Apparently Apple is not caring about that.
Any suggestion?

Back when I was working on game center stuff I used this Sample application developed by Apple for my references. I couldn't find it on their site anymore but it looks like some kind person hosted it on github for you!
GKTank Sample Project
I'm not sure how much of this has changed since iOS7 but I highly suggest this as a start


iOS NowPlayingView in Nativescript (7 / Vue)

I have a component playing audio in my nativescript app (recently updated to ns 7). Since the app should continue to play audio when it is in the background or the device is locked, I need a way to control the audio. iOS comes with the NowPlayingView.
Since I can not find a link to this feature in the Nativescript Documentation or a ns plugin for that, I am wondering if and how I could use that feature in my app. I did not yet dig into the "native-land" and was primarly using nativescripts own features. So I do not have any first steps that guide me in the right direction to implement such a feature, if possible at all.
Maybe you could help me with some rough tipps or even some code snippets, if you have already implemented the NowPlayingView?

How to submit the game made with Cocos 2d v2.1 to the Apple App Store

I developed the game last year using Cocos 2d v2.1.
And I'd like to submit this game for now, but unfortunately, Apple don't allow it.
I need to add 64bit support feature in my game,which I tried to add in project settings.
But I can't submit it yet.
How to submit this project?
Must I create again using Cocos 2dx?
Please help me.
Thank you for your time
Can you tell or show us the actual error which you are getting. You are using cocos2d and not cocos2dx correct?
Please refer this link:

text to speech iphone app

Good Evening,
I'm looking for a simple text to speech for iphone app development. I see numerous posts about this including ...
Text-to-speech libraries for iPhone
Question though, this link is all third party developers to use text to speech. I thought apple has a class reference to create speech? (nsspeechsynthesizer) Can someone please explain? Does apple not provide this for us?
NSSpeechSynthesizer works fine on Mac.VSSpeechSynthesizer is available for the iOS - but it is a private API and as such will likely be rejected from the app store. However you can still make apps for private consumption. I consider this a bug as it makes creating accessible apps for the partially sighted for instance, harder. I have filed Bug ID #: 9451650 Bug Title: VSSpeechSynthesizer is Private.
iOS 7 has the AVSpeechSynthesizer class
As other answers have mentioned, Apple does not include NSSpeechSynthesizer in iOS, only in Mac OS X.

Making a login screen for my iphone app

im facing some difficulties making a login screen for my app. First of all im a noobie around this... im actually creating this a form of learning... my app is a simple calculator... so... first thing i need to know is: Which template should i use for this kind of app (one that has multiple views)second is: how can implement a new view?third: How do i transit between views?
the big point here is not the login screen but the transition between views! Thank you all for the support!
ps: im using the latest version of xcode and iOS dev libs...
You can see this sample to learn the basics.
I recommend you take a look at the Stanford iOS Lectures (Available for free download) in iTunes U. There's actually an example of a Calculator app in Lecture 2. It's a good place to start.

Template/Tips for Photo/Artwork viewing only App in iOS

First, I must say have never programmed in iOS, I am only familiar with Matlab & Mathematica.
I would like to create an App to show my artwork & photography. A "view only" app. yet.
Any suggestion on existing templates or place to start ?
Many thanks for your attention & any help you could provide.
Google for iPhone tutorials. There are undoubtedly some opensource photoviewer apps out there. Apple has a few takes in their developer examples. But here's the thing: You are going to need a lot more background in iOS basics to get what you want completed. You really need to be looking at beginner's iPhone tutorials, of which the web is flooded with them. Google.
