Template/Tips for Photo/Artwork viewing only App in iOS - ios

First, I must say have never programmed in iOS, I am only familiar with Matlab & Mathematica.
I would like to create an App to show my artwork & photography. A "view only" app. yet.
Any suggestion on existing templates or place to start ?
Many thanks for your attention & any help you could provide.

Google for iPhone tutorials. There are undoubtedly some opensource photoviewer apps out there. Apple has a few takes in their developer examples. But here's the thing: You are going to need a lot more background in iOS basics to get what you want completed. You really need to be looking at beginner's iPhone tutorials, of which the web is flooded with them. Google.


Adding a URL link to iOS app that is not optimized for mobile platforms (rejection possibility)

I have been doing some research about iOS app approval process, but I can't seem to find one thing that is pretty important in my case. I have added a simple url link to a website (I did not use a web view for the reason I am about to explain).
What I have found is that Apple specifies that font within the app should not be smaller than size 11. They also say that the user should not have to zoom in. Well, unfortunately I have a client who wants me to place a link of her website in a menu section of the app. I told the client that I was concerned that there may be an issue since this website is not optimized for mobile devices. Basically, this link shows a desktop version of a site on a mobile phone.
I have searched online for many guidelines, but I just haven't spotted anything yet. I would guess that they would reject it, but I was just curious if anyone happened to know for sure or knew where I should look to find this out.

I have my iOS App Prototyped/Wireframed, how do I go about turning it into code?

First off thanks for any help in advance!
I have designed and made a prototype of my iOS application using UXPin and Invision. I am now ready to begin setting up the working product in Xcode.
I am lost as to how I should go about doing this. Do I import the PSD files into Xcode?
In short, I am looking to begin setting up my user interface in Xcode, and cannot seem to figure out how to get (for example) my prototype login screen turned into code.
You can start by reading the basics on how to develop apps. the iOS developer portal is filled with a wealth of info that you should take the time to study if you plan on getting anywhere: Apple developer portal

Making a login screen for my iphone app

im facing some difficulties making a login screen for my app. First of all im a noobie around this... im actually creating this a form of learning... my app is a simple calculator... so... first thing i need to know is: Which template should i use for this kind of app (one that has multiple views)second is: how can implement a new view?third: How do i transit between views?
the big point here is not the login screen but the transition between views! Thank you all for the support!
ps: im using the latest version of xcode and iOS dev libs...
You can see this sample to learn the basics.
I recommend you take a look at the Stanford iOS Lectures (Available for free download) in iTunes U. There's actually an example of a Calculator app in Lecture 2. It's a good place to start.

iOS Changing App icon at runtime

I want to change my app icon at runtime. I read other similar threads on SO, and they say that it is not possible using Apple sanctioned APIs. One of the responses mentioned that its possible using restricted APIs, but did not elaborate.
I understand that if I use restricted APIs, my application scope will be reduced to jail-broken devices only. I'm ok with that, but how do I implement this feature.
Sorry, I cannot indicate any research effort for this question because I have no idea how to go about it or even how to get started on this.
Thanks in advance :)
Although this is an old question, I recently discovered this is now possible, as of iOS 10.3:
...using the UIApplication.setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API.
Note however you are limited to using icons which are already shipped as part of the app bundle.

iPhone is there a way to allow a user to rate the app from within it?

I have seen some apps with a button to rate the app. It brigs them to a page that always them to rate that app.
I can't figure out how to do this. Does anybody know how to do this? I fred googling it.
The most well known way to do this is an open source library called AppIRater, but I have also seen iRate and people roll their own versions of the simple code.
Use Appirater by Arash Payan. It's easy and clean ;)
Appirater is good, but using the Game Center is better, because it allows to rate inside the app (without switching to iTunes). Check out Apple's GameCenter API.
