how to capture a single character from NSString using substringToIndex - ios

I have a NSString that has two characters.
The NSSring looks something like this
I use this code to capture the first character
NSString *firstStateString = [totInstStateString substringToIndex:1];
this pecie of code returns F, I would like to know how to return the second character to its own string using substringToIndex.
anyhelp would be appreciated.

Use substringWithRange:
For Example :
[#"fw" substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, 1)];
will get you #"w"
have a look at the apple docs

Use following code .. My be helpful in your case.
NSString *myString = #"FFNNF";
for(int i = 0; i < [myString length]; i++)
NSLog(#"%#", [myString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)])
Also check This Question.
How to get a single NSString character from an NSString

The other option is:
NSString *lastStateString = [totInstStateString substringFromIndex:1];
This will get the last character of a two-character string. You might want to do some bounds checking somewhere in there.


Display Unicode String as Emoji

I currently receive emojis in a payload in the following format:
which represents "🚣‍♀️"
However, if I try to display this, it only shows the string above (escaped with 1 less ), not the emoji e.g.
NSString *emoji = payload[#"emoji"];
NSLog(#"%#", emoji) then displays as \U0001F6A3\U0000200D\U00002640\U0000FE0F
It's as if the unicode escape it not being recognised. How can I get the string above to show as an emoji?
Please assume that the format the data is received in from the server cannot be changed.
I found another way to do it, but I think the answer by Albert posted below is better. I am only posting this for completeness and reference:
NSArray *emojiArray = [unicodeString componentsSeparatedByString:#"\\U"];
NSString *transformedString = #"";
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [emojiArray count]; i++) {
NSString *code = emojiArray[i];
if ([code length] == 0) continue;
NSScanner *hexScan = [NSScanner scannerWithString:code];
unsigned int hexNum;
[hexScan scanHexInt:&hexNum];
UTF32Char inputChar = hexNum;
NSString *res = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&inputChar length:4 encoding:NSUTF32LittleEndianStringEncoding];
transformedString = [transformedString stringByAppendingString:res];
Remove the excess backslash then convert with a reverse string transform stringByApplyingTransform. The transform must use key "Any-Hex" for emojis.
NSString *payloadString = #"\\U0001F6A3\\U0000200D\\U00002640\\U0000FE0F";
NSString *unescapedPayloadString = [payloadString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\\\" withString:#"\\"];
NSString *transformedString = [unescapedPayloadString stringByApplyingTransform:#"Any-Hex" reverse:YES];
NSLog(#"%#", transformedString);//logs "🚣‍♀️"
I investigated this, and it seems you may not be receiving what you say you are receiving. If you see \U0001F6A3\U0000200D\U00002640\U0000FE0F in your NSLog, chances are you are actually receiving \\U0001F6A3\\U0000200D\\U00002640\\U0000FE0F at your end instead. I tried using a variable
NSString *toDecode = #"\U0001F6A3\U0000200D\U00002640\U0000FE0F"; = toDecode;
And in textview it is displaying the emoji fine.
So you got to fix that first and then it will display well.

Adding a percentage % sign to an NSString [duplicate]

I want to have a percentage sign in my string after a digit. Something like this: 75%.
How can I have this done? I tried:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d\%", someDigit];
But it didn't work for me.
The code for percent sign in NSString format is %%. This is also true for NSLog() and printf() formats.
The escape code for a percent sign is "%%", so your code would look like this
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d%%", someDigit];
Also, all the other format specifiers can be found at Conceptual Strings Articles
If that helps in some cases, it is possible to use the unicode character:
NSLog(#"Test percentage \uFF05");
The accepted answer doesn't work for UILocalNotification. For some reason, %%%% (4 percent signs) or the unicode character '\uFF05' only work for this.
So to recap, when formatting your string you may use %%. However, if your string is part of a UILocalNotification, use %%%% or \uFF05.
seems if %% followed with a %#, the NSString will go to some strange codes
try this and this worked for me
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#%#", #"%%",
[textfield text], #"%%"];
uese following code.
NSString *searchText = #"Bhupi"
NSString *formatedSearchText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%%%#%%",searchText];
will output: %Bhupi%
iOS 9.2.1, Xcode 7.2.1, ARC enabled
You can always append the '%' by itself without any other format specifiers in the string you are appending, like so...
int test = 10;
NSString *stringTest = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", test];
stringTest = [stringTest stringByAppendingString:#"%"];
NSLog(#"%#", stringTest);
For iOS7.0+
To expand the answer to other characters that might cause you conflict you may choose to use:
- (NSString *)stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:(NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharacters
Written out step by step it looks like this:
int test = 10;
NSString *stringTest = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", test];
stringTest = [[stringTest stringByAppendingString:#"%"]
[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]];
stringTest = [stringTest stringByRemovingPercentEncoding];
NSLog(#"percent value of test: %#", stringTest);
Or short hand:
NSLog(#"percent value of test: %#", [[[[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", test]
stringByAppendingString:#"%"] stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:
[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]] stringByRemovingPercentEncoding]);
Thanks to all the original contributors. Hope this helps. Cheers!

Get the unique characters in an NSString

How can I get the unique characters in an NSString?
What I'm trying to do is get all the illegal characters in an NSString so that I can prompt the user which ones were inputted and therefore need to be removed. I start off by defining an NSCharacterSet of legal characters, separate them with every occurrence of a legal character, and join what's left (only illegal ones) into a new NSString. I'm now planning to get the unique characters of the new NSString (as an array, hopefully), but I couldn't find a reference anywhere.
NSCharacterSet *legalCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet
characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-()&+:;,'.# "];
NSString *illegalCharactersInTitle = [[self.titleTextField.text.noWhitespace
That should help you. I couldn't find any ready to use function for that.
NSMutableSet *uniqueCharacters = [NSMutableSet set];
NSMutableString *uniqueString = [NSMutableString string];
[illegalCharactersInTitle enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, illegalCharactersInTitle.length) options:NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
if (![uniqueCharacters containsObject:substring]) {
[uniqueCharacters addObject:substring];
[uniqueString appendString:substring];
Try with the following adaptation of your code:
// legal set
NSCharacterSet *legalCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet
characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-()&+:;,'.# "];
// test strings
NSString *myString = #"LegalStrin()";
//NSString *myString = #""; illegal string
NSMutableCharacterSet *stringSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:myString];
// inverts the set
NSCharacterSet *illegalCharacterSet = [legalCharacterSet invertedSet];
// intersection of the string set and the illegal set that modifies the mutable stringset itself
[stringSet formIntersectionWithCharacterSet:illegalCharacterSet];
// prints out the illegal characters with the convenience method
NSLog(#"IllegalStringSet: %#", [self stringForCharacterSet:stringSet]);
I adapted the method to print from another stackoverflow question:
- (NSString*)stringForCharacterSet:(NSCharacterSet*)characterSet
NSMutableString *toReturn = [#"" mutableCopy];
unichar unicharBuffer[20];
int index = 0;
for (unichar uc = 0; uc < (0xFFFF); uc ++)
if ([characterSet characterIsMember:uc])
unicharBuffer[index] = uc;
index ++;
if (index == 20)
NSString * characters = [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicharBuffer length:index];
[toReturn appendString:characters];
index = 0;
if (index != 0)
NSString * characters = [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicharBuffer length:index];
[toReturn appendString:characters];
return toReturn;
First of all, you have to be careful about what you consider characters. The API of NSString uses the word characters when talking about what Unicode refers to as UTF-16 code units, but dealing with code units in isolation will not give you what users think of as characters. For example, there are combining characters that compose with the previous character to produce a different glyph. Also, there are surrogate pairs, which only make sense when, um, paired.
As a result, you will actually need to collect substrings which contain what the user thinks of as characters.
I was about to write code very similar to Grzegorz Krukowski's answer. He beat me to it, so I won't but I will add that your code to filter out the legal characters is broken because of the reasons I cite above. For example, if the text contains "é" and it's decomposed as "e" plus a combining acute accent, your code will strip the "e", leaving a dangling combining acute accent. I believe your intent is to treat the "é" as illegal.

iOS finding string within a string

Hello everyone I am trying find a string inside a string
lets say I have a string:
I want to find the word from the end of the string to the last "/"
so what I will get from that string is:
How do I do that?
You are looking for the componentsSeparatedByString: method
NSString *originalString = #"word1/word2/word3";
NSArray *separatedArray = [originalString componentsSeparatedByString:#"/"];
NSString *lastObject = [separatedArray lastObject]; //word3
once check this one By using this one you'l get last pathcomponent values,
NSString* theFileName = #"how /are / you ";
NSString *str1=[theFileName lastPathComponent];
By using lastPathComponent you'l get the last path component directly no need to take array for separate the string.
you must use NSScanner class to split substring.
check this.
Objective C: How to extract part of a String (e.g. start with '#')
NSString *string = #"word1/word2/word3"
NSArray *arr = [string componentsSeperatedByString:#"/"];
NSSting *str = [arr lastObject];
You can find it also with this way:
NSMutableString *string=[NSMutableString stringWithString:#"word1/word2/word3"];
NSRange range=[string rangeOfString:#"/" options:NSBackwardsSearch];
NSString *subString=[string substringFromIndex:range.location+1];
NSRegularExpression or NSString rangeOfString:options:range:locale: (with options to search backwards).
The answer really depends on exactly what the input string will contain (how consistent it is).

Cut NSString from space to end

I have NSString:
sessid=os3vainreuru2hank3; __ubic1=MzcxMzjMDYuNjk0NDA1Mzc%3D;
auto_login=123; sid=kep8efpo7; last_user=123;
I need get just:
__ubic1=MzcxMzjMDYuNjk0NDA1Mzc%3D; auto_login=123;
interpals_sessid=kep8efpo7; last_user=123;
But count of characters past sessid may vary
Thanks! Sorry for simple question
This should do the trick.-
NSRange range = [yourString rangeOfString:#" "];
if (NSNotFound != range.location) {
yourString = [yourString substringFromIndex:(range.location + 1)];
Basically, you get the index for the first space character, and then the substring from that index to the end.
You'll need at least one character you can search for. Looks like that double underscore will work.
NSRange stringStart = [originalString rangeOfString:#"__"];
NSString *extractedString = [originalString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(stringStart.location, originalString.length - stringStart.location)];
That should get you what you need!
NSMutableArray* array = [[originalString componentsSeperatedByString:#";"] mutableCopy];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:0];
NSString* newString = [array componentsJoinedByString:#";"];
I assume you mistyped interpals_sessid with sid
