iOS finding string within a string - ios

Hello everyone I am trying find a string inside a string
lets say I have a string:
I want to find the word from the end of the string to the last "/"
so what I will get from that string is:
How do I do that?

You are looking for the componentsSeparatedByString: method
NSString *originalString = #"word1/word2/word3";
NSArray *separatedArray = [originalString componentsSeparatedByString:#"/"];
NSString *lastObject = [separatedArray lastObject]; //word3

once check this one By using this one you'l get last pathcomponent values,
NSString* theFileName = #"how /are / you ";
NSString *str1=[theFileName lastPathComponent];
By using lastPathComponent you'l get the last path component directly no need to take array for separate the string.

you must use NSScanner class to split substring.
check this.
Objective C: How to extract part of a String (e.g. start with '#')

NSString *string = #"word1/word2/word3"
NSArray *arr = [string componentsSeperatedByString:#"/"];
NSSting *str = [arr lastObject];

You can find it also with this way:
NSMutableString *string=[NSMutableString stringWithString:#"word1/word2/word3"];
NSRange range=[string rangeOfString:#"/" options:NSBackwardsSearch];
NSString *subString=[string substringFromIndex:range.location+1];

NSRegularExpression or NSString rangeOfString:options:range:locale: (with options to search backwards).
The answer really depends on exactly what the input string will contain (how consistent it is).


Separate a string into different Array

I have a string coming from server , i want to show some part of string in a view and rest part of string in other view .
Thanks for help.
i want to get the last word of last line of first view. i have searched ,but nothing seems to help me. If any one can suggest me something i would be glad to him/her.
NSString *fromIndex = [_categoryWiseNews.article substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, lastWordOfFirstView)];
i have tried with substringWithRange but with this you have to know the lastWordOfFirstView index number for breaking the string into two parts, for which i have no idea.
I really don't know what it is that you're asking lastWordOfFirstView might make sense to you because it is relevant to the thing you are working on. But to us it means nothing.
You can separate a string into words in an array doing this...
NSString *string = #"Hello world, this is a string";
NSArray *array = [string componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
// array is now... [#"Hello", #"world,", #"this", #"is", #"a", #"string"];
Then you can get the last word from it...
NSString *lastWord = [array lastObject];
Use this to get the last word from a sentence:
NSString *lastWord = [[fullSentenceString componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] lastObject];

Replace multiple placeholders in string

What I am looking to do is use placeholders in a string and replace the placeholders with data specific to the user. I can setup the placeholders to be anything so basically I am looking to do the following:
Setup placeholders in a string (up to 4 placeholders)
Replace those placeholders with strings I specify
Here is what I have. I currently have a url that has a set of placeholders like so. or
How do I properly label the placeholders and replace them?
Thank you in advance for any help.
You can use the stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString method as below
NSString *strUrl = #"";
strUrl = [strUrl stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"placeholder1" withString:#"value1"];
strUrl = [strUrl stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"placeholder2" withString:#"key1"];
Quote : "I want to replace placeholder1 with an NSString I have already created called value1 and placeholder2 with an NSString called key1."
NSString *mainUrl = "";
NSString *string1 = "value1";
NSString *string2 = "value2";
Now change your URL:
NSString *newURL = [NSString NSStringWithFormat:#"%#?%#=%#",mainUrl,string1,string2];
This will generate newURL :
This might help you.
#define placeHolder1 #"<>p1p1p1<>"
#define placeHolder2 #"<>p2p2p2<>"
And place this in a function of yours where you want to replace strings
NSString * string = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"",placeHolder1,placeHolder2];
NSLog(#"string %#",string);
NSString * replacerForP1 = #"123";
NSString * replacerForP2 = #"741";
string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:placeHolder1
string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:placeHolder2
NSLog(#"string %#",string);
It would be best to keep your placeholder strings in the constants defined somewhere. And ofcourse the replacement of those placeholders will be dynamic as you said so cannot make them constants.
Tell me if this helps or if you require further assistance in the matter.

how to capture a single character from NSString using substringToIndex

I have a NSString that has two characters.
The NSSring looks something like this
I use this code to capture the first character
NSString *firstStateString = [totInstStateString substringToIndex:1];
this pecie of code returns F, I would like to know how to return the second character to its own string using substringToIndex.
anyhelp would be appreciated.
Use substringWithRange:
For Example :
[#"fw" substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, 1)];
will get you #"w"
have a look at the apple docs
Use following code .. My be helpful in your case.
NSString *myString = #"FFNNF";
for(int i = 0; i < [myString length]; i++)
NSLog(#"%#", [myString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)])
Also check This Question.
How to get a single NSString character from an NSString
The other option is:
NSString *lastStateString = [totInstStateString substringFromIndex:1];
This will get the last character of a two-character string. You might want to do some bounds checking somewhere in there.

Convert float to NSString using custom format? ("xx:yy")

I'm getting a JSON string back from a web service I'm using, one of the items is a float, which is formatted like this: "1.2".
But I actually want to make it show like a time number, so like this: "01:20".
What would be the easiest way of doing this?
I thought about converting the float to a string and then splitting it into 2 pieces
timeValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f", timeValue];
NSArray *tmpArr = [timeValue componentsSeparatedByString:#"."];
NSString *tmpFirst = (NSString *)[tmpArr objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *tmpSecond = (NSString *)[tmpArr objectAtIndex:0];
But somehow when I convert it, it returns me a negative number
NSLog(#"timeValue: %#", timeValue);
timeValue: -1.99
I think the problem is in this line.
timeValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f", timeValue];
I think timeValue is of type NSString if not then why are you using same variable twice.
It should be like
timeValueString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f", timeValueFloat];

Getting substring from NSString

I have a NSString which looks like this:
And I need extract from that this string:
I will have lots of such strings, so I won't know the number of characters and how many of them will the name of the picture. Can anyone tell me how to extract the name of picture?
May be the best solution in your case will be [NSString lastPathComponent].
Try this:
NSString *originalString = #"";
NSString *filename = [originalString lastPathComponent];
Apple docs here.
