Delay in navigation while using SWRevealViewController in Simulator - ios

I am using SWRevealViewController in Objective-C for drawing side navigation menu. It works fine on real device, but when I test the application in simulator, transitions among the screens from side menu are very slow. It takes more than 10 seconds to go to another screen from navigation menu. Has anyone faced this issue before?


NavigationBar is under the statusbar on iOS 9 and 10

I've been developing an app for the past few months, and I was always testing on my iOS 11 device and simulators. Since we are close to public release, I decided to test the app on iOS 9 and 10 simulators to make sure everything is ok.
To my disapointment, the core element of the app is broken: Its an app that displays a list of articles in tableviews, using a TabBarController. More article categories can be accessed through the side menu. However, when I display a VC form the side menu, for which I create the VC, embed it in a NavigationController and then add it in the TabBarController and make it the selected tab, the NavBar is under the status bar and the tableview's content insets extend under the tabBar, which also breaks my TabBar and creates a whole lot of other problems.
The weird thing is that after navigating to the next VC, the whole statusbar situation is fixed, so I'm guessing something is initially off with the NavBar that gets fixed once a second VC is pushed.
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this bug? On iOS 11 everything works perfectly, while on iOS 9 and 10 only when a new VC is pushed, the error is fixed. Please note that I'm not using a UITableViewController but a ViewCOntroller with an embeded TableView, since I also need to add othr views at the bottom of my view controller.

iOS 10 - Black navigation bar when first transitioning to WKWebView

I am experiencing weird bug on iOS 10.0 Simulator.
I am using 8.0 beta (8S128d).
I have some places in my app where I use WKWebView in order to present a web page. For some reason, first (and only first) transition to those views makes navigation bar black. I can see the transition starting and freezing for a moment, then a black navigation bar appears. When I go back and go to that view again, everything works.

iOS 7 translucent navigation bar sometimes

When I write an app an view it on my phone, I have a non-translucent navigation bar. However, when I view on an iPod touch, it does have a translucent bar. This seems to vary from device to device, and it's not app specific either.
This has happened with three different apps I've worked on, with all sorts of devices. All of them are using UINavigationController through a storyboard.
I have seen this in several of my applications now, and I'm wondering if there's a setting I'm missing. Has anyone else seen this, or know why it happens?

MFSideMenu Landscape Mode issue

my app is using MFSideMenu script to push a view from right and i have set it to auto open the left menu if the app is opened in landscape mode , the problem is whenever i try to open app in landscape mode it shows black screen and i have noticed as i even slightly dropdown the notification bar it shows the rightmenu fine . The problem just happens in landscape mode and one its done it has no problems even when i rotate the app it works absolutely fine , just the opening app in landscape part is create issue for the first time .
I was facing same issue of rientation.
Use Another Option MMDrawerController. Usage is similar to MFSideMenu
MMDrawerController is a side drawer navigation container view controller designed to support the growing number of applications that leverage the side drawer paradigm. This library is designed to exclusively support side drawer navigation in a light-weight, focused approach while exposing the ability to provide custom animations for presenting and dismissing the drawer.

Tabbar cannot clickable after iPhone 5 optimize

I am optimizing my screen from iphone 4 to iphone 5. However, Once I have optimized, my tabbar stopped working. As it can be seen in the first image, once I clicked on world average, it took me, tabbarcontroller and now user cannot able to click on tabbar segments.
I had this issue and this worked for me:
Go to the MainWindow.xib, select the Window object and check the "Full Screen at Launch".
