Gap between two bar graphs using Highchart - highcharts

Is there anyone know if this kind of graph is available in Highcharts? See image below
I can't find a way to have a gap "idle time" between the two bar graph in period of time.
Thanks in advance!

How about using just one more series, which isn't displayed in legend, but have white background and enabled dataLabels? Isn't that working?
Simple example using columnrange series:


Highchart fill area only between two series

Here is chart
I need to remove color as this image is seems
this image
I have two different series.
I do not want to use area-stacked and arearange because that two different series is dynamic.
I had try by this but not working
By using negativeFillColor you can color the area if it is negative, which seems to be the problem with your second example.
See this fiddle.
Where I set plotOptions.area.negativeFillColor.
If you are wondering why they don't look like the same color, it is because the top one is 75% opacity, see Highcharts API.
Could you explain exactly why you do not want to use stacking? This option along with setting color of the second series to transparent gives desired effect.
API Reference:

Highcharts custom doughnut graph

Does anyone have any idea how to make a graph like this? It's basically 5 in one chart, each one represents a different dynamic value up to 100%. So like the man running icon would be 60%, scale 85%, sleep 8%, ect.
The icons in the middle obviously won't be part of the graph, they'd be a div overlayed the chart.
Can anyone help? If highcharts will not work, then what will?

Highcharts combination

I would like to ask about chart combination in Highcharts.
Is there any possible combine the multiple axis chart which is located in Highcharts with the Highstock scroll bar features ?
thank you for reply.
You can use highstock.js with combine with Highcharts. Then scrollbar will be avaiable. Please take look at example:
I don't know about scroll bar but there is a example called master-detail check it out once. it may be helpful to you

Highcharts basic bar graphs. How to remove strokewith from the bars

While using a demo highchart (from To be more specific a basic bar chart, a grey theme.
As in this one
The bars on the graph in grey theme have a white line around them that I want to remove. I found in the javascript that it is strokewith=1 that make them appear. I can't find a way to set it to 0 since it is in the library from highcharts. How can i access strokewith=1 locally ?
best regards from Iceland :)
This is handled with the borderWidth property. I recommend checking out the documentation on the API. Set borderWidth: 0 to get your result.

How to display stacked bars in combination with normal bar in Highcharts?

I have three values, two of which should be combined to a stacked bar, and the third just as a normal one. How would that work in Highcharts? I read the data from a CSV file.
Here is the link to the existing graph. The "Nutzung" and "Absterberate" should be combined, the "Zuwachs" should be a single bar.
Thanks for any hints!
Set in plotOptions stacked: 'normal' and then for each series you can define stack see:
