Highcharts combination - highcharts

I would like to ask about chart combination in Highcharts.
Is there any possible combine the multiple axis chart which is located in Highcharts with the Highstock scroll bar features ?
thank you for reply.

You can use highstock.js with combine with Highcharts. Then scrollbar will be avaiable. Please take look at example:

I don't know about scroll bar but there is a example called master-detail check it out once. it may be helpful to you


Highcharts - how to correctly align x-axis ticks when plotOptions.column.crisp set to false

I recently found that there is a built-in option to disable crisp for bar and column charts, which is awesome! However, I noticed that x-axis ticks slightly off (I believe ticks distance gets calculated based on crisp-true). Is there a way to align them properly?
Here are docs https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/plotOptions.column.crisp
Updated example:
Ideally, I want ticks to be centered for each column.
Thank you!
I found this parameter on documentation (xAxis.offset), maybe it will help achieve what you want.
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.offset
Live Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/yaxis/offset/

Stacked value with line chart with highcharts

I got an situation like this. I would like to using line chart to draw stacked value. I have tried google search but i can't find the solution.
For example: On date May/23 i got 3 values, i would like to display these on line-chart.
How could i achieve this? Does highcharts support to do this one. Please take a look at the link attach to clearer the question
Stacked line chart image
Addition info: Im using highcharts to do this one
Thanks for any comment or answer
Follow jlbriggs
I should use scatter-chart to achieve this one
Regarding the tooltip, I would suggest using a scatter series instead of a line. Set the lineWidth in the plotOptions and it will plot just like a line series, but the tool tips are handled differently. Example: jsfiddle.net/jlbriggs/c1o8Lwgv

Highcharts: Legend not show

I tried to make a chart using Highcharts 3.0. Have a look at [http://jsfiddle.net/QL2Hn/][1]
The problem is, why the chart legend only perform 2 pieces only? Please help. Thank you.
Well for me it lists all items, see this http://jsfiddle.net/QL2Hn/1/ but you need to set showInLegend:true

Highcharts stacked bar graph as timeline

Is there a way to make the Highcharts stacked bar graph work like a timeline? What I'd like to achieve is demonstrated in this Google Timeline Chart example.
Of key importance is that values can be repeated on the same bar. I haven't been able to figure this out, and currently suspect I may need to fall back to the Renderer and draw this chart manually, or switch to Google Charts, both of which I'd prefer to avoid. Thanks for any thoughts!
Yes, it is possible. This is called a gantt chart. That link has various examples. Some dont work. In that case update the jsFiddle's jquery and change the highcharts.js inclusion url.

Highcharts rangeSelector for multiple charts

I have 4 charts which contain multiple series. Is it possible to have the rangeSelector() change all charts at once?
Even more desirable would be using the sliding master detail which is enabled like so: $('#container').highcharts('StockChart', { ....
If it's possible could someone point me to references or examples
thanks in advance,
You can use afterSetExtremes() to catch event form one chart, and use setExtrmes to set range on the others charts. http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#xAxis.events.afterSetExtremes http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#Axis.setExtremes()
