Uncaught Twilio.Exception: Run Twilio.Device.setup() - twilio

I keep getting
Uncaught Twilio.Exception: Run Twilio.Device.setup()
when starting a call after the page posts back.
The problem is not consistent and after refreshing the page several times it goes away and i can make outbound calls again. But it happens at least once after a post back.
any ideas..?

Twilio evangelist here.
Just to be clear, are you using the Twilio Client JavaScript SDK?
If that is indeed the case, can you try hitting http://clientsupport.twilio.com/ to make sure that your browser will support Twilio Client. If everything lights up green there, I'd suggest taking the output from the browser check site and opening a case with our awesome customer support team. You can simply send and email to help#twilio.com
Hope that helps.


Rincentral Webhook for incoming voice calls - missing some calls

I have created one subscription for incoming missed calls and voice calls. It works great for missed calls but woobhook is not sent for some voicemails. I am trying to find why i am missing some voicemails but no luck.
Please follow attached screenshot to refer event filter added for subscription.
Has anyone experienced this?
Does anyone know how to debug webhook means status(create,send)?

Having a user click a link in a Slack Incoming Webhook Message and getting their response

I'm looking to have a user type something like
/makemeeting today # 4:00pm
this fires a outgoing webhook, which stores the info, then it fires a incoming webhook which would display a message in a channel saying meeting scheduled, and have two links
yes | no
Here's where I'm stuck. I can do everything up till this point. I'd love for any user to be able to click on one of those links and have it perform another outgoing webhook with the proper response.
I know I can just make those links point to a website, but I'd love to keep it all within slack without having to open a browser.
Is this possible? I swear I've seen yes|no, true|false replies before in other commands and bots, but I might be imagining that.
Any help would be appreciated...
This isn't supported yet but is on Slack's roadmap for the "near term".
A work around is to add reactions to your message. When the user clicks the reaction (to bump up its count), an RTM event will be dispatched for you to handle: https://api.slack.com/events/reaction_added
An live example can be seen with the Meekan calendar app: https://meekan.com/slack/
So you could have two reactions: thumbs up and a thumbs down. And handle which reaction the user clicked.

Mobile Number Verification with Missed Call in iOS

I don't know this question is a good question or dumb question, but I research on SO from last 3 days, only this link I am able to see. And in this link I am not getting any solution for my Issue.
My question is How to verify my mobile number with a missed call. I got from some answer, have to use "Dial2Verify" API. But no one can said "How to use that API" in iOS mobile application through coding. I follow Dial2Verify site for more information, but its only for PHP developer.
My requirement is: I have a call button on my app screen, when I pressed that button, that method will call to Dial2Verify API, And give a missed call to Dial2Verify API and after register Dial2Verify will send that API key/ Mobile number to my App Server, Then App server will check the mobile number is registered or not, if register then it directly go to Home page off App otherwise stay on that Login page.
I would suggest use of mOTP API. (MOTP.in )
Again a service by dial2verify, but it is more suitable for app integration as it supports 200+ countries.
A clever alternative to SMS otp.
At the core it's a 2 step process.
1 sending mOTP : you would be required to call a remote URL from app ( which would send missed call otp to end user )
Step 2: you are required to call another URL from app to cross check otp entered by user.
There is a flow demo available on mOTP website.
Do share the code you build so others can be benefited.
You can probably use a service like https://checkmobi.com/ . Basically they have available 4 validations methods: SMS, IVR, Missed call (the one you need) and another one called CLI.
You can check how each method is working here: https://checkmobi.com/documentation.html#/overview
Also they have available a iOS and Android SDK for mobiles and quite good pricing model for startups.

Getting a busy signal when calling a client device

I've using the basic phone example from Twilio, have set it up to use the auth.php example and have directed a purchased phone number to basic-call.php.
When I try to call that number, I hear the default prompt, but then get a busy signal and nothing happens in the app. Both the auth.php and the basic-call.php are set to use the same client ID (basic), and I can't find any documentation on Twilio about what it means if there's a busy signal when directing to a client app.
I don't have any PHP errors in the logs or any errors showing up in the Twilio console, if that helps?
Turns out the problem was that I wasn't signing the request with the account SID and auth token of the subaccount that number was associated with. I sure hope this helps someone else!

Facebook iOS SDK Pass parameter with app requests

I would like to have my native iOS app send a request with a parameter to a Facebook user on iOS. If they accept, it will launch my native iOS app and pass it the parameter. Is this possible?
I am having marginal success using [facebook dialog:#"apprequests" andParams:dict andDelegate:self]. I am getting the bookmark counter to increment on Facebook iOS app, but I do not see the individual requests. If I tap the bookmark it launches my app but I do not see how I can get the "data" parameter I passed with the request, or even the request_id.
On desktop I see the individual messages under "Requests" section of "Apps and Games". If I accept a request, I can see it pass the request_id to my (simple echo) canvas URL. I read this can be used to fetch the associated data. But, this does not help me on iOS. My app only runs on iOS, so this canvas app will eventually just be a "this app only works on iOS," but it seemed to be necessary to get the requests to flow.
Neither of these are showing me Notifications, so maybe I am doing something basic wrong. Or, is there some other way to pass a message to a Facebook user, with a URL they could click (to launch and feed my app its parameter).
One other odd thing, I do not see how to get rid of the Requests. If I "X" them on the desktop client, it asks me if I want to stop receiving all requests from my app, and if I say no, it only hides them temporarily.
Leif, Hi - I'm the engineer at Facebook who wrote the tutorial you've referenced.
I've taken a look at the issue you've mentioned - this is in fact not a bug in the documentation and is by design.
The incoming url from a request on iOS looks something like this:
This is bundling together several requests, with multiple request ids into a single url.
To get the extra data coupled with this request, it is not required to have the user_id. Hitting graph.facebook.com/*request_id* is enough.
You can actually see this outlined in the documentation here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/requests/#deleting under the 'Request ID Format' heading.
The code contained in the Friendsmash sample and on the tutorial works correctly - I verified it just now. So it should serve as a good guide to the OP's question.
I have been struggling with this too.
First, the FB iOS SDK requests tutorial is a good start.
However, there are also a few bugs that makes things not work as expected:
It seems that currently, a mobile web url has to be set up for the FB app in order for requestIds to be forwarded from the native FB app to your native app. See this bug report.
The tutorial mentioned above uses an erroneous graph path for the request object. I uses "request-id" where it should be "request-id"_"user-id". I have filed a documentation bug report on that issue.
