UIToolBar Not Showing In 3.5 Inch Simulator - ios

I have an iPhone app that has a UIToolBar added at the bottom in a View Controller with button on it. I was just testing it and found that the UIToolBar is not showing in the 3.5-inch iPhone simulator in Xcode. While its properly showing up in 4-inch iPhone Simulator and 4-inch 64-bit iPhone Simulator. Its even showing up properly on all iPads simulator.
I don't have any 3.5 inch iPhone to test it on the device since i only own an iPhone 5 and iPad 2. Although its hard to tell but can anyone point out what could be the problem or how can i troubleshoot it to find the problem?

Try clicking on the toolbar in storyboard and the from the icons on the bottom left section from second from right select reset to suggested layouts and see if that will solve your issue.


Xcode 7.1.1 UINavigationBar does not cover the entire width of the screen with iPhone 6 and above

My app was acting fine till I updated my Xcode. For some odd reason, my UINavigationBar is no longer covering the entire width of the screen for devices iPhone6 and above.
For iPhone 5:
For iPhone 6 and above:
I think you didn't used autolayout. Okay no problem..
Follow below steps:
1. you need to keep it empty on Launch Screen file.
2. Create Launch image source and then add iPhone 6 and 6+ splash screens
Then it will work your navigation bar automatically fit based on device.

Autolayout iPhone 6 doesn't work

I developed an app for iOS, this app should work for iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. I read the apple documentations and I found that I've to design only a Storyboard in which I use auto layout and size class.
I designed the user interface with Storyboard and I set all constraints, but when I run it on my iPhone 6 it shows me the user interface not optimized for the display of my iPhone 6. Here's a sample:
As you can see it shows me the view with big operator log, big clock, big battery indicator and big keyboard.
Why it doesn't work?
Should I add the splash screen for Retina 4.7 and Retina 5.5?
You need to add a "launch screen file" which is a XIB or Storyboard showing the screen that is shown while launching.

UIToolbar not displaying on iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s

I have a UIToolbar on the bottom of my app. On any device iPhone 5 and up it shows up correctly. On iPhone 4s and down it does not show on the screen at all. I have tried to add constraints but it is not helping. I am at a lose as to why this is happening. My app worked fine up until today. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

iOS Simulator Ignores Half of the Screen?

My app is working fine in iOS 7 , but when I simulate it in iOS 6 simulator , it seems , that it only loads top half of the screen. How can I solve this ?
This is an screenshot of how the view is in the storyboard builder and in the simulator :
set your iPhone retina 4 launch image 640*1136
You have to add a splash screen (Default.png) of (640 × 1136)... without this app treated app as its iphone 4s & below device
You need to set the UI for iOS7 as well as iOS6.
Just open your storyboard and then click on assistant editor.
Now open storyboard preview in assistant editor.
There is a button in assistant editor at right hand bottom corner which says iOS7 or later, click on it and select iOS6 or earlier.
Now you can see the UI for both iOS7 and iOS6 side by side on the screen.
Now select a particular view controller and then select size inspector.
In size inspector you just need to set the iOS6/7 Deltas for iOS6 screens.
That's it.
check this url too :
If you have any problem then let me know.
This happens because of the resolution of iOS6 is lesser than iOs 7 simulator. You can use Autolayout option to solve this issue.

See all of iOS 7 simulator in Xcode 5 on non-retina Macbook

I am trying to test an app in the simulator (3.5 retina iPhone) and am running into a bit of an annoyance. I can't see the bottom 10th of the screen...
I have tried the Cmd+3 shortcut but unfortunately that part of the screen is still missing. For example, the card should be in the middle of the screen below:
For this app, I have some components at the bottom of the screen that I can't see in the simulator. For now, I'm having to move the components further up the screen so that I can test them but it isn't ideal.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?
I think you have designed your view for the 4 inch display, and have not set up autolayout/springs and struts to layout your view correctly.
