How to document non-functional requirements (NFRs) in a story/feature? - bdd

The Specification By Example book states the non-functional requirements (commonly referred to as NFRs) can be specified using examples.
I've also been told by a colleague that non-functional requirements may be specified using SBE stories using the format:
Scenario: ...
Given ...
When ...
Then ...
Here is an example functional and non-functional requirement taken from wikipedia:
A system may be required to present the user with a display of the
number of records in a database. This is a functional requirement. How
up-to-date this number needs to be is a non-functional requirement. If
the number needs to be updated in real time, the system architects
must ensure that the system is capable of updating the displayed
record count within an acceptably short interval of the number of
records changing.
Question 1: Can the non-functional requirement be specified as a story?
Question 2: Should the non-functional requirement be specified as a story?
Question 3: What would the story look like?

I'll give an answer by working through an example.
Let us say that your team has already implemented the following story:
Scenario: User can log in to the website
Given I have entered my login credentials
When I submit these credentials
Then I get navigated to my home screen
To answer Question 1) - Can the non-functional requirement be specified as a story?
The project stakeholders have given you a NFR which reads:
For all website actions, a user should wait no longer that five
seconds for a response.
You could create a story for this as follows:
Scenario: User can log in to the website in a timely fashion
Given I have entered my login credentials
When I submit these credentials
Then I get navigated to my home screen
And I should have to wait no longer than the maximum acceptable wait time
Note that instead of imperatively specifying '5' seconds, I have kept the scenario declarative and instead specified "wait no longer than the maximum acceptable wait time".
To answer question 2) - Should the non-functional requirement be specified as a story?
The NFRs should definitely be specified as a story.
Creating a story will allow this task's complexity to be estimated (so that the team can determine how difficult it is relative to past stories), plus the team can break the story down into tasks (which can be estimated in hours, so that you can work out if the team can implement this story in the current sprint).
Hence in my contrived example, the team would have already implemented the code to log-in, but they'd then determine how to implement the requirement that it must take no longer than 5 seconds to log in. You will also allow be able to explore the inverse of this problem i.e. what happens if it takes longer than five seconds to log-in? e.g.
Scenario: User encounters a delay when logging in to the website
Given I have entered my login credentials
When I submit these credentials
And I wait for over the the maximum acceptable wait time
Then the Production team is informed
And the problem is logged
And I get navigated to my home screen
And finally, regarding question 3) - What would the story look like?
I've detailed how the stories would look like in answers 1) and 2)

Q1: Yes, definitely they can.
Take a look on that article describing Handling Non Functional Requirements in User Stories.
Q2. From my perspective if you able to create them it's really worth of keeping and tracking them in such a way. But citing this article
There is no magical agile practice that helps you uncover NFR. The
first step is to take responsibility. NFR can be represented as User
Stories if the team finds a that this helps to keep these visible.
However, be aware that surfacing such stories may create issues around
the priority of work done on them against more obvious features.
Q3. Take a look on the mentioned article from Q1.

I think the boundaries of NFRs are still not fully agreed upon by everyone. Consider a story that says "As a manager, my employee must get all responses within 5 seconds to avoid hiring a second data entry person and adding $50,000 in payroll expenses." I consider that a fully functional business requirement, along with any performance requirements that focus on the end user experience.
I categorize "traditional" NFRs as stories where the impacted person is not in the end user's or stakeholder's organization. "As a support person I need logs of the web site traffic to help me troubleshoot problems," or "As a software maintainer, I need a block architecture diagram to help me make changes." Including the role as you would with any user story helps with prioritization. It also helps identify the stakeholder for that NFR, should you have any questions about it.
NFRs may include some aspects of performance, at least those that don't impact the end user. "As a system administrator, I want to allocate no more than 10GB of disk space to the database in order to use SQL Express and avoid expensive SQL Server licenses."
Consider a typical NFR that might only state "Databases are limited to 10GB." It's an arbitrary number with no meaning or rationale, and there's no way to question it. Having the story-like role and explanation helps everyone understand that there is a valid reason for the NFR, so when you're prioritizing them you can ask smart questions. They lead to conversations like "I need to expand my table space to 20GB, but the sysadmin has this NFR about database size. How much do SQL Server licenses really cost him? OMG, that much? OK, I'll denormalize a few tables and save a few GB to fit it in there."

As both #bensmith and #siemic show, yes, you can can capture NFRs as stories.
Should you capture them in this way?
I don't think you want to capture NFRs as part of regular feature stories.
Most NFRs apply to more than one story. "The system must be responsive" means every story needs to define maximum wait times. "The system must not consume more than 10GB of disk space" means every story needs to consider disk space. The list of "and"s in the story becomes unmanageable in even trivial cases.
You may want to capture NFRs as independent stories, if both the product owner and team are comfortable with this.
For instance:
Given I have a PC with at least a dual core processor
and 8GB of RAM
and a gigabit connection to the system
when I interact with the system
then I never have to wait more than 5 seconds for a response
and 90% of attempts respond within 1 second
This provides a clear requirement, with measurable targets. You just have to make sure that each story takes all of the NFRs into account.

I think you need to look at a few things,
NFRs should follow the life span of the application, software, product etc. backup and recovery scenarios should be covered regularly, security scans and performance should be measured in prod as well as in development.
Many NFRs need validation from teams outside of the development group so would not be expected to have a script or code written to verify. So obviously security, performance, scalability, resilience etc can and should be tested within the development phase or before code gets promoted into live.
Most NFRs can be written up as stories but as said I dont think all need development effort to cover them.


How precise user stories should be?

I've just started using SpecFlow. It's a tool for creating business understandable test scenarios in a BDD manner. Basically it transforms user stories to unit tests.
I'm a beginner to user stories and I wonder about its length. Is this a good practice to create very precise user stories? Here's an example:
In order to get help
As a StackOverflow user
I want to add post
with name and content
and add tags to it
and format the content
and the information about my post edits to be stored in the system
and some more things like that
Should I keep my stories compact? If so - how can I manage detailed requirements? Or maybe it's nothing wrong in very long and precise I want section in a user story?
If you could develop an entire system in a couple of weeks, and do that reliably, nobody would ever worry about "user stories". They'd just get you to develop the system, sit with you, and tweak it as it went.
User stories only exist in order to get feedback from people who can't be with you all the time, and to help you learn what it is that your users (and other stakeholders) really want.
Here's how I treat a list like this:
In order to get help
As a StackOverflow user
I want to add post
with name and content
and add tags to it
and format the content
and the information about my post edits to be stored in the system
You want to get help. Which of these actually add to your ability to get help? Is it you wanting help, or do you want to offer help to other people? Do you want recognition for the help you're offering other people? The top part of this seems false (and it's why it's really difficult to have these conversations with fake requirements).
I think there are multiple requirements here, and far beyond the scope of just one user story. With an analyst hat on, here's how I might break this down:
In order to award great content with appropriate recognition,
as Stack Exchange,
we want people's usernames to appear with their content.
Of course, the users want this too, but they're not paying for it (except through adverts). So work out who's paying for this, and why.
In order to get more page impressions and keep people on the site for longer,
as Stack Exchange,
we want users to be able to find similar content really easily.
Hm. This one's a bit trickier. See, the user doesn't really want to spend their entire life on StackOverflow. It's just that if we give them the appropriate recognition, and make it easier for others to find their content, they might do that. Not all "user stories" actually benefit users. Find out who's paying for them, and why; then you find your real stakeholder. It's also OK for a story to benefit more than one stakeholder, and it's easy to see how to rephrase this from the user's point of view as well.
format the content
Honestly not sure about this one. It might be about being able to emphasise important points, etc. There are a ton of aesthetic ideals that don't lend themselves well to BDD and automated scenarios. Sometimes the only way to do this is to try, and get feedback.
In order to avoid retyping my request every time
As the user
I want the information about my post edits to be stored in the system
Well, yes, that would be nice.
The thing is that each of these can be developed independently. If you can think of any feature, any item that you could get rid of and still have the release be valuable, put it in a separate story.
If you can replace "I want to..." with "I want to be able to..." it's likely that what you have there isn't a story, but an entire capability. Most people do this instinctively. Lots of people call those "epics".
I've just shown you how I break them down. It's a pretty simple process.
First, look at your requirements. If there's anything for which you can say, "I want to be able to..." or "Someone wants to be able to..." then you know that's a completely different capability, which means it's going to be a separate story.
You can then separate those into contexts. So you might have stories like:
In order to free up our junior traders
We want them to be able to generate contracts automatically
So that they can help with the trade analysis instead of typing.
If that seems too big for the feedback cycle (typically a two-week sprint), you can divide it further.
In order to free up our junior traders
We want them to be able to generate *orange juice* contracts automatically
So that they can help with the trade analysis instead of typing.
Here, we're focusing on being able to trade orange juice, but we could equally narrow the story down to the FTSE, or the US, or the NY stock exchange. This is how we focus the efforts on the thing that will deliver: protecting revenue, lowering costs or generating value.
To turn these into scenarios, I ask, "Can you give me an example of an OJ trade on the NY stock exchange?" If I see anything generic that I don't understand, I ask, "Can you give me an example of that?"
That example becomes my first scenario. The context (given) is defined by the limits of the story. The event (when) is the performance of the capability. The outcome (then) is the resulting value.
In answer to your question - yes, I think it's important to create precise user stories. That means knowing why it's valuable, defining the context that you're going to cover, and suggesting an example of what the outcome might be.
The example you gave is more than just one story, though. It's not precise enough. Hopefully the advice here will help you to narrow stories down to something useful. One or two days is a good length for a story, but if you're starting down this path and find they're a bit longer, that's OK.
Your changes are also stories.
I always advise the following:
Try cutting your stories in scenarios. The more scenarios, the better you can pinpoint when something is going wrong. Give all scenarios subjective names.
Now for example, your test. If step 1 goes wrong, all your other steps are not going to get tested.
Also use the Given, When and Then tags to read your scenarios easily.
So instead, you could say:
Feature: As a StackOverflow user I want to add a post
Scenario: I go to stackoverflow website
Given I open the browser
And I go to the stackoverflow website
When I click New Post
Then a new page appears to insert my data
Scenario: I fill in data for my post - Name and content
Given I do not modify this page
When I fill in name
And I fill in content
Then I add tags to it
And I format the content
Scenario: Check if information about post edits are stored in the system
Guess you will get where this is going :-)
There is no right detail level of user stories, as user stories shrink in size (scope) and grow in detail (specifications) over time. This slide shows a nice visualization from Gojko Adzic about this:
For the question on how precise and detailed a Gherkin scenario should be: Scenario should reveal interesting aspects of the user story to be implemented. They should use concrete (key) examples rather than abstract descriptions. The examples should focus on the aspect that should be illustrated. The scenario title should be an abstract description of the rule or aspect that is illustrated with the example(s) provided in the scenario.
You usually start with a main aspect (happy path) scenario, and then try to “break the model” by coming up with new examples (cases) that explore other aspects of the story. You start by asking the questions “How would you try out the story when it was implemented?” (happy path) and “What should happen if …?” to collect potential scenarios to consider (probably defining some of the questions to be out of scope for this story).
After that, you’re trying to answer these questions (scenario title) and illustrate them with concrete examples (scenario steps). This slide gives an idea of “break the model”:

BDD, what's a feature?

I'm just starting with BDD and I'm trying to build a small app, so I can see it working in a real environment, but I'm having trouble deciding what should be a feature. I'm building a tiny shop.
I decided that "Compare products" will be a feature and "User can checkout as guest" will be one, but to get to that, I first need to list products.
My question is, should "There should be a list of products" be a feature?
It should probably be a feature, but try wording it from a user's point of view. What does this list of product offer him?
User should be able to get an overview of offered products
User should be able to order and reorder products on name, price, availability.
It's pretty hard to begin doing BDD. The only thing that helps feeling confident in your abilities and the whole approach is to write test scenarios and the code that executes them. I would suggest you not to make already complex and confusing situation harder. Pick whatever task that you need to implement, open a blank text file and try to explain using simple sentences the behavior. Every sentence should start with one of three keywords: given, when and then. Using your favorite BDD framework write the code that will parse these sentences and stimulate the application to get into the start state (given), execute some commands (when) and assert the transitioned state (then). Application code may start from mere mocks. Replace gradually those mocks with gradually built code and grow your application with higher confidence and quality levels.
User story is a feature. Something that can be expressed in format:
As role
I would like to do something
So that goal
As user
I would like to be able to compare products
So that I can select a product satisfying my needs in a best way
As guest
I would like to checkout my shopping cart
So that I can complete the purchase
Each feature have to be confirmed by a series of Given-When-Then scenarios of course.
You're basically asking what is a feature. Think about it, you have a story, a story describes a feature you (or other people involved) want for your app. Usually it has the form of: As a user I want to view list of products. You may add notes to this story, in order to make it more clear. But then comes the specific behaviour (that eventually you will test against) - there are infinite number of behaviours that conform to this story (think about view of products and the many ways to present them). Your focus, in BDD, is on finding the behaviour that suite your app needs (I use app and not user, because sometimes you should decide for the user) - by talking to as many people as you can, by trying stuff out and iterating it over.
It's like going from top to bottom - always trying to focus on behaviour - being more specific as you go. If you think about it, given a behaviour (meaning a set of tests) there is an infinite number of implementations. That's why the focus of BDD is to truly understand the behaviour by experimenting and talking - there is always a degree of freedom.
More important would be to figure out what the user wants to do with the list of products?
the feature would be providing something valuable to the user.
so in your case it would be
Choose a product to view from a list of products
Choose x products to compare from a list of products
I would classify a feature as a minimum useful set of stories that deliver some coherent (business) value.
for BDD framework see
To determine, if a requirement is an explicit feature / user story, you could use the guidelines of task based design / documentation (e.g. Such concepts acknowledge that a user of a system wants to achieve a specific result. Usually, to know something (such as: which products are available) is only a step in the process of purchasing / selling / building / etc.
A good starting point in BDD is to write the topics you would use as chapters in your user manual. These topics are usually the features you are going to provide in your software solution.
A nice framework that supports such an approach of specification-by-example is Concordion ( Please have a look at the description of “acceptance tests in plain English” (

Difference between BPM and App. workflow?

I know there is a lot of talk about BPM these days and I am conscious that some may see it to be a craze rather than a fundamentally important piece of software.
As someone from what most would call 'The Business', I have been doing my best to learn about BPM to ensure we continue to make decisions that not only make sense to the business, but IT as well.
I have noticed while reading that mention is made to application workflow when sometimes discussing BPM. I hadn't given this much thought until recently.
Therefore, what is the difference? When would you use one and not the other?
BPM is about the process and improving it, which takes into account users and potentially more than one application,e.g. an ERP system may have more than one application to it, though there may be other uses of the term. Note that the process could be viewed without what applications or technologies are used.
Application workflow is how an application is used to go from a to b. Here it is a specific set of code that is used and what happens over the course of an application getting from a to b. In this case, the application is front and center rather than the process.
Does that provide an answer? Another way to think of it is that multiple application workflows can make up a system which is used in a process that can have BPM applied to it.
Late to the game, but workflow is to database as BPMS is to DBMS. (Convenient how the letters line up, huh?)
IOW, BPM(S) is traditionally meant to refer to a particular framework/application that allows you to manage business processes: defining them, storing them, versioning them, measuring them, etc. This is similar to how a DBMS manages databases.
Now, a workflow is a definition, much like a database is a definition. In the former case, it is a definition of operations/work (Fufill Order), steps thereof (Send Invoice) and rules/constraints on the work (If no stock, send notice). In the latter, similar case, it is a definition of data structure (CREATE TABLE) and constraints (InvoiceTotal must be > $0.00).
I think this is a potentially confusing subject, particular as some development environments use a type of process flow model to generate user facing applications (I'm thinking about Outsystems here, for example).
But, for me, the distinction is crystal clear. Application workflow, as people talk about it, refers to a user's path through an application, i.e. the pages they complete/visit, the data they enter, etc. on their way to completing a transaction of some sort. Application orkflow is a poor term for this though, I think application flow would be more meaningful.
BPM on other hand, is about modelling and executing a workflow process. By workflow, in this context, I mean a series of discrete steps (or tasks) that have to be completed (either programmatically or via human interaction) in a certain order to complete a process. These tasks can be implemented as individual application modules (each with their own "application workflow", see above). The job of the workflow engine is to make sure that these separate steps are assigned to the right people (of groups of people) in the right sequence, and that overall the process completes in an orderly way.
I don't think there's a clear answer to this at all. These are words, as opposed to theoretical concepts. If you add the word "checklist" into the mix - that just turns out to be a linear version of a process (but you can have conditionals in checklists - making them a workflow).
I am not sure how to help in reframing this question, but it's almost as if no answer can ever be possible. My own thoughts are at

Best practices for customer involvement in Agile development? [closed]

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We need to involve our customer development partners in our development process. We're more or less following Agile methodologies. Some customer partners are remote, others closer. We need to minimize travel costs.
Our customers are in health care and tend to be busy, expensive, and hard to schedule.
What practices and technologies have worked to support customer involvement? We're using phone calls, phone conferences and email. We're curious about leveraging wiki techniques and would love to hear what's worked for others.
it doesn't matter whether the customer is in the same cubicle or halfway around the planet, except for communication delays - the critical factor is availability.
a customer that is too busy to answer your emails for several days is going to cause your iteration to be late, or fail
the customer has two critical commitments for agile:
available to answer questions in a timely manner
not to change their mind/priorities during an iteration
the customer must commit to a reasonable service-level agreement (SLA) on availability, e.g. 1-hour response time, or 24-hour response time, etc., and you will need to adjust all estimates and schedules by the lag factor. If the customer will not commit or does not follow through, cancel the iteration and re-plan, bringing the customer's commitment to the forefront again. Do not just "guess" at what you think the customer might want.
Bottom line: without a customer commitment, agile will not work.
My experience with Agile methods is mostly for desktop applications. When our customers are remote, we've spent time to get an engineer to the customer site to configure/install a demo rig. The engineer works with the customer on a test and demo setup/plan that will provide an environment that the customer believes replicates the important aspects of the deployment environment but isolates the demo system from existing infrastructure (so that we can push updates whenever we need to). The engineer also sets up deployment systems to move our applications into production, so that we can "deploy" without being on site. Our applications can self-update (either for each release or each build) and we carefully instrument the releases to log all errors and submit all crashes as bugs to our bug tracker. This way we at least know what went wrong, even if we don't know what's going right.
For each release/build that shows up on the customer's test rig, we provide a (short) screencast, narrated by the project lead or primary developer, demo-ing any new features. The release notes contain any long-term issues or questions we want the customer to think about (i.e. issues that can't be resolved immediately by a phone call or email), and the application displays these notes for the user.
Finally, and possibly most importantly, we get the customer and/or the customer's liaison an account on our calendar server and configure their calendar app to make use of that account. This then goes both ways--we can schedule time (on site, phone, email, etc.) with the customer and they can do the same with our developers.
One option: Install a customer proxy at the "customer partner" site who can extract the information that you need when those customers are available. Have these proxies build the solid relationships that allow them to represent the customer view. Their time is all yours. And when questions arise that they cannot answer, they have ready access to your customer partners - even if in the coffee line.
The whole point of the customer in agile is to have open and free discourse with the developers (IE immediate feedback). If your actual customers cannot provide this, then you need an intermediary/proxy that can fill this role. You don't need actual customers, you just need someone that can represent the customers' interests well enough to meet your customers' needs.
Just a few ideas:
If you do choose to use a Wiki, make sure it supports a whole-wiki-wide "recent changes" list, and preferably one that is specific to the users. The less distant from development people are, the more likely to have email as a metaphor for their computer use. If they can't immediately tell when there's something new for them to see, they will never explore it. You also preferably need ways to signal to them that you need their attention to matters, or they will treat changes like CCs.
I'm a big believer in creating video screen captures of interactions (narrated) and distributing them to users. Unlike a real demo, customers don't feel like they need to interrupt, and they can rewind and re-watch the same interaction over and over, paying attention to little details.
Finally, if you do distribute prototypes, make sure to send someone (or at least a screen sharing session) to see how the prototypes are used. Contextual design is effective. You can count on people using your prototype differently from the way you expect, and you have to understand how they use it to really understand where the issues are, even if they don't report them.
Have you considered something like LogMeIn.
This would allow customers to either log-in to a PC on your network already running your application, or alternatively allow you to install/update the application on one of their computers.
This would solve the remote customer issue and would also support the ongoing continual customer feedback requirement in the agile process.
I used it a previous company for technical support, but there is no reason (except maybe cost) that it would not work for your situation.
It is also a great way to actually see how users are using your application and therefore find out what works and what doesn't.
First of all, make sure that you have a product manager or a product owner close the the developers. This person will be managing the relationship with the customer.
Then, the product manager can demonstrate the product to the customer at the end of each iteration and also ask customers question when the developer need feedback to implement a user story.
It is amazing the positive feedback you can get from customers when you involve them.
We did not use a wiki and most of the communication is done via E-Mail, phone, and a screen sharing application (we are using GoToMeeting, but there are tons of alternative out there).
You should probably do a kick-off once with everyone at one place. Face-to-face time is invaluable. That includes all developers. Prepare some metaplan questions, but also have enough time to just mingle.
I think by most definitions of Agile processes that have high dependence on customer involvement you've already missed "best practice", which would be for an on-site, and preferably "in-team" customer present at all times. So I suppose we're looking for a "next-best practice". :)
There's the possibility of introducing a "proxy customer" on-site. I have to admit to being very sceptical about the value of a proxy customer. I'm concerned about the risk of introducing some sort of second-rate and otherwise unnecessary business analyst function to the mix, with the increased signal-to-noise ratio and potential for garbled messages. It also carries the risk of allowing busy real customers to reduce their involvement in the process, which is likely to lead to dissatisfaction. I wonder if there might be someone with good domain knowledge who has recently retired and might be available to act in this capacity as a consultant?
Communication bandwidth with remote customers is astonishingly lower than face-to-face, something I had not fully realised until I started dealing with users in another country. Even with video the loss is significant.
How long are your iterations? How hard is planning iterations? Might it be easier to go for longer iterations and get more planning done less frequently, or reduce iteration length and go to smaller, but more frequent planning sessions? Are more than one customer involv
Do you have a useable and available build at the end of each iteration? Is there time for involved users to have hands-on time before the next planning session? Keeping users engaged by shipping frequently would seem on the surface to be a Good Idea, which perhaps legislates for small frequent iterations (a week? two weeks?)
The wiki idea might work: have you looked at the FIT Framework? It's a sort of integrated acceptance test/wiki, which might help in getting acceptance tests from remote customers. I think I'd also look to provide some sort of (separate or integrated) "project dashboard", possibly pushed regularly to key customers as well as available on demand. use it as a substitute for things like post-its on whiteboards, Big Visible Charts and the like. There are a number of open-source or low-cost options that may serve - writing your own simple alternative need not be too time-consuming or costly, either.
Above all, remember that "Agile" is a kind-of catch-all label for developments that are carried out with an emphasis on the values and principles espoused in the Agile manifesto. What is considered "best" in one situation may not be so in another. If you understand the principles and regularly review your methods with a critical eye then you're probably going to be close enough to the best practice application to your situation.
I haven't looked at it for some time but with Beck and Fowler on the author list, there should be something useful in Planning Extreme Programming.
In my previous position I aggregated data/feedback/iteration requests from 20,000 clinicians across the country. The best way to do this is to to evangelize a site like I held "daily live web demonstrations" with sometimes 50 to 100 doctors (doctors signed up right from our website). In these demos I would demonstrate our current product and evangelize user voice to drive their feedback into a useful tool for our development team. All of this was done remotely and led to a 1,400% overall increase in recurring revenue growth.

How do I represent features v. tasks in FogBugz 6?

In FogBugz 6, how do I represent the concepts of a "feature" versus a "task"? As defined by Joel Spolsky, the owner of Fog Creek Software (which makes FogBugz), a feature is essentially a user-visible capability. To estimate the time to implement a feature, the developer should break the implementation into short tasks (2 days max) to ensure they think about each step.
FogBugz has only cases. I can't tell whether they're supposed to correspond to features or tasks. Some FogBugz documentation indicates that each case is a task, which is fine except there is no way to group all the tasks for a given feature together. This is especially odd given that, before FogBugz 6, Joel advocated using a spreadsheet with that grouped all the tasks for each feature. But his own software doesn't appear to meaningfully support that grouping.
I realize that the Joel article I reference includes a disclaimer pointing to a later article. However, the later article does not settle this issue, in fact it doesn't discuss features versus tasks at all, which is surprising given how well Joel advocates for those concepts in the first article.
For FogBugz 6.0 and earlier:
Make a case for each work item (task). FogBugz calls them "Features," only to distinguish them from bugs, but you do want one case for each task.
The best way to group a bunch of tasks is to make a Release (Fix-For) and assign all of the tasks to that release.
Responding to AviD's comment/question to Joel:
So, if you have 10 new features coming
in the next version, with each feature
needing 5 tasks to implement, you
recommend creating 10 releases? And
how do I define that these are the
features/"releases" that are to be
included in the upcoming release?
Here is how we dealt with this specific problem in our development process:
First, we made a regular release schedule: monthly internal releases and quarterly external releases. This schedule never changes but task assignment / feature completion does. This is hugely important in terms of simplifying our inter-human communication: don't try to argue with the calendar.
Major features ("10 new features" in your example) are turned into cases (e.g., case 101 to case 110).
Each task that is a sub-component of a major feature also gets created as a sub-case with a description of what makes this chunk of work an important part of the larger picture. Previously, in Fogbugz 6, we used the "See also" feature by allowing it to search the text for us ("This is a sub-component of case 101" for example). This was effectively the same thing but less aesthetic.
Now that we've broken down the work to its finest level of usefulness, we bring the actual developers into the discussion. Each task and major feature is individually assigned to a particular developer.
The developer determines when they can get their assigned work done by picking the appropriate internal release date that they think they can commit to.
At this point, we have a rough sketch of what will get done for each release. Further refinements continue as the working people actually estimate the hours that they'll need to do the work, enabling evidence-based scheduling, etc.
For AviD's question, though, he would have the release-assignment problem solved by step 5 above.
However, I think point 6 is the most interesting as that's where you really get a solid schedule. For example, if developers are having trouble estimating a larger task, they break it down into sub-cases even further. Notice how my assessment of "finest level of usefulness" can differ (perhaps greatly) from the person who really needs to get the work done.
This is also a time when a developer can reach out to someone else and say "I can do most of this but it would really help if person X could help me with this little piece Y." This is actually where I get most of my development tasking: I personally sit in multiple places during this process, from large-scale planning meetings to little fiddly tasks that no-one else has time to do.
PS: Making it a personal goal to get this answer rated higher than Joel's.... ;-)
PPS: My original response is now overcome by events since Fogbugz 7 has lovely sub-tasks. Program managers love those reports.
You may have better luck asking your questions in the FogBugz Discussion Forum
We use a combination of projects in order to accomplish your grouping goals. We also commonly setup a project "parking" Wiki where links to development cases, technical documentation, systems requirements, user documentation, external links to resources etc. can all be placed. It provides a good "one-stop-shop" for everything related to that project.
As part of that Wiki, we would then setup two specific projects. One in relation to the large overall goals/outlines similar to what might correspond to your Project Management charts/whatnot. One in relation to the development tasks of each feature as they are broken down into the smaller and more manageable chunks. You can then, as was mentioned use case linking to both reference the "master" cases in the other project as well as reference the project Wiki itself so that you can quickly and easily get back to all of your project related information which is conveniently in one spot.
You can accomplish a pile of different organizational structures using FogBugz, you just have to approach things a little differently sometimes in order to hit each and every situation.
Hope that helps.
haha, that article has a disclaimer, but I understand what you are saying.
We use Fogbugz and the only 'Feature' that I am aware of is under category and I don't think you can associated it with sub-tasks.
You can type in 'Case N' is the feature for this task if you just wanted to reference it in the case text.
That kind of stuff sound like is lies more in the project management domain instead of software used to track bugs.
thats a good question, i have asked that myself, too..
we currently test-drive fogbugz for 45 days in a group of 5 developers, and we currently create a "release" for major features. in fact we do not release it, but multiple releases together when something is ready.
there should definately be some sort of advanced task grouping in fogbugz.
