How to call method of an app from another app in ios? [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to call a method of an application A from my another application B's code in ios and also want to pass arguments.
Is it possible with socket programming if yes than please give some idea about how to do that.

The only interprocess communication allowed by Apple on the AppStore is using URL handlers.
For more information, read here.

Using x-callback-url’s source apps can launch other apps passing data
and context information, and also provide parameters instructing the
target app to return data and control back to the source app after
executing an action.
Please refer this link for tutorials and sample code.


World Clock app for ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to replicate the default clock app in my app. Is there any way i can use the default app in my application or i should create a new one inside my app.I would be needing the world clock function in my app , What is the best method to implement it? Thanks in advance.
No, you cannot re-use the current 'World Clock' app within your own. You are going to have to replicate this functionality yourself.
CocoaControls does have a number of open source 'clock' controls that you might find useful.

Post Text on LinkedIn with Authentication in IOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I search a lot for post text via Linked In API, but not able to find any good solution.
How can I authenticate user & post my Text on his page?
Any answer will be greatly appreciated!!
Help me to Solve this
Thank you,
The answer to this kind of question is always the same: the official documentation is your best friend. Also there are some ready to use third-party open source library for implementing linkedin authentication. One example is this.

Send array from osx to iOS on demand Objective C [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I send an array through the internet from an OSX computer to an IOS device, Sorry I don't know to much about Objective C I am planning on creation an application and I haven't yet started creating it.
What you basically want to do is use your OS X as a server. and then download information from there. If you are new to Objective-C I would recommend you read some tutorials before you get started.
Here you can find some general iOS tutorials:
Here you can find one on NSURLSession (connecting to servers):
Do some research before starting, or else it will probably result in a bad architected code. There also are several Stack Overflow questions with good references.

using iMessage as a server? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to use iMessage as a webservice? and have it communicate with an app?
Most online info talks about sms and how an app can send an sms message, but not use it or consume it.
you wont be able to get any documented API to send and receive data via iMessage in your application.

Trying to create a search and display app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to create an app in which i have information set up with-in the app and when the user searches for the information it displays it on the screen. So for example say you search for "Hamburger" in the app; the app looks into it's information and displays it.
Can anyone explain to me how to go about doing this or at least point me to a source that can.
The built in framework for doing this would be UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController. There are many tutorials our there to get you started for using these controllers (here, here and here).
Of course there are many custom ways to accomplish the same tasks, but this would be a good place to start if you are just getting started.
