using iMessage as a server? [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to use iMessage as a webservice? and have it communicate with an app?
Most online info talks about sms and how an app can send an sms message, but not use it or consume it.

you wont be able to get any documented API to send and receive data via iMessage in your application.


World Clock app for ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to replicate the default clock app in my app. Is there any way i can use the default app in my application or i should create a new one inside my app.I would be needing the world clock function in my app , What is the best method to implement it? Thanks in advance.
No, you cannot re-use the current 'World Clock' app within your own. You are going to have to replicate this functionality yourself.
CocoaControls does have a number of open source 'clock' controls that you might find useful.

How to call method of an app from another app in ios? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to call a method of an application A from my another application B's code in ios and also want to pass arguments.
Is it possible with socket programming if yes than please give some idea about how to do that.
The only interprocess communication allowed by Apple on the AppStore is using URL handlers.
For more information, read here.
Using x-callback-url’s source apps can launch other apps passing data
and context information, and also provide parameters instructing the
target app to return data and control back to the source app after
executing an action.
Please refer this link for tutorials and sample code.

Are Top Fans available in the YouTube API? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is information about Top Fans somehow available via YouTube API? I can't find anything in the docs.
They are not available as of now. But you can create a feature request

How to get Facebook news feed (fan page) for iOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Just read Fb documentarians and didn't found much on how to get news feed post to display on my iOS app (news feed from public fb Fan page).
Wondering if it's possible to retrieve data from Facebook? or it's better to parse data of it..
Has anyone done this in iOS? Thanks in advance~
Yes, you can use the facebook API to get the feeds from a public page-

How to create HTTP Adapter in IBM Worklight? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to create an adapter in Worklight Project. I have a WSDL in my hand ,how to add this WSDL in my project to consume data.
Thanks in advance....
Before posting read worklight documentation here , here and here
If you are problems, post your code! This place is for technical questions.
You really must read through the IBM Worklight Information Center.
