Recurring problems in Dart polymer project - dart

I am having a problem that seems to be due to caching of dart packages etc.
My work machine runs some dart polymer examples without any problem. I use the same project on my home machine it it consistently gives the exception below:
Exception: Class '_textfieldElementExtension' has no instance method 'createInstance'.
NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'createInstance'
Receiver: Instance of '_textfieldElementExtension#0x1d7f4e'
Arguments: [Instance of 'MyExample', Instance of 'PolymerExpressions']
PolymerElement.instanceTemplate (package:polymer/src/instance.dart:383:30)
PolymerElement.shadowFromTemplate (package:polymer/src/instance.dart:233:31)
PolymerElement.parseDeclaration (package:polymer/src/instance.dart:202:34)
PolymerElement.parseDeclarations (package:polymer/src/instance.dart:194:23)
PolymerElement.prepareElement (package:polymer/src/instance.dart:170:22)
PolymerElement.created (package:polymer/src/instance.dart:152:21)
_initCustomElement (package:custom_element/custom_element.dart:622:18)
registerCustomElement (package:custom_element/custom_element.dart:62:25)
I know that DartEditor places file .dartium and DartEditor in the users directory. Apart from these directory and the installation directory of the editor itself, where else are DartEditor files placed?

There is a directory where the downloaded packages are stored. (~/.pub-cache for linux, don't know Windows).


Rejecting re-init on previously failed class error when loading a Class with dalvikvm

I am trying to use Terminal IDE on Lollipop 5.1.1. Using a Samsung E7 device, a mod version of Terminal IDE is provided by someone on XDA
I tried to use javac script in that mod but it gave an unsatisfied link error, saying that:
$ javac
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.verifyCertificate(
at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.readCertificates(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.getInputStream(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.handleGetBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.handleGetBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.handleGetBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at com.spartacusrex.spartacuside.external.javac.main(
It is strange that there is a UnsatisfiedLinkError , because it doesn't say that VM cannot find library or cannot find xyz method.
I tried using logcat command right after using Terminal IDE's javac script on Device, the odd thing I found from there is :
I/art ( 6558) : rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
I couldn't understand why this happened,
The javac script uses android's dalvikvm command to load
class. People have faced this rejecting re-init issue on sdk version 20+ but it's not clear to me why this info message uccurs and how to solve it.
I copied /system/lib/ to Terminal IDE's ~/system/lib folder and now javac and dx tools are working.
It seems like Google messed up with things in /system/lib which resulted in errors.
Answering so someone else might find it useful.

Code from dart2js is throwing NoSuchMethodErrors for get$functions

My Polymer.dart web app, that works fine in Dartium, is giving the following error (it repeats seven times) when compiled with dart2js using pub build --mode=debug and loaded in Chrome.
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: "".
warning: file:///home/dan/projects/confabulous/webatara/web/index.html.0.dart library not found index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:17188
Uncaught Error: NoSuchMethodError: Cannot call "get$functions" on "#<JsLibraryMirror>" (Object #<JsLibraryMirror> has no method 'get$functions') index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:17188
Stack Trace:
TypeError: Object #<JsLibraryMirror> has no method 'get$functions'
at dart._loadLibrary (
at dart._loadLibraries (
at dart._initPolymerOptimized (
at dart.initPolymer (
at main (
at _IsolateContext.eval$1 (
at dart.startRootIsolate (
at init.currentScript (
Uncaught NoSuchMethodError: Cannot call "get$functions" on "#<JsLibraryMirror>" (Object #<JsLibraryMirror> has no method 'get$functions') index.html_bootstrap.dart.js:2369
Because source maps don't appear to work (they're turned on in Chrome, and I have .map files), I don't even know which part of my code is causing this.
I've tried with interop.js included both before dart.js, as the docs say, and after, as this issue says.
Looks like a bug in dart2js. Please file an issue, ideally with a reproducible test-case.
pub upgrade fixed it. It turns out that something had replaced the polymer 0.9.5 that I'd been using with 0.8.10+4. Quite odd. The solution to this is to set the polymer version as '>= 0.9.5' instead of 'any', which I will do eventually, but for now I'm interested to see if it happens again.

ServiceStack F# sample fails starting

I'm trying to run this Self Hosting example, using latest ServiceStack release (4.0.3) and latest Mono/F# (3.2.5).
It fails with an exception on appHost.Init():
{ System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Virtual file not found File name: '<>.FSharpSignatureData.'
at ServiceStack.VirtualPath.ResourceVirtualDirectory.CreateVirtualFile (System.String resourceName) [0x00033] in <>/ServiceStack/VirtualPath/ResourceVirtualDirectory.cs:99 } System.IO.FileNotFoundException
The same does not happen with the C# sample.
Apparently, it looks for some files added as resources in F# assemblies but not mapped to a physical file.
F# does some 'meta data caching' that puts resources (FSharpSignatureData, FSharpOptimizationData) into the assembly. This causes issues when ServiceStack sets up its virtual file system since it wants to map these resources to actual files (I think).
You can get past this by adding the flag --nointerfacedata to the build/compile steps. (in VS Properties > Build > 'Other flags')
I've been meaning to post this to the GitHub issues page.

Compiling jabber-net in Xamarin Studio

I am trying to compile jabber-net in Xamarin Studio so I can use it in a Xamarin.iOS app.
From other searches I have done I am told I need to recompile the source.
From command line I can build the dll, but I have no idea what version of .NET/Mono this is targeting.
This makes a jabber-net.dll and a jabber-net.dll.mdb.
If I add jabber-net.dll to my project, add the reqiured
using jabber.client;
JabberClient client = new JabberClient ();
and try to compile I am told.
/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/XMPPChat/AppDelegate.cs(37,47): error CS0584: Internal compiler error: Could not import type jabber.client.JabberClient' fromjabber-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=924c5b18328d6f09'
/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/XMPPChat/AppDelegate.cs(37,38): error CS0584: Internal compiler error: Could not import type jabber.client.JabberClient' fromjabber-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=924c5b18328d6f09'
/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/XMPPChat/AppDelegate.cs(37,38): error CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
I got no idea what is going on here...
When I try to open any of the .sln's (or include any of the existing projects, even the mono specific project) that came with jabber-net into my solution it will either hang trying to convert the project, or will tell me
The file '/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/JabberNet-' could not be loaded.
and will spit out this error.
Any idea where to go from here? :|
Start a new solution from scratch, and add all of the .cs files except those in the test and examples directories. Also make sure you don't have an old version of the .dll around somewhere.

Getting Migrate.exe to work

I have been struggling on executing EF Migrate.exe to work.
My Solution has couple of projects. The migrations and the entities live in the project Data. The controllers and views live in Web.
I tried using the migrate.exe - however I am struggling getting the first argument (assembly) to be accepted. Documentations says:
Assembly: Specifies the name of the assembly that contains the
migrations configuration type.
I have tried:
migrate.exe "MySolution\DataProject\bin\Debug\Data.dll"
ERROR: Could not load file or assembly 'D:\\MySolution\\Data\\bin\\Debug\\Data' or one of its dep
endencies. The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRES
ULT: 0x80131047)
Any idea what is going wrong?
After reading this, this, and this
I have (I think) what you need :
If you use migrate.exe against a .NET 4 assembly you NEED to rename the Redirect.config available in packages\EntityFramework.5.0.0\tools to migrate.exe.config and copy this to the SAME directory as migrate.exe. For running migrate.exe against a .NET 4.5 assembly you DO NOT NEED this copy, the migrate.exe.config must not exist.
The correct version of entity framework DLL must be in the SAME directory as migrate.exe. Correct version is packages\EntityFramework.5.0.0\lib\net40\ for running migrate.exe against a .NET 4 assembly. Correct version is packages\EntityFramework.5.0.0\lib\net45\ for running migrate.exe against a .NET 4.5 assembly
If you specify /StartUpDirectory= do not specify the path for /assembly example : C:\Tools\migrate.exe some.dll /StartUpDirectory=C:\Project\bin\.
If you don't specify a startup directory, then you need to specify the full path in the /assembly example : C:\Tools\migrate.exe C:\Project\bin\some.dll - In this scenario migrate.exe will not be able to load the some.dll's dependencies, unless you put all some.dll's dependencies and put it in the SAME directory as migrate.exe.
If you put the migrate.exe in the same path as your some.dll, then migrate.exe will be able to use the same EntityFramework.dll which your app uses, and can load all dependencies, and can load the some.dll without any path like C:\Tools\migrate.exe some.dll
If you put the migrate.exe in a separate tools folder like Im doing it needs the correct version of the EntityFramework.dll in the SAME directory as migrate.exe, it will need the /StartUpDirectory=<the path where you target dll is present> clause, and you should specify the name of the assembly without the path like : C:\Tools\migrate.exe some.dll /StartUpDirectory=C:\Project\bin\
Heres the powershell commmand I use :
$SolutionPath = (Resolve-Path '..').Path
$ToolsPath = "$SolutionPath\Build\Lib\"
task db {
$migrator = $ToolsPath + 'Migrations\migrate.exe'
$migrateCommand = "$migrator zasz_me.dll /StartUpDirectory=$SolutionPath\\bin\ /connectionStringName:FullContext /startUpConfigurationFile:$SolutionPath\\Web.config /verbose"
Write-Host $migrateCommand
Invoke-Expression $migrateCommand
I answered a similar question here on how to override connectionstring through parameters to migrate.exe. I have yet to get it working without specifying a web/app.config file.
