I have an image of an arrow that behaves like a compass to a specific location. Sometimes it works, and other times it's mirrored. So if I was facing east and the location is directly east of me, it should point up, but sometimes it points down.
#define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(radians) ((radians) * (180.0 / M_PI))
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading *)heading
// update direction of arrow
CGFloat degrees = [self p_calculateAngleBetween:_myLocation
CGFloat rads = (degrees - heading.trueHeading) * M_PI / 180;
CGAffineTransform tr = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
tr = CGAffineTransformConcat(tr, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rads) );
[_directionArrowView setTransform:tr];
-(CGFloat) p_calculateAngleBetween:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coords0 and:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coords1 {
double x = 0, y = 0 , deg = 0, deltaLon = 0;
deltaLon = coords1.longitude - coords0.longitude;
y = sin(deltaLon) * cos(coords1.latitude);
x = cos(coords0.latitude) * sin(coords1.latitude) - sin(coords0.latitude) * cos(coords1.latitude) * cos(deltaLon);
deg = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(atan2(y, x));
if(deg < 0)
deg = -deg;
deg = 360 - deg;
return deg;
Is this the correct way to calculate my angle with another location? Or am I missing a step? Being the arrow points directly in the opposite direction sometimes, my assumption is it's an issue with my math.
To calculate radians from x & y:
double r = atan(y/x);
if (x<0)
r = M_PI + r;
else if (x>0 && y<0)
r = 2 * M_PI + r;
There is not issue of dividing by 0 when X is zero because the atan function handles this correctly:
If the argument is positive infinity (negative infinity), +pi/2 (-pi/2) is returned.
I need to find nearest point from given CLLocationCoordinate2D on array of GMSPolyline. I can convert this to GMSPath if that's better. Is there any ready method (or any repository) for such calculations? I have some problems with implementation. I wonder how to create an algorithm:
1. for all polylines
1.1. find smallest distance between polyline and touch point, save CLLocationCoordinate2D
2. for all distances from point 1.1.
2.1. find the shortest one, it's CLLocationCoordinate2D is our point
Now the question is how to achieve point 1.1..?
Basing on SOF shortest distance question, I wrote such code:
- (void)findNearestLineSegmentToCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate {
GMSPolyline *bestPolyline;
double bestDistance = DBL_MAX;
CGPoint originPoint = CGPointMake(coordinate.longitude, coordinate.latitude);
for (GMSPolyline *polyline in self.polylines) {
polyline.strokeColor = [UIColor redColor]; // TMP
if (polyline.path.count < 2) { // we need at least 2 points: start and end
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < polyline.path.count - 1; index++) {
CLLocationCoordinate2D startCoordinate = [polyline.path coordinateAtIndex:index];
CGPoint startPoint = CGPointMake(startCoordinate.longitude, startCoordinate.latitude);
CLLocationCoordinate2D endCoordinate = [polyline.path coordinateAtIndex:(index + 1)];
CGPoint endPoint = CGPointMake(endCoordinate.longitude, endCoordinate.latitude);
double distance = [self distanceToPoint:originPoint fromLineSegmentBetween:startPoint and:endPoint];
if (distance < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = distance;
bestPolyline = polyline;
bestPolyline.map = nil;
bestPolyline.strokeColor = [UIColor greenColor]; // TMP
bestPolyline.map = self.aView.mapView;
Still, the problem is with exact point. Any algorithm? I'll post answer here when found.
Ok, I've managed to write it. Method nearestPointToPoint:onLineSegmentPointA:pointB:distance: allows you both to find closest coordinate and distance between selected point and segment line (so line with start and end).
- (CLLocationCoordinate2D)nearestPolylineLocationToCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate {
GMSPolyline *bestPolyline;
double bestDistance = DBL_MAX;
CGPoint bestPoint;
CGPoint originPoint = CGPointMake(coordinate.longitude, coordinate.latitude);
for (GMSPolyline *polyline in self.polylines) {
if (polyline.path.count < 2) { // we need at least 2 points: start and end
return kCLLocationCoordinate2DInvalid;
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < polyline.path.count - 1; index++) {
CLLocationCoordinate2D startCoordinate = [polyline.path coordinateAtIndex:index];
CGPoint startPoint = CGPointMake(startCoordinate.longitude, startCoordinate.latitude);
CLLocationCoordinate2D endCoordinate = [polyline.path coordinateAtIndex:(index + 1)];
CGPoint endPoint = CGPointMake(endCoordinate.longitude, endCoordinate.latitude);
double distance;
CGPoint point = [self nearestPointToPoint:originPoint onLineSegmentPointA:startPoint pointB:endPoint distance:&distance];
if (distance < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = distance;
bestPolyline = polyline;
bestPoint = point;
return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(bestPoint.y, bestPoint.x);
Method nearestPolylineLocationToCoordinate: will browse through all polylines (you just need to supply polylines array == self.polylines) and find the best one.
// taken and modified from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849211/shortest-distance-between-a-point-and-a-line-segment
- (CGPoint)nearestPointToPoint:(CGPoint)origin onLineSegmentPointA:(CGPoint)pointA pointB:(CGPoint)pointB distance:(double *)distance {
CGPoint dAP = CGPointMake(origin.x - pointA.x, origin.y - pointA.y);
CGPoint dAB = CGPointMake(pointB.x - pointA.x, pointB.y - pointA.y);
CGFloat dot = dAP.x * dAB.x + dAP.y * dAB.y;
CGFloat squareLength = dAB.x * dAB.x + dAB.y * dAB.y;
CGFloat param = dot / squareLength;
CGPoint nearestPoint;
if (param < 0 || (pointA.x == pointB.x && pointA.y == pointB.y)) {
nearestPoint.x = pointA.x;
nearestPoint.y = pointA.y;
} else if (param > 1) {
nearestPoint.x = pointB.x;
nearestPoint.y = pointB.y;
} else {
nearestPoint.x = pointA.x + param * dAB.x;
nearestPoint.y = pointA.y + param * dAB.y;
CGFloat dx = origin.x - nearestPoint.x;
CGFloat dy = origin.y - nearestPoint.y;
*distance = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return nearestPoint;
You can use it eg in:
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didEndDraggingMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
marker.position = [self nearestPolylineLocationToCoordinate:marker.position];
#Vive's nearestPointToPoint() to Swift 5
func nearestPointToPoint(_ origin: CGPoint, _ pointA: CGPoint, _ pointB: CGPoint) -> (CGPoint, Double) {
let dAP = CGPoint(x: origin.x - pointA.x, y: origin.y - pointA.y)
let dAB = CGPoint(x: pointB.x - pointA.x, y: pointB.y - pointA.y)
let dot = dAP.x * dAB.x + dAP.y * dAB.y
let squareLength = dAB.x * dAB.x + dAB.y * dAB.y
let param = dot / squareLength
// abnormal value at near latitude 180
// var nearestPoint = CGPoint()
// if param < 0 || (pointA.x == pointB.x && pointA.y == pointB.y) {
// nearestPoint.x = pointA.x
// nearestPoint.y = pointA.y
// } else if param > 1 {
// nearestPoint.x = pointB.x
// nearestPoint.y = pointB.y
// } else {
// nearestPoint.x = pointA.x + param * dAB.x
// nearestPoint.y = pointA.y + param * dAB.y
// }
let nearestPoint = CGPoint(x: pointA.x + param * dAB.x,
y: pointA.y + param * dAB.y)
let dx = origin.x - nearestPoint.x
let dy = origin.y - nearestPoint.y
let distance = sqrtf(Float(dx * dx + dy * dy))
return (nearestPoint, Double(distance))
Result is
me: (53, -1), pointA: (52, -2), pointB(52, 0) => (52, -1)
me: (53, 0), pointA: (52, -1), pointB(52, 1) => (52, 0)
me: (53, 1), pointA: (52, 0), pointB(52, 2) => (52, 1)
me: (-1, -77), pointA: (0, -78), pointB(-2, -78) => (-1, -78)
me: (0, -77), pointA: (-1, -78), pointB(1, -78) => (0, -78)
me: (1, -77), pointA: (2, -78), pointB(0, -78) => (1, -78)
me: (1, 179), pointA: (0, 178), pointB(0, 180) => (0, 179)
me: (1, 180), pointA: (0, 179), pointB(0, -179) => (0, 180)
me: (1, -179), pointA: (0, 180), pointB(0, -178) => (0, -179)
But some error at latitude 180. I can't fix it.
me: (0, 180), pointA: (0, 179), pointB(1, 180) => (0.5, 179.5)
me: (0, -179), pointA: (0, 179), pointB(1, -179) => (0.99, -178.99) // abnormal
This means excluding the area(s) of any interiorPolygons.
Once one has the centroid of the outer points polygon, how does one (i.e., in the form of an Objective-C example) adjust the centroid by the subtractive interiorPolygons? Or is there a more elegant way to compute the centroid in one go?
If you help get the code working, it will be open sourced (WIP here).
Might be helpful:
Thinking about it today, it makes qualitative sense that adding each interior centroid weighted by area to the exterior centroid would arrive at something sensible. (A square with an interior polygon (hole) on the left side would displace the centroid right, directly proportional to the area of the hole.)
Not to scale:
- (MKMapPoint)calculateCentroid
switch (self.pointCount) {
case 0: return MKMapPointMake(0.0,
case 1: return MKMapPointMake(self.points[0].x,
case 2: return MKMapPointMake((self.points[0].x + self.points[1].x) / 2.0,
(self.points[0].y + self.points[1].y) / 2.0);
// onward implies pointCount >= 3
MKMapPoint centroid;
MKMapPoint *previousPoint = &(self.points[self.pointCount-1]); // for i=0, wrap around to the last point
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < self.pointCount; ++i) {
MKMapPoint *point = &(self.points[i]);
double delta = (previousPoint->x * point->y) - (point->x * previousPoint->y); // x[i-1]*y[i] + x[i]*y[i-1]
centroid.x += (previousPoint->x + point->x) * delta; // (x[i-1] + x[i]) / delta
centroid.y += (previousPoint->y + point->y) * delta; // (y[i-1] + y[i]) / delta
previousPoint = point;
centroid.x /= 6.0 * self.area;
centroid.y /= 6.0 * self.area;
// interiorPolygons are holes (subtractive geometry model)
for (MKPolygon *interiorPoly in self.interiorPolygons) {
if (interiorPoly.area == 0.0) {
continue; // avoid div-by-zero
centroid.x += interiorPoly.centroid.x / interiorPoly.area;
centroid.y += interiorPoly.centroid.y / interiorPoly.area;
return centroid;
in Swift 5
private func centroidForCoordinates(_ coords: [CLLocationCoordinate2D]) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D? {
guard let firstCoordinate = coordinates.first else {
return nil
guard coords.count > 1 else {
return firstCoordinate
var minX = firstCoordinate.longitude
var maxX = firstCoordinate.longitude
var minY = firstCoordinate.latitude
var maxY = firstCoordinate.latitude
for i in 1..<coords.count {
let current = coords[i]
if minX > current.longitude {
minX = current.longitude
} else if maxX < current.longitude {
maxX = current.longitude
} else if minY > current.latitude {
minY = current.latitude
} else if maxY < current.latitude {
maxY = current.latitude
let centerX = minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2)
let centerY = minY + ((maxY - minY) / 2)
return CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: centerY, longitude: centerX)
I'm trying to convert isometric tile coordinates to screen coordinates.
I seem to have problem especially with the Y coordinates, looks like the X part works just fine. here is what I got so far.
// calculate screen coordinates from tile coordinates
- (CGPoint)positionForTileCoord:(CGPoint)pos {
float halfMapWidth = _tileMap.mapSize.width*0.5;
float mapHeight = _tileMap.mapSize.height;
float tileWidth = _tileMap.tileSize.width;
float tileHeight = _tileMap.tileSize.height;
int x = halfMapWidth*tileWidth + tileWidth*pos.x*0.5-tileWidth*pos.y*0.5;
int y = ............
return ccp(x, y);
my player is added as a child to the Tile map itself and the map is added to the layer at screenSize.x/2, scrrensize.y/2 with an anchor point of 0.5
I have done the same thing successfully with an orthogonal map but seem to struggle with the isometric one.
Thank you
really its look like this:
// calculate screen coordinates from tile coordinates
- (CGPoint)positionForTileCoord:(CGPoint)pos {
float halfMapWidth = _tileMap.mapSize.width*0.5;
float mapHeight = _tileMap.mapSize.height;
float tileWidth = _tileMap.tileSize.width;
float tileHeight = _tileMap.tileSize.height;
int x = halfMapWidth*tileWidth + tileWidth*pos.x*0.5-tileWidth*pos.y*0.5;
int y = (pos.y + (mapHeight * tileWidth/2) - (tileHeight/2)) - ((pos.y + pos.x) * tileHeight/2) + tileHeight;
return ccp(x, y);
// calculating the tile coordinates from screen location
-(CGPoint) tilePosFromLocation:(CGPoint)location
CGPoint pos = location;
float halfMapWidth = _tileMap.mapSize.width*0.5;
float mapHeight = _tileMap.mapSize.height;
float tileWidth = _tileMap.tileSize.width;
float tileHeight = _tileMap.tileSize.height;
CGPoint tilePosDiv = CGPointMake(pos.x/tileWidth, pos.y/tileHeight);
float invereseTileY = mapHeight - tilePosDiv.y;
// Cast int to make sure that result is in whole numbers
float posX = (int)(invereseTileY + tilePosDiv.x - halfMapWidth);
float posY = (int)(invereseTileY - tilePosDiv.x + halfMapWidth);
return CGPointMake(posX, posY);
int y = (pos.y + (mapHeight * tileWidth/2) - (tileHeight/2)) - ((pos.y + pos.x) * tileHeight/2) + tileHeight;
I want to create a visible object with a trajectory using standard actions (CCMoveBy and e.t.c) which is similar to:
x = sin(y)
My code:
CCMoveBy *moveAction1 = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1.5 position:ccp(300, 0)];
CCEaseInOut *easeInOutAction1 = [CCEaseInOut actionWithAction:moveAction1 rate:2];
CCMoveBy *moveAction2 = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1.5 position:ccp(-300, 0)];
CCEaseInOut *easeInOutAction2 = [CCEaseInOut actionWithAction:moveAction2 rate:2];
CCMoveBy *moveAction3 = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1.5 position:ccp(0, -32)];
CCSpawn *moveActionRight = [CCSpawn actionOne:easeInOutAction1 two:moveAction3];
CCSpawn *moveActionLeft = [CCSpawn actionOne:easeInOutAction2 two:moveAction3];
CCSequence *sequenceOfActions = [CCSequence actionOne:moveActionRight two:moveActionLeft];
CCRepeatForever *finalMoveAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:sequenceOfActions];
[enemy runAction:finalMoveAction];
This code shows move down only. The problem is that object has a different x and y accelerations and I don't know how to combine them
- (void)tick:(ccTime)dt
CGPoint pos = self.position;
pos.y -= 50 * dt;
if (pos.y < activationDistance) {
pos.x = 240 + sin(angle) * 140;
angle += dt * 360 * 0.007;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle = ((int)angle) % 360;
self.position = pos;
It is my current solution. I can increase activationDistance to adjust the object trajectory. But I want to setup an initial value of the angle variable.
I use numbers instead of variables because they are used inside this function only.
To change the initial angle:
angle = point.x < 240 ? -asin((240 - point.x) / 140) : asin((point.x - 240) / 140);
the main problem was my tiled map has its own coordinates and cover 320x320 part of the screen only
I think it will be easier for you to just do it in your frame update method (the one I assume you schedule for updating your objects. So why not just do :
- (void)tick:(ccTime)dt {
CGPoint pos = myObject.position;
pos.x = <desired x> + sin(angle);
pos.y = pos.y - y_acceleration * dt;
angle += dt * 360 * x_acceleration;
if (angle >= 360)
angle = ((int)angle) % 360;
myObject.position = pos;
And you can apply the same for the y axis of the object